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RE: Ignore

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 28, 2003, 10:25 AM

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QuoteOh and ~Patricia~,
 Its time for a flip



 CottonwooderDar*&^%$  you got me again:  
 I hate it when I think there is a new post from buddy and it turns out to be a *&&^^%% FLIP.
 Hi C wooder.  Whatcha doin ?  I was listening to the ball game and typing, but Lon changed my station.  And we are only bvehind by 6 runs.  Some people have no faith! I am reading... The life of PI.  Different I must say.
 Aslo making a baby blanket, and just started a puzzle.  
 Do ya think I am bored?  
 Gotta go.  Time for bed.
 it has been a restful week.  Hope yours is great.  
 your buddy/dragon


Quoteit has been a restful week. Hope yours is great.

 Glad SOMEONE had a restful week!  The days immediately following our return from the Rally were so hectic, I would have ended up in the hospital had they not abated.  My lawyer client had a Friday deadline that no one knew about until I found out on Tuesday, an hour after getting home from the long drive.  Not to mention some important papers that had been sitting in our mailbox the entire time we d been away, which had to be back on the other side of the country THAT DAY.  Oh, joy!  This week has been better, thank goodness, allowing me to recover.
 Of course, " recover"  meant totally clearing out Rebecca s room and finding somewhere to put all the displaced stuff, but at least I could do that at my own pace and not be pulled in two directions at the same time.  Our living room currently looks like a warehouse.  The rest of the house just has stuff lying all over the place.  Oh, joy again!  Now I m just plain tired, but at least not that frazzled, crazy, exhausted I was last week.
 They bashed down the wall on Monday, but now that the lathing is up and fully enclosing the new extension, it finally is starting to look like a room.  In the meantime, Rebec is sleeping in the trailer.  Mike is out there keeping her company while I stay inside with Karen.
 Can t wait till this construction is over and our home can be returned to normal!


 CottonwooderDear Cottonwooder,
 You are much toooo busy my friend.  I do understand the situation tho and am so happy I have moved into a new stage of life.  I watch my daughter stress and think, WoW did I do that; and of course I did!   Moving to Santa Cruz has been great for us.  We live a completely different rhythm.  Get up drink coffee, do a crossword puzzle, take the dog to the beach, go to the spa, a bit of shopping or picking up, NAP, walk the dog, make dinner, watch a ball game.  What a life.  
 I do think Iwill get bored. But it hasn t happened yet!
 We are attending a 4th of July block party tomorrow and then take one of the grandgirls back to Santa Cruz with us for a few days.  That should be fun. Interrupt our pattern.  hahahha
 I ll take a nap for ya.


QuoteGet up drink coffee, do a crossword puzzle, take the dog to the beach, go to the spa, a bit of shopping or picking up, NAP, walk the dog, make dinner, watch a ball game. What a life.

 Nearly 11pm, and I just got back home from fleeing to a couple of stores to save my sanity.  Was fun to look at this  n  that, trying to decide what would work best in No Way.  I think I m sane once again.  Perhaps.  No guarantee.
 We re off to the annual kiddie parade tomorrow (Rebec on her bike; Karen on her trike) and then eat our way from one end of the street fair to the other.  Happy 4th!

gsm x2

QuoteYou are much toooo busy my friend. I do understand the situation tho and am so happy I have moved into a new stage of life. I watch my daughter stress and think, WoW did I do that; and of course I did! Moving to Santa Cruz has been great for us. We live a completely different rhythm. Get up drink coffee, do a crossword puzzle, take the dog to the beach, go to the spa, a bit of shopping or picking up, NAP, walk the dog, make dinner, watch a ball game. What a life.

 Grrr, going to work all of the next three days this " Holiday Weekend."   Envious of Otter and Mr. Otter s weekend.  Of course, going to to be spending as many hours as possible patrolling in the boat, so won t be THAT BAD.  [:)]
 gsm x2

Red neff Barchetta

 CottonwooderScott/GSM x2 -
 I m picturing you on the boat ala Roy Scheider (sp.?) in Jaws yelling at everyone to get out of the water and freaking everybody out.  Then the shark turns out to be some kid in a scuba outfit or something, lol.
 Have a safe 3 days at work!  I m sure alcohol and the hot sun doesn t help you deal with the idiots who think they can still handle driving a boat or whatever and also gives them their " beer muscles"  and get cocky with you.  I grew up water skiing and have never understood why drinking and driving a boat are seen as no big deal.  Once saw a bafoon drive his boat at full throttle up onto shore!  He was alone so he only hurt himself (and his pocketbook).

gsm x2

 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteI m sure alcohol and the hot sun doesn t help you deal with the idiots who think they can still handle driving a boat or whatever and also gives them their " beer muscles"  and get cocky with you. I grew up water skiing and have never understood why drinking and driving a boat are seen as no big deal. Once saw a bafoon drive his boat at full throttle up onto shore! He was alone so he only hurt himself (and his pocketbook).

