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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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gsm x2

 With any luck, you ll be safely out of the driveway and on the road by now--so hope you had a great time.  See you next Friday.
 95 bottles of beer on the wall,
 95 bottles of beer
 Take one down, pass it around.
 Now there s 94 bottles of beer on the wall

 gsm x2

Ab Diver

QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Ab Diver,I just picked up the portable mister thing at Home Depot for you. Now you can stay cool while enjoying Nick s beer. Remember, bring an extra garden hose.

 Thanks, Buddy. I ll square up with you soon as.
 Funny, you got me thinking about Nick s beer-- Just exactly *how* are us/we/he gunna keep that puppy ice cold? I got a big plastic bucket (about 30 gallon capacity, neff may have seen it at Cleone since my kindling was in it). We can use that for ice if Nick needs it. Or am I worrying about something you guys have already figured out? (Like: " That keg s gunna be emptied long before it has a chance to warm up!"  [;)] )


 otter94 bottles of beer on the wall,
 94 bottles of beer
 Take one down, pass it around.
 Now there s 93 bottles of beer on the wall
 If we keep this up, we might get it down to 70 bottles by the Gold Rush Rally.


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
QuoteAs a former teacher, I thought you might find that useful, but you still can t hear, see, touch, taste or smell a second, nor a nanosecond for that matter.

 Without being able to either  hear or see a SECOND, I m afraid my motion for official  NNC comedian(s) goes down to defeat; as does what little democracy that exixted in NNC or in general for that matter.  I never did think it was a governmental system that would last. Between the rigid scientists and the religious fundamentalistss, it never had a chance.

 You better watch it or they sic Homeland Security on you man.

gsm x2

 otter93 bottles of beer on the wall,
 93 bottles of beer
 Take one down, pass it around.
 Now there s 93 bottles of beer on the wall

 More curious than anything else on how long the ADD people in this group, of which there are many, can hold their concentration.
 70---no way they can do that.
 gsm x2

Red neff Barchetta

 otterHold my concentra....
 Hey, who took some of the beers off the wall?!


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Ab Diver,I just picked up the portable mister thing at Home Depot for you. Now you can stay cool while enjoying Nick s beer. Remember, bring an extra garden hose.

 Thanks, Buddy. I ll square up with you soon as.
 Funny, you got me thinking about Nick s beer-- Just exactly *how* are us/we/he gunna keep that puppy ice cold? I got a big plastic bucket (about 30 gallon capacity, neff may have seen it at Cleone since my kindling was in it). We can use that for ice if Nick needs it. Or am I worrying about something you guys have already figured out? (Like: " That keg s gunna be emptied long before it has a chance to warm up!"  [;)] )

 I think they have an ice machine. If not, I know the grocery store across the street does. We can send kids over to get ice for us. We don t even have to get out of our chairs. [;)]

Ab Diver

 otter93 rottles of beer on the vall
 93 rottless uhv reer
 yu take one dooown (hick)
 pazzit aroun  ....
 " Hey! Alllll-right.... Who backwashed???"
 92 Bottles of beer on the wall!


 otterI think it s TMM backwashing.
 92 bot-ells of bier in the mall,
 92 bot-ells of bier
 Pass one down, take it around.
 Now there s 91 bot-ells of bier on the wall.
 - Zooooom -
 (Uh, why was there only 99 to begin with and not 100?)


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteOur Home Depot was all out of those " mister things" . I had them page Lon about 8 times too, but with no luck.

 Cottonwooder  Gosh, how many pages ago was my last post here? Cottonwooder
 TOO LONG.  I have missed you.  Come back little Cottonwooder
 Ray: thanks for the concern, but I m sure Homeland already knows about me/us. Comforting thought huh?
 Someday someone needs to tell me how you guys do the multiple quotes!.  
 Griffs mom:  We won t make the July Pismo rally  [:(][:(][:(][:(]
 BUT GSMx2: we have Chacuma penciled in for the after Christmas one.  [:)][:)][:)][:)]
 Happy Fathers day to all the fathers [&:] and fathers to be [:D] and father-wanna bees [;)] , and father trying-to-bees. [8D] Have a great weekend.  
 We are in Santa Cruz entertaining Lon s father and with Lon s coming tomorrow for the day.  Fun Fun Fun.  
 Next weekend   Camping................[:D][:D][:D][:D]
 What are the *^**&@#  all these empty bottles by the wall:  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,   hmmm reminds me of an old jump rope ditty;  (she hums,) ....take one down and pass it around [: (][: (])  
 89 bottles of beer on the wall.  


QuoteHappy Fathers day to all the fathers  and fathers to be  and father-wanna bees  , and father trying-to-bees.  Have a great weekend.

 Not to mention those who are " just practicing"  [;)]


 otterAm so out of the loop, have no clue what y all are talking about re. mister, beer on the wall, Homeland Security, etc., but am popping in to give a brief report...
It s Wonderful!!!!
 Beyond wonderful.  As good as we d hoped, if not better.  Like living in a palace in comparison.
 Mike s off to Buena Park area to get a motorized hand dolly to get it in and out of the driveway with, so while he s gone, Karen and I are home for a bit, then I m off to work.  Will all go back to the campgrounds when Mike gets home later.
 Oh, it s fantastic!  Please keep all your fingers and toes crossed (or PRAY!) that we ll be able to get back into the driveway safe and sound.  Am so scared at the mere thought.  Hopefully, this time next week we ll be at Plymouth with y all.  [:D]

Red neff Barchetta

QuoteWhat are the *^**&@# all these empty bottles by the wall

 Ooohweeeee!  Look at sweet Dianne with the sailor talk!  Very exciting dear Otter!
QuoteNot to mention those who are " just practicing"

 Vavavoom!  You know it s pretty sad when I m looking more to sleeping in tomorrow morning than " practicing" , lol!
QuoteIt s Wonderful!!!!

 See Patricia, don t let some silly little dent get you down.  Enjoy your new TT.  You re camping!!!!
 I think the motorized dolly is a great investment for your peace of mind.

Ca-girl there a party going on in here??  What s with all the BEER??  Let s see....Black Eye Ale, Nick s home brew, Sierra Nevada.......hmm......I ll take down the Arrogant Bas***d Ale and pass that around.....taking time to read the bottle along the way.[:D][:D]
 88 bottles of beer on the wall (I think Otter drank TWO)[8D][:o]


Quote88 bottles of beer on the wall (I think Otter drank TWO)  

 Otter s limit is 40z, but I am very generous!   I gave a few to my neighbor.
 Let s see I think I will take 1 Pete s wicked Ale and One Plymouth Rock Brew ( I like the pink label)  and that should only leave:
 86 bottles of beer on the wall.