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Joan's Surgery

Started by Calstate361, Oct 11, 2005, 08:37 AM

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Just hang in there!  GB-surgery has become a relatively-"safe" option for people today, so I'm confident you'll have a major new chapter in your life (based on what I've learned from others that have undergone the surgery).

Good luck!  The wait really isn't that long; in hindsight, hopefully it will be nothing but a "blip" on your radar!

Camping Coxes

My sister had this surgery about 7 years ago, when it was still relatively new.  She's lost 100 pounds and kept it off, but she's neurotic about gaining even a pound.  My friend had the surgery just over a year ago and is doing great -- off all diabetes medication, when before her diabetes was out of control.  I hand down my clothes to her -- which I tease her about because she used to be so much bigger than me!
Both my sister and friend had Kaiser (though Kaiser was farming out the surgery to UCLA whne my sister had it done).  It's good you have a wait -- it's not something you want to rush into.  It gives you time to really think about it.  
Good luck.  My only advice -- start eating sweets and oily foods very, very sparingly until you learn what you can tolerate, and don't think you can eat "just one more bite" when you feel full!  It's not pretty.


Thanks for the advice Trina (Camping Coxes).  
I was given a binder full of information and warnings about stuff.   I can't have steak for, at least, a year, no more caffine (which I didn't do anyway), no more carbonated beverages, etc.   Eating all that sugar and fatty stuff causes what they call "dumping" and you get very ill and it can last several days.   Don't want to do that.  We have also been told that if we eat too much we can streatch our stomach out again.  Don't want to do that either.   It's looking more like my surgery might be either the end of February or sometime in March.   I'll just keep waiting.


Quote from: Calstate361Thanks for the advice Trina (Camping Coxes).  
I was given a binder full of information and warnings about stuff.   I can't have steak for, at least, a year, no more caffine (which I didn't do anyway), no more carbonated beverages, etc.   Eating all that sugar and fatty stuff causes what they call "dumping" and you get very ill and it can last several days.   Don't want to do that.  We have also been told that if we eat too much we can streatch our stomach out again.  Don't want to do that either.   It's looking more like my surgery might be either the end of February or sometime in March.   I'll just keep waiting.

Thanks for the update I was thinking about you tonight and hadn't checked here in awhile...keep up the good work...we're all proud of you and praying for everything to go to your puppy dogs from us...they are so cute


THANKS Dee. I will keep you all posted.
As for the Puppies, Sal and I have been sick with a cold/flu (thanks to our Grandkids over Christmas) and Buddy (the big dog) just sits and stares at Sal because Sal is making noises in his sleep. He loves his daddy so much he gets so worried about him. Last night, Sal was getting a pill out of a container and Buddy was right there with his nose in it all just watching everything Sal does. That dog is so loving. Killer likes it also because she get to sleep longer in bed with Mom. That dog is such a slug!!! Got to love them.
If I have time today (just getting back to work today) I'll give Kaiser a call and find out if I'm scheduled for February or not (probably not, since I have not heard from them).
I just called Kaiser and they don't have the February Schedule yet.   So, I guess I'll call again next week.....Joan

OC Campers

Hi Joan--

I just wanted to let you know I keep thinking about you and your surgery. I just got off the phone with an old friend from So Cal that I used to work with.  She had gastric bypass done back in September.  She has always had a weight problem as long as I have known her and she has lost 70 lbs since the surgery.  She also said they did it laproscopicly (spelling??).  She had 5 small incisions done and went home from the hospital the next day.  I was blown away!!  She says she is feeling great and doesn't regret it at all.  
Keep your chin up, it will happen!!


THANKS Jacqui,

That's what the Doctor told me also.   Just 5 small incisions and home the next day!   The hard part is getting food back into the system.  The first 10 days are the toughest with having mostly fluids.

OC Campers

Quote from: Calstate361THANKS Jacqui,
That's what the Doctor told me also. Just 5 small incisions and home the next day! The hard part is getting food back into the system. The first 10 days are the toughest with having mostly fluids.
It didn't seem that bad from what she said.  She was more worried about getting enough protein and nutrition.  She said she needed to eat 85 grams of protein a day and she was having trouble doing it.  She said she needed to drink protein shakes and that was the yucky part.  She said one good thing was the first few weeks she didn't feel hungry at all and had to force herself to eat.  Now she is doing great.  If she goes to Mc Donalds she now eats 1/2 a happy meal instead of a large value meal.  I can't wait to see her.  I have been worried about her health for years.  Now she is on the road to a healthier land happier life.



I got that all important call Friday afternoon.   My surgery is now scheduled for February 2nd!!!   :D   That is only 4 weeks away from this Thursday!  OH, I'm getting nervous now.


Finally you got your answer. You will be in our thoughts in early February. I'm sure with the positive attitude you've showed, that all will go well.

All our Best.


WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO :-()  :-()  :-()    Go Joan ...Go Joan

best of luck...keep us posted


Thanks all, I'll have to get after Sal to get his computer fixed so I can post when I'm home after the surgery.  As you know, I usually post from work so won't have access when I'm off.  I hope I'm only off for 2-3 weeks.  We will see.


OC Campers

Joan, I am excited for you.  You will do GREAT!



17 more days!!

I think it deserves a count down :D


I agree, Dee, go for it!!! :yikes:
16 days
I'm not going to be at work much until my surgery...I have a pre-op class on Friday (1/20), a meeting with my surgeon on Tuesday (1/24) and 3 appointments on Thursday (1/26). That's a lot of trips to So. SF!!! We will go back on the 1st (2/1) to check into the Travelodge next door to Kaiser and go have my blood crossed & type matched (per my Dr.). Won't know what time to check in on 2/2 because the instructions I have are to call the night before on 2/1 to see when to go get admitted. I should be home by 2/3 if everything goes alright; which it will. So we do need the countdown!