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RE: Ignore

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 28, 2003, 10:25 AM

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 Red neff BarchettaThe campfire..fireside chat is a chat room.  I pop in evry now and again, but they all seem to be east coasters on their way to bed!!!  We may have to change that.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaHang ten Diane!
 Have a great trip.
 Bring back pictures.


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 The campfire..fireside chat is a chat room.  I pop in evry now and again, but they all seem to be east coasters on their way to bed!!!  We may have to change that.

 We will change that!  Have a great time in Hawaii.  I am envious as Hawaii is on my list of places to experience in my lifetime.  I think it would be a very nice anniversary destination... hint, hint Scott!  [;)]  Aloha!


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteI love how we pay for things that are supposed to be a waste by-product like whey.

 That comment made me think this morning as I put on my Secret deodorant.  You know how they name them.... Spring Breeze... Powder Fresh...  Shower Fresh... Original...  ?  Well, my new Secret deodorant is called Optimism.  I wondered, would it give me powers to remain optimistic all day long even in the face of all the negativity that seems to crop up?   Or, did it just mean that I can be optimistic that it will work all day long even tho I will be moving furniture this morning and then hiking in the hills this afternoon?  Has anyone tried this before?


 Red neff BarchettaSorry, can t help you thee G-whiz.  But you and your deoderant are made for each other.  Optimist!   Curious, always ponderig the ecsetaric.
 (I love these words, but have no clue how to spell them)  
 We need a spell check on the boards.  


 Red neff BarchettaCan you believe it has been over 2 weeks since this little thread has been posted to!!
 NNC rule # 3 is been violated, and we will all be required to partake in some of Nick s Home Brew on our next rally!!
 I also noticed that of the 11,680 posts to PUT, over 10 % of those have been in our NNC areas, with 944 in the NNC area, 215 in Raise the roof, 25 Gold Country and 36 in May 2003 So Cal giving a Total of 1,220 posts.
 Now if you add up all the individual posts from everyone,
 they total close to 2,000, meaning we own 20% of the message boards!!
 Also our  General coughing and Rousing"  thread, with 14 pages, 276 replies and 6,644 hits is by far the most active thread,
 and the second most active thread is the  Camper &  Tow Vehicle"  started by our very own GSMx2 with only 6 pages, 115 replies and only 1,554 hits.

gsm x2

 Red neff BarchettaWe are certainly prolific posters.  In the " 500 posts I doubt it"  thread, they talk about there being too much drivel since the new board.  " Drivel away,"  I say.  For me this is for fun.....and this is fun.
 gsm x2


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 I also noticed that of the 11,680 posts to PUT, over 10 % of those have been in our NNC areas, with 944 in the NNC area, 215 in Raise the roof, 25 Gold Country and 36 in May 2003 So Cal giving a Total of 1,220 posts.
 Now if you add up all the individual posts from everyone,
 they total close to 2,000, meaning we own 20% of the message boards!!
 Also our  General coughing and Rousing"  thread, with 14 pages, 276 replies and 6,644 hits is by far the most active thread,
 and the second most active thread is the  Camper &  Tow Vehicle"  started by our very own GSMx2 with only 6 pages, 115 replies and only 1,554 hits.

 Way to go with the calculations!  That was something I would have expected out of Sactocampers and I bow to you.  I am thoroughly impressed.  Those are some good number crunching.
 Sactocampers, I vote for that to be entered as a " Off the Record,"  not an Amendment in our Website with the date.  Things that are quotables can go in that section.
 We should also have some other NNC statistics, like how many average days go by before we hold rallies and that sort of thing.  What is the average number of attendance at our rallies.  How many gallons of wine do we consume.
 We can have our own Guiness Book of NNC Records.
 And to think, in the Campfire, some guy started a controversy about members not posting enough.  I won t say much because he might peer in here and go after me.  Sacto and I dogged him in his thread and he s none to happy.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 And to think, in the Campfire, some guy started a controversy about members not posting enough.  I won t say much because he might peer in here and go after me.  Sacto and I dogged him in his thread and he s none to happy.

 Today was the first time I ventured out to check some of the posts outside of NNC.  I called up the list that shows the last 50 posts, newest at the top, and went from there.   I have to say I was stunned at the riffs, tiffs, finger pointing, assumptions, clashes, etc.  I m stayin  away from that Campfire so I don t get burned!

gsm x2

 Red neff BarchettaWhat s that they say about opinions?  Oh yeah, everyone has one.
 So here s my opinion.
 I love the NNC part of the board.  It s just my style and provides me what I want.
 On those occations when I might want something else, I know that there are other resources out there where I might get a opinion.  But for me, I just love it here among the people I have met, laughed with, and supped with....even hugged.
 I am wondering if Bearbait is the person who complained about SlaveLarry and made him want to stop posting.  Was he Larry?
 gsm x2


QuoteToday was the first time I ventured out to check some of the posts outside of NNC.  I m stayin  away from that Campfire so I don t get burned!

 Georgeanne, your post piqued my curiosity.  Did you see me tiptoeing in there quietly behind you.... and fleeing away just as quickly!  It was my first time looking there too.  Good grief, are they still talking about the " death"  of PUT, etc?  The $30 news was first announced three months ago, and they still talk about it?  Ai yah!!!  (Chinese for " oy veh!" )  
 Frankly, I m afraid to post in PUT outside of NNC.  Am tired of being told, and seeing others being told, that that question has been asked before and to use the Search feature.  They can stick their pompous search button where the sun don t shine!  [:@]


QuoteI m stayin  away from that Campfire so I don t get burned!
I know what you mean G-Whiz.
 It s a fun place to visit and to read, but only reply on the fun topics.
 Just stay away from anything controversal, or anything that requires an opinion.
 There s plenty of helpful friendly folks out there, and lots of info in the bargains, recipies and Mr fix it forums.

gsm x2

QuoteThey can stick their pompous search button where the sun don t shine!  

Yeah--Search This!!!

 Way to go SbP
 gsm x2


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
QuoteToday was the first time I ventured out to check some of the posts outside of NNC.  I m stayin  away from that Campfire so I don t get burned!

 Georgeanne, your post piqued my curiosity.  Did you see me tiptoeing in there quietly behind you.... and fleeing away just as quickly!  It was my first time looking there too.  Good grief, are they still talking about the " death"  of PUT, etc?  The $30 news was first announced three months ago, and they still talk about it?  Ai yah!!!  (Chinese for " oy veh!" )  
 Frankly, I m afraid to post in PUT outside of NNC.  Am tired of being told, and seeing others being told, that that question has been asked before and to use the Search feature.  They can stick their pompous search button where the sun don t shine!  [:@]

 Ai yah!!!  Love that!!!  When I see you I ll have to get the correct pronunciation so I don t go stepping on toes.  [;)]  Some people just get stuck somewhere in time and never leave that space.  Too bad for them.  $30?  Is that what we paid for all this fun???  Let s see... 365 days a year...  $30...  Gee, that s about 8 cents a day.  Talk about a bargain!  Once nice thing about NNC is, you can ask ANYTHING as many times as you want and we will always answer.  I won t guarantee that the answer will make any sense, but it will be an answer nonetheless.  [;)][;)]


QuoteJust stay away from anything controversal, or anything that requires an opinion.

 Well Kevin, I just stuck my toe in the water regarding the Tilley Hats.  I saw you posted there and thot it must be safe.  [:)]