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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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gsm x2

 6QuigsJust setting this up so Patricia can flip it.  Looks like she could you an little humor in her life to calm her down.
 @#$%, I flipped it.  Probably seconds before my SBF friend was going to.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteJust setting this up so Patricia can flip it. Looks like she could you an little humor in her life to calm her down.
 gsm x2

 OOOPS. Looks like I got in your way again.

Ab Diver

 CottonwooderI m with Patricia 100% on this one.  Roadasium Idiotosis is on the rise in this country, and it seems to be an airborne contagion. As one who spends every working day on the road, I ve seen more than my share of idiots behind the wheel. Examples? You want examples? Ok, there s the standard Daddy Warbucks-- " my car is more expensive than your car so I don t have to pull over"  crowd, we get them up from the Bay Area, usually with a license plate holder from a Marin County dealer. Then, there s the Driverus Obliviosus: the clown who goes 30 mph in a 55 zone-- not because he s looking at the scenery, but because he s too ignorant to realize he s holding ten cars behind him (he s never been told what his rear view mirror is for).
 On the other hand, there s Terrance Tourguide, who is purposely going slow, so he can look out the window at the scenery. He points out things of interest to his passengers, and could care less if he s slowing anybody else down. Then there s WhiteKnuckle Willie, the RV guy in his brand new 40  motorhome, who s so scared of it he s afraid to drive it (you can see his white knuckles gripping the wheels in a death grip when you finally do get around him). He runs people off the road cuz he takes his lane right out of the middle, afraid he ll hit his mirrors on something. The other RV guy, Manfred Mirrorless,  has a skinny little TV pulling an extra-wide trailer, and no towing mirrors so he doesn t even know anybody is behind him (he gets a dirty look for being stupid as well as illegal).  Then there s Neckless Nick, the guy who pulls out into the highway without checking if traffic is coming cuz his head won t turn.
 Betty Bambiwatcher, the lady who swerves across the center line and runs you off the road cuz she s looking at the cute little deer *way over there*, and her cousin Bradford Braindead who causes a three-car accident because he was trying to avoid the squirrel that ran in front of him. There s Parkabout Pete, another Darwin Award contestant who stops his car in the road just past the crest of a hill so he can take a picture of the roadside daisies. And my personal favorite: Cinematic Sammy, the guy who s driving on the wrong side of the road going into a blind corner so his wife can sit on the other windowsill and video the ocean over the car s roof!
 The scary thing is, the above list of stereotypes is not tongue-in-cheek. I have seen numerous examples of each and every one of them (except Cinematic Sammy, he s a single encounter). Most of the time they are just a roadway irritant, but many times they are a true road danger. Most of the accidents on our coastal county roads are caused by these individuals. So rant on, Patricia! Together we ll lobby for safer roads for our families.[;)]


 otterROFL, I leave the board for some dinner and dishes, and it falls to pieces, LOL!  No, I wasn t around waiting to pounce and flip it.
QuoteI thought those $%^#** conveyed just the right tone.

 Dianne, it wasn t my tone in question.  Believe me, when I get in a [:@] mood, there s never any doubt.  [;)]  But thanks for letting me hide behind you.  
QuoteLooks like she could you an little humor in her life to calm her down.
Am learning ATT from this board, while our two ATTers are tripping each other up to NOT flip this page.  You two crack me up!
 Meanwhile, Dave actually names these various forms of road hazards... Wondering if he ll be misquoted or labeled an anger-management road rager...  
 Hey, don t mess with our Dave.  Us scrapbookers looove UPS delivery guys!  Just this evening I was drooling over a new scrapbook catalog that just arrived in the mail.  I feel a UPS delivery isn t far off...[:)]

gsm x2

 Ab Diver
QuoteOn the other hand, there s Terrance Tourguide, who is purposely going slow, so he can look out the window at the scenery. He points out things of interest to his passengers, and could care less if he s slowing anybody else down.

 Me Me, That  s me.
 Although I pull off the road at every opportunity to let those people who have the need to be somewhere quickly pull around me so that I can continue to drive leisurely.
 When we left Olema, we took Highway 1 to San Francisco.  It was a long and winding road.  As this MIller told his tale, it was interesting to see Georgeanne, at first just ghostly, turn a whiter shade of pale as I pulled off the side of the road.
 gsm x2

Ab Diver

 gsm x2
Quoteit was interesting to see Georgeanne, at first just ghostly, turn a whiter shade of pale as I pulled off the side of the road.

 " one of sixteen vestal virgins
 who were leaving for the coast
 and although her eyes were open
 they might have just as well ve been closed."  
 If you re pulling over to the ocean side of the road, I can bet she turned a whiter shade of pale.[:o]
 hehehe... good quote, Scott.[:D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Wondering if he ll be misquoted or labeled an anger-management road rager...  

QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Tone is hard to translate in these message boards.

 That s why I used the winky face--I was TEASING!  See:
QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
 I think someone has a little road rage/anger management problem.....

 [8D] (this face means no hard feelings?)



 Ab Diver
QuoteExamples? You want examples? Ok,

 Thanks for the laugh Dave,
 As for whether or not you personally have actually seen all these drivers,
 I vote it s a  Believe it!! [;)]

 6QuigsI sit here on the sidelines (for the last couple weeks) waiting for the kids and DW to crash (she gets up at 5) so I can get my daily fill of NNC.  Sometimes the eyes get so filled with tears from laughing so hard, I can barely read on.  But I push through it.  Nice to see such a group of people.  
 Will work on the DW to meet you all in person soon.
 99 Utah behind 03 1500HD Crew (Yea!)
 It takes twice as many muscles to frown than to smile...why waste the energy


 gsm x2I normally don t post items like this but it s weighing me down so I though I would share it.  For those of you who believe in prayer I ask you to remember my cousin and his wife.  Their four year old son died last night.  He and his twin brother were two in a million who had an extreme reaction to their immunization shots.  They have been wrought with seizures since they were a few months old, and it finally took its toll on the little guy.


 GuestSorry guys!
 Appears I misinterpreted Patricia s response after explaining how easy it is to misinterpret on the boards![8D][:D] <mud on my face!>
 Just wanna make sure we re all one big happy family!
 BTW, anyone see the Dixie Chicks special last night?[;)][;)][8D][8D]


 I m so sorry.  My heart aches. You have our prayers and our deepest and most sincere condolences.


 Welcome to the group!
 Wanna come to the June rally?


QuoteTheir four year old son died last night.

 Nick, so sorry to hear that.  Will keep them in my prayers for strength to get through this.  Please give them our condolences.