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Thoughts about Pismo

Started by Azusateach, Dec 27, 2005, 09:11 PM

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Quote from: AzusateachYou pick it, and we will come.  :D

Exactly!!!! :D  Laura is right...

I think this needs to be in the hands of an experienced Pismo wagonmaster :p

 ONLY $600 well in the poor state we are in that would eat up almost my entire available balance on my credit card.. I need that for upcoming Dr. Bills for Kevin and have no idea what it's going to entail :confused:

OC Campers

My kids LOVE Pismo so much but I don't know if we will be able to make it this year.  We have 2 week long trips planned already and Randy's work schedule is heating up with more travel involved which means less camping time available.  I guess only time will tell.  I hope someone will step up to wagonmaster this great trip.  It really isn't that much work if you are detail oriented and as Kevin said you most likely will have deposits in hand before you need to send in the deposit.  Then the wagonmaster can get someone to handle the activities and other rally items.




(Dee's proposal)...

Camping Coxes

Quote from: TheVikingTo Wagonmaster this size of Rally, the person would have to be experienced in Wagonmastering, be on the boards alot, and have excellent organizational skills. Like an Attorney, or someone that would take the time to organize and log CD's so they can be found easy, I think that someone that didn't have experience Wagonmastering, but had the organizational skills of a Teacher would still be a great option. Any other opinions?
Whoever could you be referring to, Brian?  Very subtle, indeed.

As far as the date change, we'd prefer later in the summer.  Last year we happened to end our regular All Star season late June and the weekend of the rally was our ONLY free weekend from late February until after July 4th (which happened to be the state tourney).  It worked out perfectly, but had Emily not had a manager who is familiar with us and knows we'd work her while we were camping, she would have had to choose between pitching in the state tourney and going camping.  June is still a hectic time for those who play sports.  

As far as the weather, since my BIL lives a few blocks away, I have to say in my opinion, there's always a haze in that area that keeps the weather cooler.  June actually can still be cold.  I think August may be more hospitable as far as water temps, etc.  I know that area books fast for the weekend of the 4th of July because you can light fireworks on the beach (city beach, that is).

If we do Paypal for the deposit like Scott did last year, we can accumulate the deposit pretty quickly, I think.  And there may be some who can afford to pay their full amount upfront, and those who can't, this will be a downpayment for their weekeend.


If it does pan out for August, it will probably have to be towards the beginning, because kids typically start school towards the middle or end of that month.   August 11th-13th would be good because it is a little over a month after the Yosemite trip, and a week or 2 before school starts. For my daughter, that is her birthday weekend as well, and that would be the biggest party she's ever had. LOL


Quote from: TheVikingIf it does pan out for August, it will probably have to be towards the beginning, because kids typically start school towards the middle or end of that month.   August 11th-13th would be good because it is a little over a month after the Yosemite trip, and a week or 2 before school starts. For my daughter, that is her birthday weekend as well, and that would be the biggest party she's ever had. LOL

Do I detect an offer to wagonmaster this get-together?  

C'mon Brian, you can do it!!!  :-()


Quote from: AzusateachDo I detect an offer to wagonmaster this get-together?  

C'mon Brian, you can do it!!!  :-()

actually... Brian & I have tossed around co-wagonmastering together...waiting for a e-mail reply to see if we have a financial backer otherwise we would've started this already. so if a financial backer comes thru the we can start planning...


Quote from: Dee4jactually... Brian & I have tossed around co-wagonmastering together...waiting for a e-mail reply to see if we have a financial backer otherwise we would've started this already. so if a financial backer comes thru the we can start planning...
That right. However like Dee said, we need to pony up with a $600.00 deposit to hold the sites, and unfortunetly neither one of us are able to do it right now. So the plan is to see if anyone else can. We will collect one nights site fee from everyone who signs up and as soon as we collect the $600.00, it will go straight back to the person who ponied it up. Once the sites are reserved , Dee and I will handle everything. We are shooting for August 11th-13th as our Rally date. We will keep everyone posted. If someone is feeling froggy, e-mail or PM Dee or Myself. I hope this doesn't sound like a desperate plea but it is possibly the only way this yearly rally will happen. Thanks.


