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RE: Ignore

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 28, 2003, 10:25 AM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 Getting back to the original topic for the day
QuoteThings we choose to ignore.


 Surfcal, let me know when you want the Can O Euro Whoopass.


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 A couple additions:
 -GSMx2 likes to hug. It s a wonderful quality. But any attempts at rabble rousing by him don t generate a response because we just visualize him hugging Sammyslave.
 -6Quigs is Euro. No matter how hard he may try to rabble rouse, we can always get the last word in edgewise by making a comment about his Euroness.
 -Cottonwooder: Ray s right. Stay away from her. She s like the dog with an injured leg: She ll leave you alone, tolerate a little discomfort but if cornered will whirl around like the Tazmanian Devil if pushed too far. But she likes to scrapbook so she definitely has a Jekyl and Hyde thing going on.
 -Red Neff: Ray hit the nail on the head. He s always helping out, offering batteries, saying nice things & stuff. His window of opportunity to rabble rouse has passed. Rabble rousers don t perceive him as a threat.
 -Griffsmom: The rabble rouser in disguise. She jumped on her window of opportunity and rabble rouses with precision: She picks and chooses where to rabble rouse, does so with zinging comments, then retreats and disappears. Excellent tactics. It s as if she has rabble roused somewhere else before.
 -GWhiz: She s trying to rabble rouse a little bit, but her sheer volume and rate of posts dilutes her potency as a true rabble rouser. Rabble rousing unwritten code of ethics directs rabble rousers not to participate in all threads simultaneously as a non rabble rouser...and then suddenly rabble rouse in one of them.
 -CWB: He tried to make a rise to rabble rousing power, but was snuffed out by the stronger rabble rousers. He became a rabble rousing victim and has not tried to challenge since. Besides, he also uses the term " giggle" , which is a direct violation of NNC bylaw #12. No rabble rouser-to-be can be taken seriously after using the term " giggle."  
 -TMM: Now he s a good rabble rouser. He helped us take down CWB. He doesn t rabble rouse much, but when he does, it s a zinger. Gotta stay on your toes with him.
 -SCCS: He has proven he has the makings of a rabble rouser. His window of opportunity is still open and we re assessing his talent.
 -Nick: He can rabble rouse, but as moderator is at an unfair advantage. Respect among rabble rousers is earned only upon a level playing field.
 -Otter: She likes to cyber-hug. Very endearing woman, but I don t think rabble rousing is even on her radar screen. Therefore, if she suddenly attempts to rabble rouse, I think we will be able to quickly repel her advance.
 -OCCampers: She s on the fence as to whether she wants to rabble rouse. Keeping my eye on her as a potential rabble rousing foe, but so far, the threat appears minimal.
 -Hybrid Holly: Every once in a while she rouses some rabble. But like Surfcal said, is rather above the fray on this subject.
 -CKKevin: Definitely an up-and-comer. Surfcal and I have assessed his talent and we re bringing him along. He s chomping at the bit. We re teaching him strategy and tactics. In no time he ll be challenging the rabble rousing leadership.
 -Calstate 360: He doesn t play the rabble rousing game. He ll just bring out the Can O  Whoopass and it ll be all over. Don t even try to test him. Rabble rousing requires two willing partners.
 A lot of the other members I don t know, are dormant, or lurking so their rabble rousing talent is difficult to assess. Rabble rousing character profiles are living documents and subject to change according to NNC events.

 Holy S**t
 He managed to type all that, and hasn t had to edit it,


Quote< Message edited by Sactocampers -- 3/19/2003 2:06:15 PM >

 Typed too soon.
 I knew we could depend on you Brian


QuoteHoly S**t
 He managed to type all that, and hasn t had to edit it,

 NEVER underestimate my ability to edit! [8D][8D][:D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Surfcal, let me know when you want the Can O Euro Whoopass.

 Hey Sacto,
 Judging from the type of RR we are facing from that particular agent, I don t think we ll even have to use that version AT ALL!  It s too potent and disproportionate response for the futility of the RR s.
 No, I think we only need Whoopass Light.  You have any of those handy?


QuoteJudging from the type of RR we are facing from that particular agent, I don t think we ll even have to use that version AT ALL! It s too potent and disproportionate response for the futility of the RR s.

