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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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Ab Diver

 gsm x2I would love to be the recipient of a g-whiz Olema newsletter, or any newsletter for that matter. I ll send the addy over to you. I think you know you can trust me, in fact, I ll even let you hold a close relative of mine hostage. [;)]
 Which brings up another thing I meant to ask you and Scott... do the rest of the NNC members from down there in your home town know about our common bond? Just wondering if the " work circle"  encompasses more people than I realized.
 And Patricia, the leg is doing better. I m out of the brace, but ain t running any races yet.
  How s that for cross-posting (cross-threading?) a reply to Cottonwooder? Or did I just break some NNC by-law about combining answers and minimizing post counts? [:o]


 gsm x2OMG, Finally sat down to see what you all are up too. It s been hard to " see"  you all have such a good  time. Having Steve leave has been difficulty but all is well.
 Anyhoo, I finally went to the NNC website and saw the merchandise for sale. The classic thong just cracks me up!!!!! I just have to know - did you buy one Jeff?????
 We might pop up for a visit at Snug Harbor - we ll see what comes about for the weekend.
 Missing you all!

Red neff Barchetta

 gsm x2Sandi,
 He, he, he
 Didn t you know?  It s the official attire for the " Snug"  Harbor rally.
 Sure hope you all can stop by on Saturday!  Ray & Mike will be water skiing naked and then mud wrestling with Holly.  The most amazing part is that Mike isn t even signed up for this rally.  Don t miss it!

Red neff Barchetta

 gsm x2Btw Sandi, if you re bringing the boys don t worry about them.  Diane and I will be taking all of the kids on a hike during " the show" .

gsm x2

QuoteWe might pop up for a visit at Snug Harbor - we ll see what comes about for the weekend.

 Sandi--it would be great to see you; even if only for one night.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2It s so quiet here these last few hours.  Scott must have tuckered himself out with his herculean effort to reach #4!
 Anyway, I m here with a piece of today s mail: flyer from the place where we bought our PU.  Holy cow, we bought it only 15 months ago, and it s gone up $600 in that short time!
 Let me ask you folks this, especially those with the biggest PUs.  These Colemans are currently listed (" sale"  price) between $10,000 and $12,000.  The 26  trailer with bunks we ve been looking at is $14,400.  For that little bit more, you get the bunks, fridge, stove, oven, microwave, wardrobe, full bathroom (amen!!!), aircon, heater, etc.  The comparison is night and day to me.  Why do people prefer the big PUs?  Is it because of the ability to pop it down/storage/easier towing?

OC Campers

 gsm x2I think there are quite a few reasons for choosing a larger pu over a tt.  1)  gas mileage,  2) you can see over the pu when towing, 3) you still have the feeling of being in a tent, 4) a lot easier to store it (around our area, storage runs about $100 minimum a month and 5) manuverablility.  There are a lot of areas that I would love to see but wouldn t think of taking a big tt.  I am sure there are a lot of pros and cons but these are some of my reasons
 Now I do have to say that in the future (after kids) we will probably look at something like a 5th wheel or motorhome.  Just because of setup but for right now our popup is perfect


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 It s so quiet here these last few hours.  Scott must have tuckered himself out with his herculean effort to reach #4!
 Anyway, I m here with a piece of today s mail: flyer from the place where we bought our PU.  Holy cow, we bought it only 15 months ago, and it s gone up $600 in that short time!
 Let me ask you folks this, especially those with the biggest PUs.  These Colemans are currently listed (" sale"  price) between $10,000 and $12,000.  The 26  trailer with bunks we ve been looking at is $14,400.  For that little bit more, you get the bunks, fridge, stove, oven, microwave, wardrobe, full bathroom (amen!!!), aircon, heater, etc.  The comparison is night and day to me.  Why do people prefer the big PUs?  Is it because of the ability to pop it down/storage/easier towing?

 Actually, Scott had to go to work today at 4 p.m. and won t get home until 2:30 a.m.  Before that he had his " honey do"  list which included shopping for a new camera.[:)]  I fear he may lose a little ground tonight.
 We went with a smaller model PU that felt " just right"  to us when we walked in the door.  We still like it and we like that it feels more like camping.  We were upgrading from a tent specifically to be able to sleep off the ground.  When Scott retires we will most likely upgrade to hard sides all around, but for now this is just perfect.  Storing it in our garage is a big plus too as we do not have to pay a storage fee each month.  


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
   Storing it in our garage is a big plus too as we do not have to pay a storage fee each month.  

