John Denver attendance @ Get Lucky at the Lake 2

Started by The Memory Maker, Jun 27, 2004, 11:10 PM

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The Memory Maker

There seems to have been some confusion over the per night rates. The actual per night charge for our rally will be $33.60 per night. A 20% group discount off the published rates for weekends in that time of year @ TVC.
I am sorry for this mix up. I am not pleased with TVC for originally giving me misinformation.
Late sign-ups please contact me.


Alas - we won't be able to attend after all :(
This turns out to be the openning weekend for Nathan's soccer season.
We'll miss you all.


Good news and bad news!
Lon gets to go back to Spain for a few weeks in September.
Bad news.  We won't make Tahoe AGAIN this year.  :frosty:

The Memory Maker

Otter & Towrod-you both will be missed.

Happy August 1st Get lucky 2 attendees. The following NNC members need to submit to me monies and/or info needed to complete the campground contract which I need to send in by 8/9/04.

RTurner + 2 more sites
Champ 521
Mustang + 1 more site

Here's the info needed from a previous post.
My preferred method of collecting the one night's deposit of $33.60 required will be via Paypal .If using Paypal (our user name is is not possible, please e-mail me directly for a mailing address to send in a check.
I ask that all NNC'ers who are requesting extra sites for friends/family be responsible for collecting/submitting monies/rig info etc. . . about these attendees. This is a great help to me.

Anybody who did not attend last year's Get Lucky rally will need to submit via e-mail to me the following info so I can complete the rally contract with TVC.

Your name
mailing address
contact phone #
What type of RV i.e. PU, Hybrid
Length of RV (when opened)
Slideout- Yes or No
dates of attendance i.e Thurs,Friday, Sat, Sun

Those returnee attendees from last year, I will transfer the info given to me previously to the new contract. Let me know if any changes need to be made.

OC Campers

Quote from: The Memory MakerOtter & Towrod-you both will be missed.
Happy August 1st Get lucky 2 attendees. The following NNC members need to submit to me monies and/or info needed to complete the campground contract which I need to send in by 8/9/04.
RTurner + 2 more sites
Champ 521
Mustang + 1 more site
Here's the info needed from a previous post.
My preferred method of collecting the one night's deposit of $33.60 required will be via Paypal .If using Paypal (our user name is ("")) is not possible, please e-mail me directly for a mailing address to send in a check.
I ask that all NNC'ers who are requesting extra sites for friends/family be responsible for collecting/submitting monies/rig info etc. . . about these attendees. This is a great help to me.
Anybody who did not attend last year's Get Lucky rally will need to submit via e-mail to me the following info so I can complete the rally contract with TVC.
Your name
mailing address
contact phone #
What type of RV i.e. PU, Hybrid
Length of RV (when opened)
Slideout- Yes or No
dates of attendance i.e Thurs,Friday, Sat, Sun
Those returnee attendees from last year, I will transfer the info given to me previously to the new contract. Let me know if any changes need to be made.
Sorry to say this but the OC Campers won't make it either.  We will be up there hopefully by August 31st but Randy has a manager meeting somewhere that weekend.   We are bummed because I have never been to Tahoe and was really looking forward to it.


Hey Scott-
You should have mail and $$$$$$$.  I sent the deposit for all three sites.
Looking forward to seeing you all there.



Do you have room for three more sites?
Michele and I decided to go along with my brother and parents..  I think my brother already sent you an email.


Sorry to say we'll have to cancel.  DS just started football season and has a game every w/e for a while.  Hope you all have a great time!


The Memory Maker

OC Campers and Mustang, thanks for letting me know, we'll try again next year.

RTurner-thanks for the deposit $$$
Nick-yes I did get Richard's $$$ with message about the rig upgrade.There's plenty of room at this rally. So consider yourself signed up. Just let me know about the deposit. The TVC contract hits the mail with monies Monday (8/9)



Quote from: The Memory MakerOC Campers and Mustang, thanks for letting me know, we'll try again next year.
RTurner-thanks for the deposit $$$
Nick-yes I did get Richard's $$$ with message about the rig upgrade.There's plenty of room at this rally. So consider yourself signed up. Just let me know about the deposit. The TVC contract hits the mail with monies Monday (8/9)
Ok, I'll paypal my deposit and let my dad know to do the same



Just paypaled you!


Quote from: The Memory MakerOtter & Towrod-you both will be missed.
Happy August 1st Get lucky 2 attendees. The following NNC members need to submit to me monies and/or info needed to complete the campground contract which I need to send in by 8/9/04.
Hopefully you received my email last week but just in case I thought I better post here.  We will not be able to make the rally :(   It looks like Steve will be back working in the bay area and the kids have an extra day off the following week so it's just not going to work out for us.  The kids are really bummed.  They wanted to come.

The Memory Maker

Quote from: pcmomScott,
  We will not be able to make the rally :(  

Yes, I did receive your e-mailed message. We will miss your family @ this rally.

On this post I would also like to invite any other NNCers or PUX members to join us at this rally. There are still plenty of sites available. Please contact me if you are interested in attending.



I emailed you last week as our friends are not able to attend, please advise regarding deposit etc.

The Memory Maker

Quote from: RTurnerTMM-
I emailed you last week as our friends are not able to attend, please advise regarding deposit etc.
Sorry, but I never received that e-mailed message. I will send you a private e-mail regarding this matter.