 Ah yes Master San. For every action there is an equal and appropriate (but slightly zingier) REaction. Excellent guidance. Thank you for reacquainting me with Chapter 2 of the Rabble Rousers Guidebook.
QuoteNo, I think we only need Whoopass Light. You have any of those handy?

 Yep, it s called Diet Euro Whoopass.
 I suppose you could give him some of that, but even that may not be necessary since he knows we re just " Acting the Maggot."
 <that s Euro for playing around>


Quote- Cottonwooder is feisty and she ll, lash back at you. Don t mess with her.

Quote-Cottonwooder: Ray s right. Stay away from her. She s like the dog with an injured leg: She ll leave you alone, tolerate a little discomfort but if cornered will whirl around like the Tazmanian Devil if pushed too far. But she likes to scrapbook so she definitely has a Jekyl and Hyde thing going on.

 I m dying here laughing.  Boy, you guys have me pegged!  (I m sure my suffering dh would agree too.)  But how?  I don t even recall posting zingers.  Do I just exude feistiness from every pore?  Must be my hot Portuguese blood.  No, not Jekyl/Hyde, just Gemini.  Both of me.  [;)]
 BTW, re.   ...rabble rousers not to participate in all threads simultaneously as a non rabble rouser...and then suddenly rabble rouse in one of them.  <--I think that s the epitome of a Master RRer!  WTG Moniker!


 SactoCampersBTW, what s with all this " Euro"  talk?  Did it originate from someone adding a " u"  to " Harbor" ?  I spelled it that way all my life till coming to this country, and still sound a bit like it.  (Mr. Otter thought I was Australian.)  
 Have happily changed my spellings, even picked up an American word or two (had to, since no one here knows what the boot of a car is!), and have even stooped so low as to pronounce the last letter as " zee" , but I draw the line at saying and spelling " aluminum" .  Nope, there are 5 syllables to that word!  [:D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 - Nick isn t bad, but he has a habit of shutting down threads.

 Come on Ray, you gotta come up with something new on me.  I have not stalled a thread in quite some time.
 I might be up in the city on the 29th if you want to meet for lunch.

 SactoCampers" Don t leave the toilet seat up" !


 GuestSCCS is that you pulling an Otter again?


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 - Nick isn t bad, but he has a habit of shutting down threads.

 Come on Ray, you gotta come up with something new on me.  I have not stalled a thread in quite some time.
 I might be up in the city on the 29th if you want to meet for lunch.

 NIck, shhhh...
 I am trying my best to get this awful title pawned off to Griffsmom.  Now shut up.


 :::::empty room merely echos back:::::  [:(]


 SactoCampersHere s a game for you all to ignore.  Kids love it so I thot it was right up NNC s alley. [:D][;)]
 Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to break up the day.
 Here is your dose...Follow the instructions to find your new name.  The following in an excerpt from a children s book, " Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants"  by Dave Pilkey: The evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names...

 Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name:
  a = poopsie
  b = lumpy
  c = buttercup
  d = gidget
  e = crusty
  f = greasy
  g = fluffy
  h = cheese! ball
  i = chim-chim
  j = stinky
  k = flunky
  l = boobie
  m = pinky
  n = zippy
  o = goober
  p = doofus
  q = slimy
  r = loopy
  s = snotty
  t = tootie
  u = dorkey
  v = squeezit
  w = oprah
  x = skipper
  y = dinky
  z = zsa-zsa

 Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
  a = apple
  b = toilet
  c = giggle
  d = burger
  e = girdle
  f = barf
  g = lizard
  h = waffle
  i = cootie
  j = monkey
  k = potty
  l = liver
  m = banana
  n = rhino
  o = bubble
  p = hamster
  q = toad
  r = gizzard
  s = pizza
  t = gerbil
  u = chicken
  v = pickle
  w = chuckle
  x = tofu
  y = gorilla
  z = stinker

 Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
  a = head
  b = mouth
  c = face
  d = nose
  e = tush
  f = breath
  g = pants
  h = shorts
  i = lips
  j = honker
  k = butt
  l = brain
  m = tushie
  n = chunks
  o = hiney
  p = biscuits
  q = toes
  r = buns
  s = fanny
  t = sniffer
  u = sprinkles
  v = kisser
  w = squirt
  x = humperdinck
  y = brains
  z = juice

 Whoops... forgot to sign my new name!
 Signed:  Goober Gerbil Squirt


 g-whizChim-Chim ToiletHead [&:][:@][: (][:D]