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RE: Reyes the Rool Rally

Started by g-whiz, Feb 14, 2003, 11:49 AM

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 g-whizI don t care what this thread is called,
 I don t care if Sacto is coming to Snug Harbour.
 I don t care where this thread is located.
 I don t care what Surfcough is up to today.
 i don t care how confused everyone is.
 All I want is the recipe to the D**m Taco Salad!!!!!!!
 who has not eaten a decent meal since Olema


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 All I want is the recipe to the D**m Taco Salad!!!!!!!
 who has not eaten a decent meal since Olema

 E-mail Mike (Nick) since it was his mom s recipe.  I make a taco salad, but it is totally unlike the one we had at Olema, therefore, I did not post it.  But, if you are desperate, I will send you my mix of goodies.  Go have a Margarita and chill out until further information can be compiled.  Which may take days, so CHEERS!


QuoteAll I want is the recipe to the D**m Taco Salad!!!!!!!

 Sounds like the main ingredient was that D**m Ham.  Watch it reappear at the next Rally-of-Many-Names, disguised as " D**m Ham Taco Salad."   [: (]


 g-whizTaco Salad
 Servings: 4
 Preparation time: 0:25
 1 lb hamburger
 1 onion
 1 carrot
 4 mushrooms
 1 packet of taco seasoning
 1 head lettuce
 1 tomato
 4 tablespoons Salsa
 4 tablespoons Sour Cream
 1 bag corn chips
 Slice and dice the onion carrot and mushrooms. Fry hamburger in skillet, at diced vegetables. Drain off fat from burger. Add in taco seasoning and water as per instructions on taco seasoning packet.
 While letting the hamburger cook down slice lettuce and tomato. On each serving plate lay down a bed of corn chips, layer on lettuce and tomatoes and taco seasoning-burger concoction top with sour cream and salsa.
 For extra flavor and heaviness throw some grated cheese (cheddar) on the burger just before the sour cream.

gsm x2

QuoteDay-um, he s good. The scary thing is that I understood exactly what he said/did. Is this group that easily confused?

 Larry--Welcome back.  You ve got this posting thing down pat...good tri...nice to cia.
 Confusius say, " What????"
 gsm x2


 g-whizHello GSM X2:
 Yeah, it s good to be back and carousing with you guys.  Congratulations on inching up on the boards.

gsm x2

QuoteHello GSM X2:
 Yeah, it s good to be back and carousing with you guys. Congratulations on inching up on the boards.

 Thanks Larry.  I ve been pretty quiet here lately, fallen back to sixth.  Glad to be back carousing with my best camping bud.


 gsm x2
QuoteI ve been pretty quiet here lately, fallen back to sixth.

 TOS, you scared me for a moment!  I took a look.  You are still in a clear 5th, and would have to be totally mute for a long time to be ousted out of there.
 Now, the good lady wife, on the other hand, is leapfrogging over her fellow PUTers, passing  em like a train as if they were standing still.  You go, Moniker!
 (Notice how I refuse to call her " Monica" .  It brings that Lewinsky character to mind, famous for " holding the presidency in her hands" .  Yuck!)

gsm x2

Quote(Notice how I refuse to call her " Monica" . It brings that Lewinsky character to mind, famous for " holding the presidency in her hands" . Yuck!)

 Not to mention what she would do with a Cuban.  Cigar that is.
 I am SOOOOOO glad that I have complete control over these fingers.  I could be banned from the boards FOREVER if I let my fingers type what my mind thinks.
  monúiúker or monúickúer n. Slang. A personal name or nickname.


 gsm x2I like the moniker idear I thinker iter mighter catcher oner!!
 Thanker Youer,
 Whereer iser the Tacoer Salader reciper thater Bonnyer mader?
 Juster askinger, thatser aller!


 g-whizOn Friday night, when you all arrive, I will have FREE HOTDOGS as promised in my signature!


 SurfcalPost deleted due to crazy low blood sugar talking.  [:)]


 SurfcalOK, don t forget to include all the details for this rally.
 TOS, Scott
 Hey CWB, from now on, it s tri-tip for you and me pal.  I ll bring it along.  I ll bring extra for Ralph and Larry the chef.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 TOC, Scott

 TOC? who is THAT my former friend and now rabble rouser?[:@][:@][;)][&:]
 Do you really mean TOS???
 C mon Ray, pull a Sacto and edit that post!!!![;)]


 SurfcalSo we have to wait until April for the next Rally?
 I liked the idea of starting the potluck at 4.00