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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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QuoteBut for me, it won t be the same because the greatest fun about attending a rally is arriving at the oddest time in

 ...arriving just at potluck time IS an odd time Ray, maybe not the oddest and maybe you won t be the first to do it if the CampersAnonymous hasn t got the Miller s in lockdown by then....  BUT THAT S OK!. You don t have to top your last arrival by the next.  In fact it is a good idea to lull us  [&:] for awhile.  You know, increase the anticipation.
 But, f it makes you feel better, we will always consider you to  be the  oddest  [8D]in our hearts and on the threads.  I think we can all vote here folks![:D][:D]


 otterWell, the day has finally come.  There s an explosion of ideas of forming a group here in Southern California.  Still debating a name and whether we should be part of NNC or totally separate, but am sure that will be decided pretty soon.  As Griffsmom just posted, this is [:D] and [:(] all rolled into one.  Sacto said it s like watching your kids go off to college, an idea too sad for me to think of.  I m not leaving NNC, so let me claim first dibs on " Dual Citizenship" , LOL!  ::::stepping aside to avoid the stampede of others doing likewise:::: [:)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 I m not leaving NNC, so let me claim first dibs on " Dual Citizenship" , LOL!  ::::stepping aside to avoid the stampede of others doing likewise:::: [:)]

 Harumph!  You can t call first dibs--I already did in my post here:
QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
QuoteORIGINAL:  Tracy and David
 WOW! I take off for a day and look how things explode around here!

 Well then, that ll teach you![;)][8D][:D]
 You know, I know that we all know this, but maybe it just needs to be said:  if we have our own separate group, we can still go to the NNC rallies and vice versa. In fact, whenever we schedule a rally, I would find it odd if one of us didn t post a notice on the other s forum.  If we decide to become SCPUC or ESCAIP or OHOTS or SHOTS or something else (but not FART!), I for one will apply for dual citizenship so I can continue to post on the NNC forum as well as our group s.  Besides, knowing NNC, they re too nosy to not check in on us and add to our discussion from time to time![;)]  
 But the reality of the situation is that some people just don t have time or the inclination (or if you re Jacqui, the high speed Internet connection) to hop around a bunch of different forums, so for them it probably would be much easier for the two groups to be separate so they could just visit the one place in which they re interested.  That s probably the best way for newbies to find the approriate group for themselves as well.  And that s probably the most compelling reason to be spearate is so that those campers who come across PUT and are looking for a group to camp with can find it easily.
 As much as I d like to remain a chapter within NNC, it seems like the best course for us is to probably set out on our own.   [:(] and yet [:D]
 Date: 5/7/2003 4:01:16 PM

 Yeesh!  What are we going to do with you girl!  Someone s got to watch you like a hawk every minute!  You re almost as bad as Griffy![:o][;)][8D]


QuoteYeesh! What are we going to do with you girl! Someone s got to watch you like a hawk every minute! You re almost as bad as Griffy!

 NOW you re learnin !   When he s big enough to say the word " con-spir-a-cy" , li l Griffy will tell you that he and I are conspiring against you, determined that you sprout grey hairs quicker than I do.  }:->
 Hmm, lemme think about it... claiming first dibs in a place that doesn t yet exist versus claiming first dibs right here within the hallowed halls of NNC.... hahahahaha!!!
 (Now y all see why I had to step back away from the oncoming stampede?)  [8D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 ...determined that you sprout grey hairs quicker than I do.  }:->

 already happening![: (][&:][>:][:(]

 Civil_War_BuffCWB :::HELP
 We can t let this happen.  Where did this conspiracy to secede come from?
 Combine threads if that is the only reason.  


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 When he s big enough to say the word " con-spir-a-cy

 Actually, he can say " hitch"  and " pop-up"   That s my boy!!  [:D]
 The funny part is that his preschool teachers and pediatrician have all expressed concerns that he may be speech delayed, so I m having him assessed this Friday.  Of course, I m stressing out about it, but Dave just pashaws the " experts."   When I stop to think about it, I wonder how many of the other little 2 y/o " child prodigies"  in Griffin s class are saying hitch!  Probably none!!!! Maybe the teachers just aren t speaking Lil  Griffy s language!  [;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
 We can t let this happen.  Where did this conspiracy to secede come from?
 Combine threads if that is the only reason.  

 Fellow Californians,
 In the course of Human events, there....err, uhhh, A House divided cannot stand! A club divided cannot stand, it must be all one way, or all the other....As it is with  NNC...On YOUR heads my fellow Californians in the South is the issue of club division, and quite possibly verbal civil war.  I appeal to the inner angels of your nature to reconsider your course, if you wish to mentally redefine NNC to " Never Needs Cleaning"  or " Nicest New Campers, or NNC anything you want, but please, please, consider the ramifications of an act of outright secession.
 Just as John Brown did in 1859, we may need to take up (verbal) arms and take a stand, even if it means that we hurt some feelings in the process,(I mean this figuratively, not literally), we are ONE, One State, One Nation, One Club!!!!!!!!!!! (strike up the band).
 Northerners are your statesmen (and women), do not fracture the club, we remain a United State, a United Nation AND a United Club.....consider the ramifications of your choices.
 " Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord......."