 The saving grace for us is that for the most part, people do have enough respect for the ocean to sever the connection between boats and alcohol that seems to prevelant on lakes.  Of course it doesn t stop the alcoholics that own boats from drinking and on occasion the " Dock Party"  crowd decide to get into their boats for a lap around the harbor.
 But here is a sobering fact.  40% of all boating fatalities in California occur on the Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day weekends.  That s 40% occuring on 9 days.  Anyone boating this careful and wear your lifejacket.
 gsm x2


 CottonwooderWe raised  our kids waterskiing in California on Holiday weekends.  2 or 3 boats, 5 or 6 families, every holiday.  And although we may have partied hearty after dark, a beer never went on board the boats.  Drinking on the water never made any sense to us either.  We met our share of drunks tho and always had to be on the look out for the less endowed.  
 Thanks Scott for what you do in keeping families safe.  And in the whole scheme of things, it s not a bad job.  Actually, the way things are now, it is a JOB which so many don t  have.  
 I have no apologies for  bragging  on our slow life last week.  Lon and I have served our time, paid our dues etc.  We intend to enjoy this sliver of the cake just as heartily.  
 Grin and bare it folks!
 enjoy the weekend

gsm x2

QuoteI have no apologies for  bragging  on our slow life last week. Lon and I have served our time, paid our dues etc. We intend to enjoy this sliver of the cake just as heartily.

 And well you shouldn t apologize.  Kan t wait to get into that mode myself.  Taking a step August 1 when we downsize our living arrangements to one bedroom and one less bathroom.
 Doing some packing already because we have a busy July so have to be ready to roll on the Friday.
 gsm x2


 CottonwooderIt is so " liberating"  to downsize, toss (not TOS) things, or make the deposit at Good Will.  We have all been in that mode this year.  Lon s folks went from a 4bdrm to a one bedroom, we vacated for our daughter s family, and SHE had to get everything out as the remodle effected everyroom. The older generation had the most trouble with it.  Everything had value, sentimental or otherwise.  They can t move in their aptartment and they have filled the garage of everyone they know.  
 We go thru stages when we can throw stuff out.  But we want to save different things, so we save too much.  
 Ihopeyou are both happy with your new digs.  Moving can be exciting if it is what everyone wants to do.  Good luck with your move!


 gsm x2
QuoteTaking a step August 1 when we downsize our living arrangements to one bedroom and one less bathroom.

 TOS, ya moving?  Are you going to be closer or further away from us?  Guess you can t take Rocky with you, eh?  LOL!

gsm x2

QuoteTOS, ya moving? Are you going to be closer or further away from us? Guess you can t take Rocky with you, eh? LOL!

 Actually about the same.  Moving up to Telephone and Petit.  Removing the hill from my commute which will allow me to ride to work again.  Selling the van will help assure that also.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2My word, jumping over the 03 zip code clear across to the other side of town!  That ll now put us closer to Casitas and Cachuma than you!
 I assume your route to work will be all the way down to the end of Telephone, then a right?  And why are you getting rid of the van?  Surely you re not getting rid of the PU, are you???? [:o]

gsm x2

QuoteMy word, jumping over the 03 zip code clear across to the other side of town! That ll now put us closer to Casitas and Cachuma than you!
 I assume your route to work will be all the way down to the end of Telephone, then a right? And why are you getting rid of the van? Surely you re not getting rid of the PU, are you????  

 Ah yes, my SBP Friend.  You will now win the " Closest Traveled Award"  for rallies at the C-Lakes.  Hmm, my competitive side makes me want to reconsider the whole moving thing.  But, it s probably too late anyway.  Already gave notice here and the owner s are making plans to move in.  So we would have to move anyways.
 We re selling the van because we are a " one car family"  relying heavily on my bike.  When we brought our Trailblazer, some odd circumstances required us to keep the van rather than trading it in.  We would have sold it right away, but when Beth and Dean said their vacation corrosponded with the Gold Rush to the Coast Rally, we decided to keep the van until after the Rally.
 Hasta Mana¤a.
 gsm x2