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RE: April Rally

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 03:57 PM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 I m not sure what time we will be leaving..or even from where.  I wanted to go down 1, but Lon is balking.  After driving the levees  I am a lot more confident than he is in our ability to do that.  Any way.  I will get in touch with Larry and Rita and see if they want to caravan.  
 Let s think of grilled Lamb and Lon s eggplant for Friday night.  Sound Good?  or is that the oyster eating contest?  Just a thought.  

 The lamb and egg plant sound great.  The oyster eating contest is actually in Cayucos and is on Saturday and that is just FYI in case anyone is interested.  I don t think I ll be partaking in any contests where the fare is oysters.  They are okay, but I d rather have a crab or lobster eating contest!  Anyway... I ll think of something for dessert and, of course, we ll bring the Bailey s and coffee.  My take on driving the PCH is, if you take your time, then no problem.  If you are on a time table, like reaching SLO before dark, then the 101 might be better.  


 gsm x2
Quote3 Sammyslave

 Oh good, this will finally be our chance to sample Larry s delectable cuisine everyone raves about!
 But, oh dear, Nick is going to be there too?  He s going to thump me for leaving him off the RR List twice!  [:o]

gsm x2

QuoteMy take on driving the PCH is, if you take your time, then no problem. If you are on a time table, like reaching SLO before dark, then the 101 might be better.

 Since you are thinking of staying until Monday depending on the weather gods, here is my take.  Come down the 101.  Leave on Sunday and go up the 101 and stop for the night anywhere your rig takes you between Piedres Blancas and Big Sur.
 My fondest memory of the Big Sur coastline was a few years ago when I was traveling down with a cousin from Michigan.  We headed down from San Francisco and spent the night in tent in Big Sur.  Next day we headed north just a few miles. Spent so much time visiting beaches, overlooking this and that, that by 4:30, we had made exactly 14 miles progress back south.  Spend the night at a Forest Service campground still on the Monterey Coast.  That s the way to see the coastline.
 BTW--by heading north up the coast it gives you ten extra feet of breathing room when driving.  G learned about that when we drove Highway 1 from Olema.
 gsm x2

gsm x2

QuoteOh good, this will finally be our chance to sample Larry s delectable cuisine everyone raves about!
 But, oh dear, Nick is going to be there too? He s going to thump me for leaving him off the RR List twice!  

 Ah--but you don t know that we call Nick, " Larry Junior" , affectionately for emulating the master.  When Larry got a 3-burner stove, Nick JUMPED at the chance to take possession of the 2-burner cast off.
 Looking forward to breakfast.  Sorry to announce that Larry and Rita will have to leave Saturday for family obligations.....Grand-daughters only have so many birthdays that they celebrate.
 gsm x2


 g-whizAs I am sitting here eating some delicious fresh strawberries I decided that Thursday nights dessert will be strawberry shortcake! [:D]


 gsm x2
QuoteYes we are. Anyone who travels north on the 101 will bring a main dish. People who travel SOUTH will bring appitizers.

 Geeze Looeeze, what was GSM thinking???  Does everyone agree that MY shrimp dish is a main dish???  [;)]  Well, I will bring THE shrimp and I ll think of something for a " main"  dish.


 g-whizMy mom is breaking the rules too and bringing Sweedish Meatballs.  I m happy she is a rule breaker cause these meatballs are phat!!!


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 Geeze Looeeze, what was GSM thinking???  Does everyone agree that MY shrimp dish is a main dish???  [;)]  Well, I will bring THE shrimp and I ll think of something for a " main"  dish.

 And just for the record, we RAN OUT OF SHRIMP at Snug Harbor, I only got to taste a mere 1/2 pound, before I was elbowed out of the way and I had to fight back, almost too late, however,  I did get the LAST ONE (the one that fell on the floor), but I didn t mind.  You are Whiz with Shrimp G-whiz!!!!!

gsm x2

 Yes we are. Anyone who travels north on the 101 will bring a main dish. People who travel SOUTH will bring appitizers.
 Geeze Looeeze, what was GSM thinking??? Does everyone agree that MY shrimp dish is a main dish???  Well, I will bring THE shrimp and I ll think of something for a " main"  dish.

 What was I thinking????  That was a crazy arrangement. But that s what was written, so that s what stands except for the people who want to break the rules and bring whatever they want.  Actually, I think that s what POT LUCK means.
 gsm x2


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 My mom is breaking the rules too and bringing Sweedish Meatballs.  I m happy she is a rule breaker cause these meatballs are phat!!!

 I m glad Bonny is breaking the rules, too! [:D]


 g-whizPlease excuse this interruption of all the meal planning going on here, but my " duh"  moment continues and I m too tired to search through old posts...
 TOS, do we need to book a Thursday night for ourselves, or just show up on Thursday and hope there s a spot?  We d forgotten all about this until Mike brought it up this evening.

gsm x2

QuoteTOS, do we need to book a Thursday night for ourselves, or just show up on Thursday and hope there s a spot? We d forgotten all about this until Mike brought it up this evening.

 Patricia....just show up on Thursday.  I am confident that there will be spots available.  There will be twelve spots with RESERVED posts on them.  Take one of those and pay for Thursday night at the Iron Ranger.  If a real Ranger tells you that you ll have to give up the space on Friday, let him or her know that YOU are one of the PopupTimes people who will be there for the weekend.
 Hi Mike,
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteIf a real Ranger tells you that you ll have to give up the space on Friday, let him or her know that YOU are one of the PopupTimes people who will be there for the weekend.

 What if he doesn t believe me?  Should I just whip out my broomstick?

gsm x2

QuoteWhat if he doesn t believe me? Should I just whip out my broomstick?

 NO.  Hitting Rangers is a definate Bozo NoNo.
 Must better ploy is to make sure that the girls are holding onto your legs and looking up at the Ranger forlornly when you tell him.  He ll believe you.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 NO.  Hitting Rangers is a definate Bozo NoNo.
 gsm x2

 HA HA HAAAA a Bozo NoNo, I haven t heard that term in YEARS, thanks TOS, that made my day......[:D]