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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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 Civil_War_BuffNot enough to wet the car?  Mike arrived home during the worst of it, and couldn t even get out of the truck because it was a lake around here!  And the harbor is less than a mile away as the crow flies.  Wow!
 Now, how do you all like my campfire?

gsm x2

 CottonwooderOK ve stumped me.  How did you do the campfire?
 gsm x2

gsm x2

 gsm x2
 But not stumped for long.  I didn t realize that you could link outside of PUT.  That opens the door for a lot of board slowing possibilities.
 gsm x2


 Civil_War_BuffThe poor guy in the middle. His face is burning....


 gsm x2
QuoteThat opens the door for a lot of board slowing possibilities.

 I won t use them if they re a problem.  They re just so cute!  How were you able to find it?  Does the " Properties"  button show where they re from?

The Memory Maker

 Civil_War_BuffSo I go to sactocampers web site to email him the images of the boring Tahoe rall c/g & guess what banner ad is at the top of the page?!
 hey Brian-
 so... ummm how are they paying you?


 The Memory Maker
QuoteORIGINAL:  The Memory Maker
 So I go to sactocampers web site to email him the images of the boring Tahoe rall c/g

 It s not boring anymore [:)]. You came through with a catchy name per NNC Bylaw #8.
Quote& guess what banner ad is at the top of the page?!
 hey Brian-
 so... ummm how are they paying you?

 All the tripod sites have the ad on them. Rest assured, my virility is not in need of an octane boost. [;)].
 Going to my website is probably the worst place to find my e-mail address. It s buried in one of the pages somewhere....It s like trying to find Waldo. Or on the NNC website you could have clicked on " Wagonmaster e-mail: Sactocampers"  on the rally RIGHT NEXT to your rally! [8D][8D]
 OR, you could have just private messaged me here on PUT and gotten my e-mail that way. In any event, it s
 Looking forward to the map!

Hybrid Holly

 Civil_War_BuffHi everyone.  We are off to Jackson Hole to ski!  May check in or may not!
 Be back next week!


 Hybrid HollyHolly,
 We went there as a stop on our honeymoon about four years ago. But it was summertime. Don t know if you ve been there before but the views are breathtaking. It s supposed to be a great ski mountain.

gsm x2

QuoteThey re just so cute! How were you able to find it? Does the " Properties"  button show where they re from?

 In IE its VIEW/SOURCE then look through the HTML until you find your note.  Then the " img src"  key is easy to figure out.

gsm x2

 Civil_War_BuffSeems like the NNC crowd is up to their old tricks.  Wait for the eastcoasters to go to bed then post away.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2ROFL!  How do you get that list?
 Never mind, I figured it out.  Neat that you can click on those arrows!  Just discovered that I m on page 3, only 14 posts behind Holly, yet I joined a month after her.  At this rate, I should hop onto page 2 in a couple of weeks without even trying, LOL!  (And that s not even counting the scrapbook and May 2000 baby boards I m also on!!!)


 gsm x2Hey Everyone:
 Y-Guy, a NNCer that recently moved away to Washington State hasn t been by to say hi.  So a bunch of us accidentally found a thread we was holing up in and started to  Rabble Rouse him.  Here s the link if you want to RR him.
 Long live Rabble Rousing.


 gsm x2G-Whiz:
 Howz the newsletter from Olema going?  You do such a great job with those, you ought to send them out!!!  I ll help with shipping costs.  Ab Diver, poor guy, will enjoy the past issues.
 Ab Diver, you should see her newsletters or scrapbook, it s like you re there when you see them.
 P.S.  Where is Nick?


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Howz the newsletter from Olema going?  You do such a great job with those, you ought to send them out!!!  I ll help with shipping costs.  Ab Diver, poor guy, will enjoy the past issues.
 Ab Diver, you should see her newsletters or scrapbook, it s like you re there when you see them.

 Now that s an idea I hadn t thot of.  There had been some talk about how my program would convert over to html (which it does quite well I m told by Scott) but then there are the issues of the kids pix being out there on the Net which some parents don t want.  But mailing them... that is doable.   If you would like to receive a copy, e-mail your snail mail address to me and I ll send them along as I get them done.