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RE: Ignore

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 28, 2003, 10:25 AM

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 SurfcalDude, you still gotta learn how to work the quotes.
 There you go my friend.[;)]
 Yeah, CKKevin has that " deer in the headlights"  look. [8D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 I think I should step up as the moderator of this board and delete any repeat ignores.

 There you go Nick. We ll write it into the bylaws: " Any repeat post on the Ignore thread shall be referred to as  committing an ignore foul  and the offender will be immediately singled out and his/her post will be deleted by Nick."
Now we have to come up with a catchy name for having a post deleted.  Something like " Surfcal just had his post phlemed for committing an ignore foul" .


 You just got Rabble Roused and you don t have a response.  It s like what Sacto said.  Some don t even realize they ve been RR ed until several posts later, then it s too late.
 " An ignore a day helps keep the odor aware"


 Surfcal" Not everything that can be ingnored counts, and not everything that counts can be ignored."


 SurfcalAm I supposed to read Sacto s posts?  I didn t see that in the by-laws.




 SurfcalWe may have an up-and-coming rabble rouser. Stay tuned as this rookie tries to make a name for himself [;)][8D]. But like most rookies, proper deference and respect to veteran rabble rousers is not given, thus deteriorating the legendary game of rabble rousing. A more subtle approach would have been more effective. CKKevin, consult with Griffsmom (the rabble rouser in disguise) as to how it s done. [;)][:D]  Rabble rousing is not about brute force but about manipulation of they psyche. It s an art. [;)][;)][8D] .
 If it s me now, Surfcal, you re next. [;)][8D]. The yungins think they can take down the rabble rouser leadership with one punch!  HA! [;)][;)][8D][8D][:D][:D] And as rabble rouser leaders, we need to stick together. Whenever somebody tries climb up our hill, we gotta spray them with the garden hose! [8D][8D][:D]


 ckkevinand so it goes....

 Ignore foul.
 Nick. Do your thing. [;)][8D]  Challenging the leadership has its consequences [8D][8D][8D][;)]


 He tries something like that on me, I m gunna open up a can of Whoopass and RR his rookie butt.
 But I know before he gets to me I know you ll have him on his knees.  I won t even get the chance.


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Can we all stop repeating posts too?!! That s you CKKevin and SURFCAL! Those are ignore fouls.

 or foul ignores...
QuoteI give the " ignore marketing award"  to Griffsmom, who has come up with the most clever phrases.

 You like me!! You really like me!!  I d like to thank the Academy and my mom and ....


QuoteHe tries something like that on me, I m gunna open up a can of Whoopass and RR his rookie butt.
 But I know before he gets to me I know you ll have him on his knees.  I won t even get the chance.

 That s right. The Can O  Whoopass is like the secret weapon. That s where we pull out the top secret material of the rabble rousing unit. No mercy and relentless " shock and awe"  tactics. No rookie wants a part of the Can O  Whoopass. After I bloody him up in battle, he s got to take on you *and* the Can O  Whoopass? No chance.


 SurfcalPerhaps my eagerness got in the way of a proper defensive strike.  I will try and do better next time.
 erongi tog


 ckkevinNow that you ve been " jumped"  into the gang, you re one of us. [;)][:)][:)]
 Ray will be generating a separate rabble rousers list shortly. I will recommend your initiation into the rabble rousing fraternity (w/little sisters). As I said, you ve got raw talent, just a little rough around the edges. [8D]


Quotefoul ignores...

 Or if you re Euro....ignoures
QuoteYou like me!! You really like me!! I d like to thank the Academy and my mom and ....


 SurfcalDrivers ignored.