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RE: Ignore

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 28, 2003, 10:25 AM

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gsm x2

 CottonwooderDo you realize that if G-Whiz posts three more times before she goes to bed that she will crack the Top 20 posters....leaving NNC with 7 of the top 20 posters.  And the gsm x2 couple will definitely be the #1 posting couple on NNC.
 Life???  Who needs a life???
 Watch out if Earthlink ever gets DSL up the hill.
 What do you have at home LarrySammy?  What do you have at work?
 The Original Scott


 CottonwooderI know no-body cares, but this is post Number 1,000 in the NNC Forum.
 Way to go Guys[8D]


 CottonwooderI asked TMM to send me some pix of the children from our Olema Rally so that I can include them in the scrapbook.  If you would rather I did not include your children can you please e-mail me so that I leave them out.  Thanks for your help.


QuoteI asked TMM to send me some pix of the children from our Olema Rally so that I can include them in the scrapbook.

 Kevin/Neff/Moniker, what s this scrapbook you re putting together?


 CottonwooderOh, its just a bit of fun I ve been doing on my computer.
 On every rally that we ve been to, I ve put together a scrapbook with photos and captions on some of the fun we ve been having.
 I brought them to Olema to share with everyone.


QuoteKevin/Neff/Moniker, what s this scrapbook you re putting together?

 I almost said that I am the official scrapbook historian of NNC, but then realized that nothing about NNC is really very official.  Even the bylaws get changed at the drop of a hat.  Anyway... I have been making a record of our rallies.  I didn t start until the Lake Cachuma Rally but have kept up since that time.  I am going to try to back track just to add a little something from all the past rallies even if it just consists of the group shot.  Everybody that takes photos puts them out on the Net for us to look at.  I download them to create the book along with explanations and quotes from NNCers.  It s all done on my computer so it s not the nice Creative Memory type albums like you make.  I saw yours at the VC Fair!!!





QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 Oh, its just a bit of fun I ve been doing on my computer.
 On every rally that we ve been to, I ve put together a scrapbook with photos and captions on some of the fun we ve been having.
 I brought them to Olema to share with everyone.

 Ok, I know it s time for bed when I get serious!  Nighty nite.[8D][:)][;)][&:]

gsm x2

 CottonwooderBut g-Whiz is also going to get some good original photos too.  My Kodak digital camera bit the dust.  Kodak would fix it for $150 + tax plus shipping.  With MM s advise I got a Canon for about the same price as the replacement.  Oh, I love the STITCH FEATURE.  Got the card reader on G s computer...installed perfectly even though it was a parellel port reader in Windows XP.
 Can t wait for Snug Harbor.

Red neff Barchetta

 CottonwooderHere s a little something from the short guy who Art Garfunkel is jealous of;
 When I think back
 On all the crap I learned in high school
 It s a wonder
 I can think at all
 And though my lack of edu---cation
 Hasn t hurt me none
 I can read the writing on the wall
 They give us those nice bright colors
 They give us the greens of summers
 Makes you think all the world s a sunny day, Oh yeah
 I got a Nikon camera
 I love to take a photograph
 So mama don t take my Kodachrome away
 If you took all the girls I knew
 When I was single
 And brought them all together for one night
 I know they d never match
 my sweet imagination
 And everything looks worse in black and white
 They give us those nice bright colors
 They give us the greens of summers
 Makes you think all the world s a sunny day, Oh yeah
 I got a Nikon camera
 I love to take a photograph
 So mama don t take my Kodachrome away


 CottonwooderHey Gsmx2  
 Be sure to get plenty of pixs of those mud wrestlers!!!!  [8D] at Snug Harbor.
 And One of Larry that we can post on the boards here so we don t miss him   so much.  [&:]
 I m thinking of costumes..or props.  We need a theme for the pix.  Let s see.
 Snug..hmmm as in bug,  [>:]  jug,  [&:]    hug. ( you got in trouble iwth that one last rally[:o] )   smug [:)]  is good
 Harbor:  I need G=Whiz s help on that one.!!!!!!! Were is Ray and his inginuety (sp) when you need him.


 CottonwooderNeff brought to mind this song.  It is the official song of the HA-HA s and can be done on kazoos.
 I am woman, hear me roar
 In numbers too big to ignore
 And I know too much
 To go back an  pretend
  Cause I ve heard it all before
 And I ve been down there on the floor
 No one s ever gonna
 Keep me down again
 Oh yes I am wise
 But it s wisdom born of pain
 Yes, I ve paid the price
 But look how much I gained
 If I have to, I can do anything
 I am strong
 I am invincible
 I am woman
 You can bend but never break me
  Cause it only serves to make me
 More determined
 To achieve my final goal
 And I come back even stronger
 Not a novice any longer
  Cause you ve deepened
 The conviction in my soul
 Oh yes I am wise
 But it s wisdom born of pain
 Yes, I ve paid the price
 But look how much I gained
 If I have to, I can do anything
 I am strong
 I am invincible
 I am woman
 I am woman watch me grow
 See me standing toe to toe
 As I spread my lovin  arms
 Across the land
 But I m still an embryo
 With a long long way to go
 Until I make my
 Brother understand
 Oh yes I am wise
 But it s wisdom born of pain
 Yes, I ve paid the price
 But look how much I gained
 If I have to
 I can face anything
 I am strong
 I am invincible
 I am woman
 Oh, I am woman
 I am invincible
 I am strong
 Ray Burton - Helen Reddy


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 I m thinking of costumes..or props.  We need a theme for the pix.  Let s see.
 Snug..hmmm as in bug,  [>:]  jug,  [&:]    hug. ( you got in trouble iwth that one last rally[:o] )   smug [:)]  is good
 Harbor:  I need G=Whiz s help on that one.!!!!!!! Were is Ray and his inginuety (sp) when you need him.

 All I can come up with is Chug Barber.  Is there a beer by that name?  Barber Beer????

Ab Diver

 CottonwooderAlert! Alert! Bikolee has started an ignore thread of his own in the Campfire forum! What audacity, what daring, what guts, what big brass..., ahem. Thought we d better make sure HIS thread doesn t catch OUR thread. Or do we wanna help his out and *ignore* it too?[;)]

gsm x2

QuoteI am woman, hear me roar
 In numbers too big to ignore
 And I know too much
 To go back an  pretend
  Cause I ve heard it all before
 And I ve been down there on the floor
 No one s ever gonna
 Keep me down again

 G-Whiz and I once saw a woman perform this at a Karaoke bar in Vegas.  OH was amazing.  Some people should not drink and some people should not unbutton their blouses buttoned when performing in front of crowds.  This woman should not have done EITHER of those.
 You can ask G-Whiz s opinion on this, but I think was once
 gsm x2