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Started by calstate360, Aug 16, 2004, 04:14 PM

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OC Campers

Quote from: AzusateachI'm in! I'm in! Now, you all will have to school me in rally etiquette. :sombraro: What kind of stuff will I need to bring that's rally-specific? How may pot-lucks do I plan for? Nooo ... I don't need to know it NOW, but it gives me something to be excited about, just thinking about it.
At the Pismo rally, is there usually a fairly equal number of Northern & Southern Calif. folks? In Yosemite, what's the daytime temp. like? I don't have AC on my pop-up, but have the option of adding it as part of my sales agreement. Would it be helpful? How often do you need it in our fair state? (Guess this is a rather divergent question -- oh well!)
Looking forward to putting faces on all these names!
I would say Pismo is half So cal people and half Nor cal people.  Each rally is a little different.  We usually have a potluck Saturday night and sometimes a Saturday breakfast.  The So Cal folks have a get together breakfast.  Nothing really planned we just bring our food and share with everyone.  The Nor Cal folks enjoy their libations.  We have Towrods home brew and The GSMx2 and the Sammyslaves enjoy the vino.  There is usally a wine and cheese tasting get together
When we lived in Orange County we didn't have air on the popup but I can remember a few times when we wished we had it.  Now that we live in Sacramento where the summers can be hotter than H**L we are seriously thinking of putting it on.  Pismo you probably won't need it.  If I remember last year the weather was beautiful.  The beach is right at the end of the RV park.  Yosemite I am not sure how the weather is.  This will be our first Yosemite rally.
If you want to check out the Pismo rally, look under the Western 2005 rally forum.    You will want to e-mail GSMx2 to sign-up.  Both the Nor Cal and the So Cal people are super.  You make tons of new friends.  Once you attend a rally, it is hard to camp on your own.
(Sorry Sal and Joan, I didn't mean to hi-jack your Yosemite page.)


my thermostat runs high I use the A/C alot. ask anyone they're all by the fire in pants and jackets saying their cold and I'm still in a T-shirt. the air in my car runs 365....I don't think you'll need it in pismo ..


Sorry all, that I haven't piped in for a while I was home sick with a terrible cold and cough since last Wednesday and I won't use Sal's computer at home.   He has his set up differently than the one I have here at work and I'm afraid I will do something to his, and I can't find the things I want to use as quickly as the one I'm used to here at work.

Glad you can join us Azusatech, we have several teachers in the NNC group so you all can talk work (ha ha).  Anyway, like Jacqui said, we usually have a Saturday morning breakfast get to gether where we just bring what ever and share.   Then Saturday night is the somewhat planned pot-luck.  Again you bring what ever you want to, but this one is a bit more planned only in that people will post what they will bring so we don't get duplicates.   There is always too much food and we have a great time.  As for the dog, when we were in our Pop-up we didn't trust our dogs alone in it either so we were able to leave them home because our neighbor watched them.  But  now that we have the Hybred, we leave them in the trailer.   There are no planned activities at Yosemite becasue people want to do their own thing going into Yosemite, but there is always someone at camp that could watch your dog.  People plan group outings on the spur of the moment (i.e., Hey, we are going to...any one else want to go with us, etc.).  Last year we watched Nick's dog while they went into Yosemite.  There is also a damed up swimming hole by the lodge.  At the back of the resort is a large sandy area which is further down the creek/river which has accesses that you can take you dog to run and play in.  Nick did this several times with his dog last year.  As for the temperature, it usually is around the 70's,  but you never know because last year it got hot (in the high 90's) and we had our air conditioner going almost the whole time.  BUT, then it cools down nicely at night so you may also need your heater.
At Pismo, there is more planned activies because that is such a large group and so many kids they plan several events for everyone.   Much fun.
I will post more when it is closer when I need the deposits and any other information I feel necessary.
You will have fun....


Thanks for all the info.  It really helps my thoughts between now and then.  I'm so glad to hear there's some sort of swimming hole for the dog.  She absolutely LOVES the water, and just doesn't get enough swimming to satisfy either of us.  About the temps -- sounds like it can go either way.  Guess I'll have to decide whether it's worth spending the $$ to get AC installed.  Since I'm not thinking I'll be spending that much time in the PU during the day, (unless it's naptime, of course!), I might be able to get away without it & use a fan.  Pot-lucks are great fun!  I'll look forward to seeing how I can contribute!



