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HalfDome Hyjinx III

Started by calstate360, Aug 16, 2004, 04:14 PM

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We're home too--got here about an hour and half ago.  Unfortunately, ants have taken over the kitchen and family room. :swear: But at least we're home safe and sound.  Will post more later as well as photos! :)


Gosh we feel bad that our trip back was only about 3 hours including a meal break :D
Our thanks to Joan & Sal for hosting yet another great camping experience :# :#
We had a great time as usual, and even though we spent a lot of time touring we enjoyed everyones company each morning and afternoon.  Great people, great food, great location, and plenty of :S  (hoo boy! lots of :S )  it doesn't get much better than that (okay... a little less :S  would have suited me fine).

Hope everyone has/had a safe trip back !  Looking forward to Hyjinx IV Joan (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).

Our pictures can be found here

Most all are from our touring stops, not many from the rally.


Hi Guys:

    We got back yesturday.   That was so much fun.   Yosemite is beautiful.  My car broke down so the kids and I got to ride down the hill in our car and with our pop up on this hudge truck!   What a adventure!  Any way it was a great trip and we can't wait untill next year.   Thank Joan and Sal for just about every thing.   You all are such great people!!  I am happy to here you all made it back home safe!!  Ok time to throw some coffee down my throat and unpack and clean it up!!  We are leaveing on Thursday for a trip to Arnold!!  I really hope my car  is back form the shop....  



We got home shortly before 10 PM and we were unpacked and in bed about 45 minutes later. Also found I had 2 bad tires at the campground. I was glad I had my air compressor as both mine and Lori's spare tire were almost a 0 pounds. Thanks to borrowing Griffsdad's spare, I was able to safely make it to the tire store. The irony is we eventually caught up to Diedre and Lori as they pulled on from a rest stop. It made the rest of the trip more enjoyable. More info later and have to sort the pics.



Quote from: GwenzillaOur pictures can be found here
Most all are from our touring stops, not many from the rally.
It looks like this link is to your private admin Webshots page.  We can only access the public page--can you give us that link?  I'd love to see your photos. Yosemite is so spectacular!!
PS  Griffin had fun with his new friend, AJ.  AJ was so very sweet when Griffin fell down and skinned his knee!! :)


Sorry, I think I fixed the link.... try this one

Hope this works

Not too many pictures were shot this time because I took oodles of video on our outings, so I didn't get near as many still photos as I usually take.

....and AJ had the time of his life playing with Griffin and all the kids!  I know this because its all I heard the whole trip back home! (the WHOLE trip)  I'm glad to hear he was a good boy (whew!)


Okay, there aren't many, but here they are ... I think.  Of course Brandy is a major player in them!   :D  At least she's photogenic!



Quote from: GwenzillaSorry, I think I fixed the link.... try this one

Hope this works

Not too many pictures were shot this time because I took oodles of video on our outings, so I didn't get near as many still photos as I usually take.

....and AJ had the time of his life playing with Griffin and all the kids!  I know this because its all I heard the whole trip back home! (the WHOLE trip)  I'm glad to hear he was a good boy (whew!)

The kids had fun with AJ they enjoy the Glow necklaces...Thanks for Sharing  :D ...But I think we all could have done without Sabrina & Amber the biting demands at the playground (not with our group obviously)...It's so hard for all our kids to understand why this happens as they are so use to all getting along.

thanks for the ventured off and saw some cool things we'll have to put on the list for next time


Quote from: AzusateachOkay, there aren't many, but here they are ... I think.  Of course Brandy is a major player in them!   :D  At least she's photogenic!


What no pics of Griffy, Kara & Kevin?? just kidding..I love Brandy she's such a cool dog ..especially when she "talked" in the radio on the way up :D

I guess I need to get my act together and post my pics (what I didn't lose  :swear:  :% ) and really tell about the wonderful time we had

Thanks for picking such a great spot to spend the day Sunday...We love every minute of it


We got back safely too, but I didn't want to post how long. Not into making enemies  :eyecrazy: .

We had such a great time. Sure hope I dont have to wait until June to camp with ya'll again.  

I'm already looking at walkie talkies to decide which ones I want to get, that was so much fun.  Mom got to play with a toy for awhile and I hogged it from the kids.  Caravaning is so much fun.

How were Dan's knuckles on the way home... :yikes:  :yikes:  :yikes:

We leave Tuesday the 16th for a twelve day trip, spending one day a disneylay, about 3 days at Zion National Park in Utah, maybe drive to Bryce Canyon, and then up to Salt Lake City to take Joshua to school.  Should be another great trip.

Glad everyone made it home safe and sound.

Patrina, hope everything works out well with your wheels. Have fun on your trip.



Quote from: boncrabWe leave Tuesday the 16th for a twelve day trip, spending one day a disneylay, about 3 days at Zion National Park in Utah, maybe drive to Bryce Canyon, and then up to Salt Lake City to take Joshua to school. Should be another great trip.
Glad everyone made it home safe and sound.
Patrina, hope everything works out well with your wheels. Have fun on your trip.

We spent a week at Zion River RV Park. It was very nice, clean and friendly people there. We did do the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and Bryce. They are all day trips from Zion. Allow at least one day for Zion. They use shuttles there so there. No cars allowed in the park unless you're staying at the lodge until after October. Expect warm to hot weather. Have fun and it was great seeing to and your family again. It was a blast Sunday on the river.


That's one and the same rv park we will be staying at.  Sure looks like a nice park.  We have chosen a back in site along the river.  They seem to have the trees for some nice shade.


It is good to here every one made it back in one piece.  :#  Bonnie!  I got my car back on Wednesday.  Ok so I learned some thing on this trip and I am sure Sal will give me a hard time but I wasn't wasn't gearing down going in to the valley and boy did I  mess up my break!!  :banghead:  O well... eight hundred dollar mistake!!  :yikes:  :swear:  At least I wont be making that mistake again.  Both break pads and rotters in front of the car needed to be replace, change the break flued and sanded down one of the break rotters in the back.and they checked my fluids in my car.  

              It was so nice camping with every one and the food was great.   The kids had a blast!!  For some reason my twin boys played with this log in the creek all week end.  Crazy kids! :) .  My daughter and I went for a little hike to the restroom on night and these to boys on their bike where so excited they found this frog.  As they where rideing buy they stuck this huge frog in my face.  I screamed so loud!!! :yikes: . My daughter and those boys are still laughing at me.   Ha Ha Ha!  That frog was as long as my arm if not longer!!  Any way great seeing all of you and we can't wait till next time.

                                     Love Petrina


Quote from: boncrabThat's one and the same rv park we will be staying at. Sure looks like a nice park. We have chosen a back in site along the river. They seem to have the trees for some nice shade.
Yup there's shade there and a nice view of the "muddy" river. It's a short drive to the parking lot to catch the shuttle bus.


:p Hey Campers

What a great trip!! Thanks to Sal and Joan for putting it together. Sign us up for next year. Maybe next year Terri and I can manage to get next to the group and not off in siberia.

Our Grandaughter Olivia had a great time it was great she got to come along. The trip going home was unevenful which is a good thing from the sounds of some of some of your trips home. The trip down the grade was interesting we were behind a large bus rv I was thinking if the breaks give out I'd ride his bumper all the way down. We made it down just fine.

I'm going to attempt to attach some pics of the trip hope everyone can access them. Looking forward to the next trip with you all. John Terri and Chellsee dog.