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RE: April Rally

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 03:57 PM

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 gsm x2A couple of  NNC campouts have had stories attached to them.
 Lake Chabot had the stigma that people dumped bodies at the lake.  That s why it was called Negative Bouyancy.
 Snug Harbor had axe murderers as its neighbors, that s why it was called Axe Me About My Weekend.
 Why should SLO be any different?  And perhaps the title prophetic.  Doesn t the SLO name include " Escape?"  Creepy huh?

gsm x2

QuoteIf you want some info on Dutch ovens, give me a holler. Anything you cook at home can be cooked in a camp Dutch oven. This includes prime rib and Yourkshire pudding as I ve done it more than once. I just cooked a peach cobbler, wrapped it in blankets and took it to the Malibu RV Park for the mini rally. Two hours later it was still hot and yummy. We also took some ice cream to make it slide down easier.

 If you look up " to die for"  in the dictionary, you ll see a picture of Moose s Dutch Oven Peach Cobbler.  I am so glad that we ate the Bread Pudding on Friday night, no way I could have decided which to eat and my stomache was already set to explode before dessert.
 gsm x2


QuoteWhy should SLO be any different? And perhaps the title prophetic. Doesn t the SLO name include " Escape?"  Creepy huh?

 ?????????    whoooosh  over my head!

gsm x2

QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
 This is gsm x2 from Malibu
 Six or Five days to go.
 gsm x2 live from Malibu--but it s light so I don t have night vision goggles on

 Alas it was me.  I had a dickens of a time getting the initial connection to work, so when I saw that I was signed on as a GUEST at PUT, I gave it ONE SHOT, then just stayed on as GUEST.
 3 DAYS for the Thursday arrivers; 4 days for the Friday arrivers.
 We UNPACKED rrom Malibu and HALF-PACKED for SLO at the same time.
 At this point there is a 50/50 chance that we ll leave for SLO Wednesday after work.  We ll just have to see how things play out.
 gsm x2


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
QuoteBreakfast is very, VERY important to me. Hence, I will bring gingerbread pancakes with bananas and possibly wild blueberry pancakes as well. I may go nuts and bring ommlette fixings too. Don t want to bite off too much. I make everything from scratch and insist upon REAL maple syrup, so I ll bring it myself. I don t use real butter or milk as my dear son is allergic to both. I may be getting my own monster griddle grill thingy like Larry and Nick did in the next day or two.
 I am still in a quandry about what to bring for dinner on Saturday night as my camp cooking is no where near as good as my regular cooking. I m going to look into what this dutch oven thing is really all about. I have great recipes... but most of them require an oven. Gonna look through my books tonight!
 duanefamily mamma

 Finally, someone who wants to talk food.  I ll bring some breakfast meats if you will do the pancake stuff.  
 Maybe we should resort to the ole pot luck idea for Saturday.  I am at a loss too at this point.  
 It would be fun if the Thursdya night people coudl agree on a menu tho.  There are fewer of us and we could eat together.  After all that is what we came together for right?  
 How was Lake Oreville ?  Did the kids enjoy it?  
 See you in a few days./

 Ok, now that Malibu is behind me (in mores ways than one!!), I can talk SLO food.  [:)][8D]  I think I saw that Mike mentioned that we have a Saturday morning breakfast feast, which is always what seems to work out anyway.  We can just do " pot-luck"  and see what shows up (it s never bad) or we can plan it out.  
 Dianne, I tried your bread pudding recipe and it was delicious, if I do say so myself.  I was going to make it again for this trip, but since we just got done with a trip and with  ALOT of the Snug scrapbook still left to be done, I m limiting my pre-camping food preparation and will bring store bought stuff this time.  I would be SO HAPPY to contribute to the larder.  Like, Naomi, how about I bring stuff for omlets and then get Mike to make them??? [;)][8D][8D][;)]  
 For Thursday night dinner I am still bringing the strawberry shortcake for dessert.  I think it s going to be chilly in the evening, so how about I make some chili???  Especially since we will be there early on Thursday and I ll have time to prepare it.  I just need to know who plans on being there for dinner on Thursday night.
 Well, now the ball is rolling.  [:D]

gsm x2

 gsm x2We also got a TriTip from Costco as a substitute for bacon ala Snug Harbor. So that will be our contribution to Saturday morning s potluck.  We ll thin slice it; anyone have a bbq we can use, otherwise we ll bring our baby one with us.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2Ok, the oldmoose is confused. Are we having a Saturday morning and a Saturday evening potluck? Last night at the Malibu RV Park I volunteered to do my special DO cornbread  Saturday morning, so that would not be a problem. Please unconfuse me.