Quote from: TheVikingThat right. However like Dee said, we need to pony up with a $600.00 deposit to hold the sites, and unfortunetly neither one of us are able to do it right now. So the plan is to see if anyone else can. We will collect one nights site fee from everyone who signs up and as soon as we collect the $600.00, it will go straight back to the person who ponied it up. Once the sites are reserved , Dee and I will handle everything. We are shooting for August 11th-13th as our Rally date. We will keep everyone posted. If someone is feeling froggy, e-mail or PM Dee or Myself. I hope this doesn't sound like a desperate plea but it is possibly the only way this yearly rally will happen. Thanks.
I can't pony up the deposit, BUT I will send full payment in advance to help whoever does.  THANKS Brian and Dee for doing this.  I'm also really glad that it's an August date vs. June as that is hectic for us too!  Our school should not have started by then and if I have any trainings to attend...OH WELL!  I'm a SCCAMPER first and foremost! :!


So, how much is it for the trip?  Only 2 nights?  I'd be willing to pay the whole thing up front, too.  Maybe if you tell us how much the whole trip would cost then we'd all know how many people you need to pay the total trip to cover the deposit.  

BUT ... what happens if the trip falls through?  What kind of refund policy does Pismo have?

Camping Coxes

Quote from: TheVikingFor my daughter, that is her birthday weekend as well, and that would be the biggest party she's ever had. LOL
That's the weekend of David's birthday as well.  My baby will be 16!  I feel old
-- very, very old.


Thanks Brian for the update

DK&3 kids...Thanks for having your priorities straight :D

..don't know the fees /dates yet.this is something we cam up with today providing someone is willing to financially back us..and whoever does the first prioity is getting their deposit back...I thin once it's booked it won't fall thru and most places have a minimal cancelation fee and we usually have untill a certain date to cancel any unspoken for sites w/o penalty

I believe thei website is pismocoastvillage .com

Trina.... :yikes:  sweet 16...OMG you are getting old :J  but apparently not to old for the showers :yikes: ....I'm glad  us SCCampers have a good sense of humor...otherwise we'd hate each other between campouts :J  :D


Dee and Brian,
There is no need to pay for the deposit from your own pockets.
When you call Pismo Coast Village, by phone, and make the reservation, they will send you a confirming letter, with the deposit ammount listed. I think it took me almost a month before I actually sent them a check.
This gives you plenty of time to collect a deposit from people, Scott collected over $50 as a deposit, and all it would take is for 12 out of the 40 people to quickly send you a check, and you have your deposit, and you are not out of pocket.

I agree with the Viking, the weekend of August 11-13th would be  a great weekend,

So Brian and Dee, looks like you are joint Waggonmasters for this Rally, Congratulations,  :)


Quote from: TheVikingwe need to pony up with a $600.00 deposit to hold the sites,

Perhaps I was too subtle the other day (1/3)... when Dee posted she needed a backer, I posted:

Quote from: zamboniHmmm...

(Dee's proposal)...

I'd be willing to pony up the deposit, if needed.  Either the first or second weekend in August is fine with my wife and I (she preferred the first, me the second, both for no apparent reason).


Quote from: zamboniPerhaps I was too subtle the other day (1/3)... when Dee posted she needed a backer, I posted:
 I'd be willing to pony up the deposit, if needed. Either the first or second weekend in August is fine with my wife and I (she preferred the first, me the second, both for no apparent reason).

 Thanks Glen, but hold that thought for now.  We ran into a bit of a roadblock.  I'm told Pismo does not take deposit's on reservations for July or August.  Therefore we would have to reserve the sites on Feb 1st and pay in full for all 40 sites by Feb. 10th.  I plan to call Pismo on Monday to verify this info before we give it up. A $600.00 deposit is a far cry from a $4000.00 to $5000.00 total site fee.  I will keep you all posted.