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RE: General coughing and rousing

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 08:12 PM

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OC Campers

I have a question.  As new NNCers, we are looking around for new places to camp.  I was looking in our Campground book and came across Collins Lake.  Didn't NNC have a rally there last year?  I tried looking for it on the NNC website under past rallies but nothing was listed.  Is this a nice place and is it a place to try in the fall or spring?  I  was thinking April because Randy is a big fly fisherman (trout).  What would the weather be that time of year?


Quote from: OC CampersIWhat would the weather be that time of year?
Cold. Very, very cold. And rainy too. Not at all like the beautiful, warm spring that is April in Southern California.


Quote from: OC CampersI tried looking for it on the NNC website under past rallies but nothing was listed.  Is this a nice place and is it a place to try in the fall or spring?  I  was thinking April because Randy is a big fly fisherman (trout).  What would the weather be that time of year?

It was called the "I Scream Rally" and is listed in the NNC website under past rallies for October 2003.

Weather that time of year can be very nice, if not perfect. The rainy season should have passed, and the days should not be too hot,(unlike southern California).

Are you thinking of holding a Rally there Jacqui?

OC Campers

Quote from: 6QuigsIt was called the "I Scream Rally" and is listed in the NNC website under past rallies for October 2003.
Weather that time of year can be very nice, if not perfect. The rainy season should have passed, and the days should not be too hot,(unlike southern California).
Are you thinking of holding a Rally there Jacqui?
Boy Kevin, you don't beat around the bush do ya?:D .  
Was it fairly easy for group reservations?  If there is interest I think I could handle ibeing the wagonmistress  I don't have any fancy pay pal accounts it would have to be good ole snail mail for deposits and the like.  What do ya think?  Would folks go their again?



As what has been stated many times before, pick a place, a date, post it, and they will come.


Quote from: OC CampersI have a question.  As new NNCers, we are looking around for new places to camp.  ....

Here is a link to another resort about 15 miles up the road from Collins lake.  //   No motorized boats allowed on the lake but they have a swimming pool and lots of game courts.


Wish me luck,
I'm going camping today.
In a Tent!!!! :eek:

It's a father & daughter campout, so just the 2 of us.

At least it does make me appreciate our Hybrid a lot more ;)


 Have lots of fun, hope you don't get to cold at night. :tent:


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