QuoteORIGINAL:  oldmoose
 Ok, the oldmoose is confused. Are we having a Saturday morning and a Saturday evening potluck? Last night at the Malibu RV Park I volunteered to do my special DO cornbread  Saturday morning, so that would not be a problem. Please unconfuse me.

 Here I am oldmoose and I ll uncornfuse you!  [8D]   Most likely we will gather for breakfast on Saturday AND for dinner.  Your special DO cornbread would be perfect for Saturday morning.  Does that help??

gsm x2

 gsm x2Moose,
 Over time it has become a habit for the Northern NNCers to combine breakfasts on Saturday.  Not a mandatory thing, but through the efforts of Larry and Rita and Nick and others, this just kind of developed.
 It s not a LEAST NORTHERN NNC tradition, but I think quite a few people will be gathering around to share breakfast at SLO.  The OFFICIAL potluck will be Saturday night.
 I, who distains rules, have a suggestion for a Rule.
 At any official or unofficial group meal, when someone leaves, they should take their food and dishes with them.  That way there isn t a ton of stuff to clean up and food to be thrown away when the last of the group leaves.  Must easier to deal with and helps to spread out the work.  You can even call it, " Miller s Clean-up Rule"  if you want.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
Quoteanyone have a bbq we can use, otherwise we ll bring our baby one with us.
We are bringing our gas one! And we will guard it too!!!  You know the fate of the last tri-tip.


QuoteFor Thursday night dinner I am still bringing the strawberry shortcake for dessert. I think it s going to be chilly in the evening, so how about I make some chili??? Especially since we will be there early on Thursday and I ll have time to prepare it. I just need to know who plans on being there for dinner on Thursday night.
 Well, now the ball is rolling.  

 Great minds: together...  dessert and chili.  Great idea.  We will be there Thursday night.  I ll bring some bread and salad stuff.   we are leaving early thursday mornign, but are coming down the coast PCH so who knows how long it will take.  If I could contribute already/or quick to make stuff that would be great.  
 Now for Friday:  ???????
 Sat sounds like and all day pot-luck.  My favorite kind!!!!


 gsm x2Thanks for the info Scott. I will have to cornbread ready. I was planning on doing a different dessert, but if people want my peach cobbler I ll do it at SLO also.


 gsm x2OK Otter, my peach cobbler will show up Saturday night at SLO. I ll have my DO toys with me and 3-4 of my 13 DO s.


 gsm x2This is what I THINK we have so far and I ll keep this updated as others respond.
 For Thursday night arrivals, the menu will consist of:
 Chili by G-Whiz (Scott likes it so it must be okay [;)])
 Bread and Salad by Otter
 Strawberry Shortcake by G-Whiz

 Friday Morning:
 G-Whiz: Bagels (so we can use our newly acquired toaster) and cream cheese.  
 Friday Night:
 Going out to eat seafood:  Gsm x2 (G-Whiz) and Otters
 If anyone wants to join us, the more the merrier.  Dianne will have gingerbread and Bailey s for by the campfire when we return.
 Oldmoose - Something easy

 Saturday Morning:[/b]
 Oldmoose - DO cornbread
 GSM x2 - Tri-tip
 Duanefamily Mamma - pancakes with real maple syrup
 G-Whiz - Will make my second attempt at a frittata
 Otter - Chicken Apple Sausage

 Saturday Night:
 G-Whiz - Shrimp!
 Bonny - Swedish Meatballs
 Oldmoose - Kampers Stroganoff and DO Peach Cobbler
 Mike & Brothers:  Birthday Dessert to celebrate Bonny s birthday
 Otter - Potstickers



 gsm x2FYI, I was planning on doing Kampers Stroganoff as well as the cobbler. If that is going to be too much food, let me know. At the moment we are planning on cooking something easy for Friday night.