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HalfDome Hyjinx III

Started by calstate360, Aug 16, 2004, 04:14 PM

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Sal & Joan,

I am sorry but we will not be able to make it to HalfDome Hyjinx III this year, as we will be in Florida that weekend.

I would rather take a trip to Yosemite than visit Florida in August, but you gotta do what ya gotta do.

Hope you all have a great time, and here's looking forward to HalfDome Hyjinks IV


Quote from: AzusateachI'd love to send someone some money for this trip, but I just can't seem to find out where to send it.  Can I get a little help, please?   :D   Thanks!

Laura, send an e-mail to either Sal or Joan, Calstate 360 or Calstate 361, and they will give you their address.
If you go back a page or 2, they posted the information on 5/10/05


Joan, I sent you an email a few days ago requesting your addy to send the check to.  Haven't heard back so I am just nervously checking up to ensure that you haven't forgot (or haven't received it).



Azusateach & Gwenzilla, sorry I have not gotten back to you sooner, but as Sal said, I have been out with a bout of the stomach flu since last Friday. I'm usually not down for more than 2-3 days, but this one really hit me hard because I was sick for 5 days! Living on crackers and bread but still have a quezzy stomach. I will send you an e-mail with our address.

Kevin, sorry you have to mess up your record of attending all the past Half Dome/Yosemite rallies. You, Margaret, and the kids will be missed. Have fun in Florida.



Quote from: Calstate361
Azusateach & Gwenzilla, sorry I have not gotten back to you sooner, but as Sal said, I have been out with a bout of the stomach flu since last Friday. I'm usually not down for more than 2-3 days, but this one really hit me hard because I was sick for 5 days! Living on crackers and bread but still have a quezzy stomach. I will send you an e-mail with our address.


Got the info. today.  Check will be in the mail tomorrow.  Thanks so much!



Joan , got your email with the addy info we requested today.  Check will be mailed tonight.  Confirm us for Thurs night through saturday night Aug 4, 5 & 6 (depart sunday a.m.).
Is it too early to start counting the hours left till then ???  :)


Gwenzilla, sure go ahead and count the days/hours, if you like.



Here is the list of attendees and who still needs to get their deposit to me by next week. If I do not hear from you or receive your deposit by 6/30 your name will be deleted from the attendee list and you will not have reservations for the rally.
NAME                DATES/DEPOSIT
Red Neff             ?
Dee4j                 4-7
OC Campers        4-7/Y
boncarb             ?
Fishin BC            4-8
Gwenzilla            4-7/Y
Towrod              5-7
Towrod's Brother  2-7
Towrod's Friends  ?
Azusateach         4-9/Y
jendak760           ?
Darcamp             5-7/Y
Darcamp Friends   5-7/Y
SurfCal                ?
Russinator            4-9/Y
Griffsmom             4/8
Old Moose            4/8/Y
Petrina                 5/7
MacCabee             5/7
McDowell's            5/7/Y
Bagard's                5/7/Y
Chelsies Dad          3-7/Y
Chelsies Dad Kids    ?/N/A (Tents)
CalState's              3-12/N/A



I mailed our check yesterday before we left for the Pismo rally.  You should get it tomorrow or Monday.  :)


Great, tell eveyone HI for us.



HI Calstate361:

      We are totaly still in!!  To whome and where do I send my check to?   I am leaveing to Columbia Calif. on Thursday day if I don't here back from you I will send it when I get back after the fourth of July.   I am not sure if my husband is coming or not if he is we will bring our Out Back if not I will bring my popup.  When is the lates you need that kind of informantion?


Good to hear from you.  I sent you an e-mail already with my address to send the check to.  I need you to confirm your dates (Aug. 5-7) and, if you can, send your check by the end of this week.   I will be calling the Campground on Friday or Monday to give them my credit card number to charge the deposit to.

Look forward to meeting you.



Hi Joan:

    John sent the check out today so you should get it in a few days.  I did e-mail you this as well.   I will be coming up on Thursday August 4 and leaveing on Sunday August 7.  I have dicided to come up a day early if you still have space.  If not let me know. Thanks for your tip on the misters and the Y spout.  This sounds like a really fun trip I can't wait.
                           Talk to you soon , Petrina


Quote from: Dee4jI'm leaving till the end of June..I will get in touch with DH and have him send you a check

 :swear: I dropped the ball..I'll get you a check out in the next day or two...sorry I'm such a flake...

also our dates are 4-8 Thurs to Monday...I probably said Sun but I meant Monday :eyecrazy:  you can just beat me over the head when I get there. :D

Is your address still the same from the old contact list?? if not can you send me your address??  (ok you can hit me twice ;) )


Quote from: Dee4j:swear: I dropped the ball..I'll get you a check out in the next day or two...sorry I'm such a flake...
also our dates are 4-8 Thurs to Monday...I probably said Sun but I meant Monday :eyecrazy: you can just beat me over the head when I get there. :D
Is your address still the same from the old contact list?? if not can you send me your address?? (ok you can hit me twice ;) )
Yup we haven't moved as far as I know.:)
We have been in S.F. all day for surgery consults and just got back.
Since Joan won't touch this computer I'm answering for her.