Is there room for us? We were just talking yesterday about going back to Yosemite. And this campground is the place we stayed at the weekend we picked up out trailer last July.

We would love to join the NNC'ers.



SURE, there is always room for more.   Just give me the dates you will be there and I will post later when it's closer to the date when I will need the deposit from everyone.


Greetings from Russ and Donna. Even though I'm registered with your group, when I sign on I'm told that I'm not. I'll get that taken care ASAP. In the mean time, please sign us up for this rally. Yosemite is one of our favorite places in the world, so camping near it without the hassles of millions of people sounds great to us. Please put us down for the duration and let us know when and where to send the $$. We're looking forward to it! Our plan is to come on Thursday and leave on Tuesday. Thanks for putting this together - Russ and Donna


Good morning from Russ and Donna. Please sign us up for this rally. It will just be the two of us. Our plan is to come on Thursday and leave on Tuesday. Like another poster said: Yosemite is one of our favorite places in the world, so camping near it without the hassles of millions of people sounds great to us. Please put us down for the duration and let us know when and where to send the $$. We're looking forward to it! Thanks for putting this together - Russ and Donna


Quote from: RussinatorGood morning from Russ and Donna. Please sign us up for this rally. It will just be the two of us. Our plan is to come on Thursday and leave on Tuesday. Like another poster said: Yosemite is one of our favorite places in the world, so camping near it without the hassles of millions of people sounds great to us. Please put us down for the duration and let us know when and where to send the $$. We're looking forward to it! Thanks for putting this together - Russ and Donna
No Problem. We just need to know the specific dates you wish to attend.
 Looking foward to meeting you.


We just need to know the specific dates you wish to attend. Looking forward to meeting you. Sal .............. Hello Sal. Arriving on August 4th and departing on August 9th. We're looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the group.
Russ and Donna


Quote from: Calstate361SURE, there is always room for more

Hi Joan,

One of my friends wants to go on the rally, they are new to camping and don't have a trailer.  Is it alright for them to camp in a tent at Yosemite Lakes?  They could camp on our site if there's enough room.  


Darlene, Dave
Max the wonder dog

2004 Antiqua
2001 Ford F250


Quote from: darcampsHi Joan,
 One of my friends wants to go on the rally, they are new to camping and don't have a trailer. Is it alright for them to camp in a tent at Yosemite Lakes? They could camp on our site if there's enough room.
 Darlene, Dave
 Max the wonder dog
 2004 Antiqua
 2001 Ford F250
Sure you are allowed one tent on your site.
 Just let us know so we can inform them.


just curious..are our sites FULL hook-up??? just need to know if I need to bring my grey water tank  (to empty main if kids run the water too much).

I'm getting excited, I have a trip scheduled for April, June, aug., oct & nov so far.


On November 7, 2004 Dee4j wrote
Quote from: Dee4jnow that we have the Hybrid I'm seriously considering joining this trip.  I just need to Talk to DH and see what he wants to do. I would like to go Thurs.-Tues.
Are we assigned sites now or when we get there? also I couln't tell by the park info do we have full hookups (it list not all sites have sewer) and do they have fire rings or do we have to bring a full enclosed pit ourselves.
On November 7, 2004 6Quigs replied
QuoteThe sites are assigned when you get there, and we are all grouped together. You get to choose who you are beside,(or not beside). All the sites are full hook ups, with water, electricity, sewer, and cable TV, and they all have a fire ring, which consists of some rocks on the ground in a circle. You can always add a few more rocks to the cicrle to increase it's diameter, and have a campfire that you are famous for!!

So as far as I know, nothing has changed, except for the number of chanels on the cable TV, ;)
So yes Dee, leave the blue Tote at home, (leaves more room for firewood)


Quote from: 6QuigsOn November 7, 2004 Dee4j wrote
On November 7, 2004 6Quigs replied

So as far as I know, nothing has changed, except for the number of chanels on the cable TV, ;)
So yes Dee, leave the blue Tote at home, (leaves more room for firewood)

Thanks I didn't see the post that said about hook-ups. Firewood??? me make fire???  hee hee me make HUGE fire. I'll take the site with the biggest fire ring :D