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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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 SactoCampersOK...sing-a-long...altogether now...
 Where have all the posters gone?
 Long time passing.
 Where have all the posters gone?

Red neff Barchetta

 SactoCampersDavid Lee Roth was " the man" !  Too bad Eddie Van Halen is so full of himself.

 SurfcalCarple tunnel set in from the 3 pages yesterday.
 I went to make a couple batches of jam and come back to try and catch up.  That is pretty tough.
 AKA Jon


 These days, the NNC pace goes in spurts.  Sometimes we can produce 2 pages on a work day.  Today, everyone was out actually doing work while at work.

Ab Diver

 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 David Lee Roth was " the man" !  Too bad Eddie Van Halen is so full of himself.

 Jeff, ever hear the radio skit on *101.7 The Fox* about Slash trying to get DLR to sing " Welcome to the Jungle" ? He keeps screwing up and inserting words from " Running With the Devil" . This, of course, irritates Slash to no end, and DLR s attitude stinks. He says he ll kick Slash s skinny little a**. This goes on for a few minutes, with lots of words being bleeped out on the radio. Finally, they get into a huge fight, lots of breaking furniture sounds, and then somebody gets thrown out the door. You re left wondering if DLR s legendary martial arts training kicked Slash completely into the next world. Then you hear the phone dialing, and you re wondering who DLR is calling. Guess what? It s Slash, saying " Sammy?..... Slash. D you know the words to  Welcome to the Jungle ? "   Guess DLR wasn t so tough after all. [;)]
 Just about the funniest skit I ve ever heard on the radio. I wonder if there s a way to look it up on the net?


 SactoCampersHello fellow NNC members:
 I just checked out the Website and boy, Sacto has doing a great job of maintaining and updating the site.  It is one of the best for camping groups out there.  And from this past rally, he has been able to procure some pictures to add to the membership page.  A couple of things, if you don t have a picture there, please send one to Sacto.  Second, if you don t like your current picture, send in another one.
 So many of us use the site address as part of our signature on PUT and I am sure that brings a lot of traffic through our site.  And for those that don t, it ll be cool to use it, especially for those who post on other sites such as IRV2, PUX, Yahoo Groups, Google and a bunch of other ones out there.  It ll help promote NNC, or at least bring eyeballs to all the hard work that s gone into the site.  Ultimately, let s hope it brings goodwill for PUT to help sustain in for the future.
 Lastly, I d like to nominate a couple of reoccuring items that I think we should include as part of our " official"  lineup...they are:
 Official Seafood:  Abalone
 Official Meat:  Tri-tip
 Favorite Gadget:  BAL Leveler
 Special Recognition:  Scott Miller (The official title of his award)

 Additionally, I d like to pitch to include an articled I wrote for PUT that has not been published yet to be included.  This will add more content on the site.  It s about the California State Parks and very NNC.
 Well there you go, my appeal to the membership.


 SurfcalWe even have a page dedicated to Ray:
 Send me a private mail via PopUpTimes (click on the white caption above my name) for the username and password.
QuoteAdditionally, I d like to pitch to include an articled I wrote for PUT that has not been published yet to be included. This will add more content on the site. It s about the California State Parks and very NNC

 Send it to me. I ll find a place for it. Maybe we can have a special section for stuff like that. But Nick will need to make a navigation button for it if we can t find a good place on a preexisting page.
 BTW, Tuesday night I cooked up two nice tri-tip steaks that had been marinating in Soy Vey marinade all day. MMMmmmmm!

Hybrid Holly

QuoteI was just informed that the Reenactment scheduled for July 4, 5 & 6 has been postponed due to the wet weather situation at Gettysburg! The event will now take place August 8, 9 & 10. I am not sure what I will be doing now in light of this news, but as I find out more I will let you know.
 I am SOOOOOOOO bummed!!!!!!      

 I don t remember my American History very well, help me out here. Did they stop the Civil War because of wet weather?
 #8   You can go to Snug Harbor....some of those locals will reenact with you (but they won t know it s not the real thing)


 SurfcalHey Sacto, I would suggest we put it as a lead in to park reviews.  By the way people, where are your reviews.  We need to get that page full so we can be the beacon of campground reviews in Northern California.  No longer will folks need to go out and purchase a foghorn guide or the one Neff praises.  All they have to do is go to NNC, and its free!  But its up to us to get the reviews uploaded.
 Okay, I m done.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 Hey Sacto, I would suggest we put it as a lead in to park reviews.  By the way people, where are your reviews.  We need to get that page full so we can be the beacon of campground reviews in Northern California.  No longer will folks need to go out and purchase a foghorn guide or the one Neff praises.  All they have to do is go to NNC, and its free!  But its up to us to get the reviews uploaded.
 Okay, I m done.

 Good suggestion, Nick.

 Some of them are probably not in the format you requested but you are welcome to any and all reviews on my page. .
 AKA Jon
 Utah behind 03 Chevy 1500HD (former TV JeepCherokee)


 SurfcalOK Nick, I ll submit reviews for:
 - Lake Chabot
 - Half Moon Bay
 - Samuel P. Taylor
 Maybe we should have a set of criteria so it s fairly standardized.
 - Hookups availability or Dry
 - How easy to get to from a main artery like 101, I-5, etc.  (like Ft. Bragg takes a while to get to).
 - Convenience for last minute food and camping supplies (how close is town?)
 - The activities nearby, scenery, bike rides, wine tasting, museums, etc.
 - General privacy of the site (and if you have any preferred site numbers)
 Anything else?
 P.S.  Hey Sacto, why don t you nuke the photo section.  I don t think we ll ever be able to keep a photo section up.  There s far too many and it chews up a lot of storage.  I think the articles would be a better offering.  I know that GSM X2 has an article in the queue for PUT on Wagonmastering.  And, don t you have one on " defending the mini-van as a tow vehicle?"   I know Ab Diver is planning on writing one, I think regarding some safety tips.


 Go to the site and click on the Campground Reviews form.


QuoteP.S. Hey Sacto, why don t you nuke the photo section. I don t think we ll ever be able to keep a photo section up. There s far too many and it chews up a lot of storage.

 No. It s easy to simply post a link to the webshots pages people provide us, which is all that page is (have you looked at it or do you not have the password?). It s actually more work to set up pictures for past-tense rallies than it is to post a webshot link. Since they re links, they don t take up any storage, which isn t an issue for us right now.
QuoteI think the articles would be a better offering. I know that GSM X2 has an article in the queue for PUT on Wagonmastering. And, don t you have one on " defending the mini-van as a tow vehicle?"  I know Ab Diver is planning on writing one, I think regarding some safety tips.

 We can have both. We ve got your articles up right now. I think once we get several articles, we ll have links to them and a dedicated page for each article.


 SactoCampersThat s cool.  Is that new?  Or did I just miss that all along?