QuoteActually, he can say " hitch"  and " pop-up"   That s my boy!!  [:D]

 I love it [:)].  When I get home from work, my little girl (17mo) races towards me and says " home, home" . Makes me feel sooooo good!


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 When I get home from work, my little girl (17mo) races towards me and says " home, home" . Makes me feel sooooo good!

 Those are the moments that make the screaming meemee ones all worthwhile! [:)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 When I get home from work, my little girl (17mo) races towards me and says " home, home" . Makes me feel sooooo good!
Hold on a minute.
 When did Sacto suddenly have a 17 month old daughter?
 last time we saw her, was Woodson bridge, and she was nowhere near walking, let alone running,
 and as for saying " home, home" ??
 When did she suddenly learn to talk?????
 Sounds like she is growing up fast.
 It wasn t that long ago that I remember Sacto posting here ,
 and his signiture had a baby due in Jan/02.
 Times has flown!!
 I also can t believe we haven t seen her since Woodson Bridge, 8 months ago!
 We just haven t  been to the same rally together.
 Looking forward to seeing her and your DW again in June,


QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
 Actually, he can say " hitch"  and " pop-up"   That s my boy!!  [:D]
 The funny part is that his preschool teachers and pediatrician have all expressed concerns that he may be speech delayed, so I m having him assessed this Friday.  Of course, I m stressing out about it, but Dave just pashaws the " experts."   When I stop to think about it, I wonder how many of the other little 2 y/o " child prodigies"  in Griffin s class are saying hitch!  Probably none!!!! Maybe the teachers just aren t speaking Lil  Griffy s language!  [;)]

 I m with Dave on this one, while my DW is on your side,
 but no harm to have him checked out just in case,
 and at least they have a baseline to compare, if there should any problems later.
 Our 4 kids all developed at different stages.
 Of course, coming from different parents, really helped with the mix.
 They all started everything at vastly different stages, be it crawling, walking, talking, potty training, riding a bike, learing colors, the alphabet, reading, riding a bike.....
 So relax, it s probably nothing, and he ll start talking when he s ready.
 " You spend the first few years teacking them to walk and talk, and the next 20 years telling them to sit down and shut up"  [;)]


QuoteHold on a minute.
 When did Sacto suddenly have a 17 month old daughter?
 last time we saw her, was Woodson bridge, and she was nowhere near walking, let alone running,

 Actually, she can t quite run yet. It s kind of a speedwalk stumble kind of thing.
Quoteand as for saying " home, home" ??
 When did she suddenly learn to talk?????

 She doesn t really talk, but she can say a bunch of words. Most of the time she says " buhti buhti Ba" .
QuoteSounds like she is growing up fast.
 It wasn t that long ago that I remember Sacto posting here ,
 and his signiture had a baby due in Jan/02.
 Times has flown!!

 Faster than I d like. But since she gives me kisses without having to ask while I get her dressed and change her diaper I guess I ll forgive her! [;)] She s definitely daddy s girl.
 But your math is off. Her due date was in Dec/01. Or in Euro, 06.12.01.
QuoteI also can t believe we haven t seen her since Woodson Bridge, 8 months ago!
 We just haven t  been to the same rally together.
 Looking forward to seeing her and your DW again in June,

 Weren t you at Del Valle? and you must not have been at Lake Chabot. Wow, those are the past two rallies I ve been to. I tried to talk Mrs. Sacto into going to " Wave n at da Beach"  but she works on Fridays and it s too long of a drive for the amount of time we would be spending. Funny thing is she had heard of the private campground next to McKerricher and I hadn t. That s a first.


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 I m with Dave on this one, while my DW is on your side,
 but no harm to have him checked out just in case,
 and at least they have a baseline to compare, if there should any problems later.
 Our 4 kids all developed at different stages.
 Of course, coming from different parents, really helped with the mix.
 They all started everything at vastly different stages, be it crawling, walking, talking, potty training, riding a bike, learing colors, the alphabet, reading, riding a bike.....
 So relax, it s probably nothing, and he ll start talking when he s ready.
 " You spend the first few years teacking them to walk and talk, and the next 20 years telling them to sit down and shut up"  [;)]

 LOL! [:D]  Intellectually, I m more inclined to think that you and my DH are right, but it s a mother s job to worry.  Besides, I figure that once I get the piece of paper that says he s fine, I can tell the pediatrician and the teachers to get off my baby s back![;)]


Quotebut it s a mother s job to worry.

 Too true Lori,
 That s why I let my DW do all the worying in our house!![;)]