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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

 Ca-girlWe ll keep an eye out for ya!  It would be nice to finally meet you guys and your kids obviously can use the pool for the day since there will be so many other NNC kids there, ha.  Just tell them to say " my parents have a PU" , lol.
 I understand regarding the kids (and you, admit it) wanting to stay home for a w/e.  Between this w/e and the 2nd. w/e in August, we have just 3 full w/e s at home so we have marked them off the calendar.  Sometimes you just need some simple down time in between this crazy thing we call life.

 Red neff BarchettaThrow in a job that is starting to ramp up, having to meet the furnitures guys for the 3rd time, and Dr appointments...... weeds, What weeds, that s " natural landscaping" .
 AKA Jon

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaGood.  I m glad to hear someone else has trouble with delivery company s also, lol.


QuoteCottonwooder Gosh, how many pages ago was my last post here? Cottonwooder TOO LONG. I have missed you. Come back little Cottonwooder

 OMG, I just checked to see when my last post was here in General before I disappeared.  Are you sitting down?  May 22nd, on page 74!  (This is now page 91.)  I was talking about a burping and farting contest at Gold Rush.  Hmmm...
 Dianne, my most recent posts are over at the Gold Rush " Attendance"  thread.  Grab some popcorn and Kleenex and head over there for the sad story.  (But we re determined to make it all work!)

Ab Diver

 GuestHey, good news! Those theives who stole my beer collection must have had second thoughts and returned it. It s back on the wall at the Male Thing Clubhouse, and all the bottles and cans are intact.  Wow, what a relief!


 Ab DiverDave, I finally read the entire beer thread, and my face literally is contorted like this now: [&:]  (It reminded me why I don t venture into the " boys  room." )
 Um, er, no, I mean, " Congratulations on getting your beer collection back, Dave, I m happy for you."   Yeah, yeah, that s what I meant to say.  [:)]
 ([&:][: (])


 Red neff BarchettaOMG, I just took a look at the posting list.  7 out of the Top 10 posters are NNCers!  WTG Coughers!!!

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaOne problem with the rally being this w/e is that this household has to wait until Monday afternoon to pick up our copy of the latest Harry Potter book.  Sure hope they save it for us since it s pre-paid for.


 Red neff BarchettaIt has been one busy and in a way down right lousy week.
 New CV joint in TV = $400[:@]
 Rebuilding Transfer case in TV = $1,000[: (]
 Ball Joint going out = not in the budget yet[>:]
 Get to go camping this weekend = Priceless![:D]
 Things could be going better, but oh well, its just money.  I did get to put a new floor in my PU but you ll have to wait till Friday to see it.[:)]

gsm x2

QuoteGet to go camping this weekend = Priceless!  

 Yippee---we are leaving tomorrow---pull out time about 6:00 a.m.  See you all within 48 hours or so.
 gsm x2

Ab Diver

 Red neff BarchettaWell, here it is-- Friday night, the Gold Rush Rally is in full swing, and we are still at home. All our family commitments have been fulfilled (meaning our girls  ballet recital is now finished), the truck and trailer are ready to go, and we will be leaving to join our compadres in exactly 6 hours. Are they having fun? You betcha. Do we wish we were there right now? You betcha. Has it been the Week From Hell prior to today? You betcha. So, it s time to put this last week into a back compartment of the mind, and shift into Rally Mode. I hope everybody else who was unable to attend the Rally has a safe and fun weekend. Take care all.
 Ok you guys, here I come-- the Lone Cougher is on his way!

gsm x2

 Red neff BarchettaWell, here it is--Tuesday night and the Gold Rush Rally is all finished with almost everyone, except Ab Diver and Luke and Bonny home, in a working mode.  Time to resurrect the General Coughing and Rousing thread until the next all encompassing rally.  (cough cough)
 gsm x2

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaThank you for cough-starting this thread Scott.
 I just noticed that CampNFools just joined PUT!
 Did I even meet them, lol?  J/K!

gsm x2

 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteI just noticed that CampNFools just joined PUT!
 Did I even meet them, lol? J/K!

 You may not have.  They were camped just south of us.  So let me introduce you to Dennis and Gweneth (it rhymes if you lisp).  Quiet readers who kept to themselves unless bothered or there was food and drink.  Then what a hoot and a howl.  Great senses of humor and Dennis even knows how to rouse the rabble.
 Now here s the coolest part.....
 They were there at the beginning at Bodega Bay.  They just happened to be campig in their popup on the same weekend as us.  And since Dennis writes in a journal for all his camping trips, he brought out his book and shared this with me.  I hope he doesn t mind that I post it, but he knows that G will put in her book, so I don t think he will.
 Notes taken by Dennis Dunbar s Camping Journal.  He was at Bodega Bay during our rally.
 June 7-9, 2002 Sonora Coast - Bodega Dunes
 WEATHER:  It sucked. Another windy weekend on the coast. The days were sunny and warm; the nights were cool and the wind died down at night.
 ACTIVITIES: The wind was pretty strong so the stay at the beach was cut short.
 I reported last trip that there were very few tent trailers in our campground. Things were much different here. We got to the campground at about 2:00 p.m., the official check-in time. I had great hopes of scoring a site in the #37-49 block. But, when we made the first pass, most of those sites were already taken - by tent trailers!! I was very suprised.
 After Gwyneth and I took a walk through the campground on Saturday, we noticed that almost all of the tent trailers were sporting a sign that read " Popup Times 2002 Western Rally."   Seems we d landed in the middle of a campout of folks who had previously conversed with each other through the internet. Lots of great looking rigs though; it was like being at an RV show. Gwyneth and I have better plans for what we want when we upgrade the trailer.

 I think that they will join us again.
 gsm x2

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaThanks Scott.  Although I never realized that Sonora was on the coast.
 Dennis  account of the weather at Bodega Dunes pretty much sums it up for almost always.  It sucks!  And I ve lived in Sonoma county a looonngg time.  Go just a few miles North or South of there and you ve got great weather.
 Who picked that cg for that rally anyway, lol?!  It really is amazing that NNC survived to see another rally after a start like that.