 Not to mention, you can move it around easily by hand if need be...I do miss that a little, BUT ONLY A LITTLE!!
 I want the KNEWZLETR, please send it to ME!!!
 Happy Campin  <><

Red neff Barchetta

 gsm x2Alert, alert (at least I think so):
 Steve has announced that all of the great (and not so great) thoughts and ideas from the old message board;
 are about to be sent to the internet wastelands forever!  I personally think this is a terrible idea.  That was when PUT was the PU site with the most traffic and along with it, the most PU thoughts and ideas.  If I can t search the old message boards about something then I for one will be going to the " other"  sites more often to see what the PU fanatics have come up with now.
 If I m the only one who this bothers then sorry for the rant, but if not, NNC ers are a significant percentage of the PUT membership now and maybe if we post an opinion on this we can change Dave & Steve s minds about cleaning house so drastically.  I like having the old dusty box in the attic to rummage through once in a while.
 Here s the thread;


 gsm x2Hey Neff:
 I haven t been much of a PUT archive reader.  But, let me offer you an insight.  Maybe some of the topics we d lose by scuttling the archives could be a blessing in disguise.
 I know for sure that there have been a lot of talks regarding how slow the traffic has been on PUT and it s something you had pointed out.  Perhaps, if we lost the archives, it would compel people to re-ask the same questions that have already been answered in the old forum.  Yes, that sounds like doing it twice, but it would provoke dialogue here at PUT regarding technical questions, something that has missing since we restarted with the new format.  And beyond the archives, new information constantly arises and current responses bring more up-to-date solutions to old questions.
 I think part of the problem has been that people over time have figured out the answers to their questions and after a period they ve resorted to conducting OT postings, especially in the Campfire.  But without having the archives, it might bring more postings to the General.
 It s just a perspective.

Red neff Barchetta

 gsm x2SurfCough -
 Very good point and I would love for " new"  threads to be started about anode-rod-replacement-socket-size, sink venting, stabilizer mishaps, roof support cable replacement, and other in-depth PU related stuff.  Unfortunately though, with the mass exodus (from PUT) of the PU die-hards and fanatics that are able to devote nearly 100% of their free time to everything PU I doubt that would happen.  There is incredible knowledge in those archives that allows me to stay here at the PUT site and find.  So far, I haven t had to go over " there"  much after I have searched the PUT archives.  I am really glad we have PUT for our NNC banter and communication port but beyond that, there s not many threads I want to add to.
 See you in 3 weeks!


QuotePerhaps, if we lost the archives, it would compel people to re-ask the same questions that have already been answered in the old forum.

 At least on the old board, I found utter disdain for newbies and their questions from some of the oldies; one in particular.  It really puts me off venturing outside of our NNC haven.
 On the other hand, when looking into trucks and trailers a few weeks ago, dh and I asked endless questions on IRV2 s boards and were greeted with nothing but friendly, helpful replies.  I said right off the bat that I know nothing about trucks, and so to please explain in simple language.  They did, with not one condescending post, and certainly none advising us to use the infamous Search feature.  We confidently bought a truck.  [:)]
 Yup, " disdain"  is the perfect word to describe it here, alas.  [: (]

 gsm x2My experience was similar to Cottonwooder s:  When we first bought our wee guy I asked several questions and never got a response.  I found a few answers using the archives.  I used to buzz thru general, recipies and fix-it but haven t sone so since the new year.  Maybe I lll take a run thru there one of these days.  
 I did run into some of the archived stuff being a bit dated and no longer applying to the newer pu s.  Not mine anyway..but  then we do have this odd-in-zzki: the Viking.  
 BTW our son s neighbor (San Carlos ) has an  88 coleman for sale for S1500 if anyone is interested.  I forgot to ask ethe guy if he knew about the website and if he had listed it.  
 We are in Santa Cruz..anyone coming to visit?? I t is lovely here today.
 Cottonwooder thanks for the heads up about sewing in the pu.  It is a great idea.
 We always need space.  Outside, sheltered, lights, space.... I love it.


QuoteCottonwooder thanks for the heads up about sewing in the pu. It is a great idea.  We always need space. Outside, sheltered, lights, space.... I love it.

 I m delighted to say that after a 2-1/2 week hiatus, my sewing room is popped back up today.  Amen!
 Guest, who are you?  You were signed on as " Guest"  for that post.  Another plus to sewing in the PU is that all the dangerous pins, needles, scissors, etc. are away from baby hands (if you have a wee one around).
 BTW, I don t mean to intentionally speak badly about PUT, just telling it like it is.