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RE: Campground reviews

Started by jpreiser, Aug 14, 2003, 10:08 PM

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 One of the things I have noticed on this board is the lack of campground reviews.  Now I know we have quite a number of members (over 750!) and almost all of them have gone camping recently. Why not put up a review of those good sites you visited?  Or give a heads up on the crummy ones?  I scour these when I m setting up a trip, both here and on other sites, as well as dreaming about places I d like to go visit.
 This section is as important as any of the others and you don t need any technical expertise to put in your opinion.  Come on, tell us - where have you been camping at?


 abbear   If you can t find what your looking for on pop up times try this site....


 abbearI have placed several reviews in the MidWest section but you can t see most of them.  Notice the little box at the top of the forums which you click to get topics for 30 days or 90 or 180 etc.?  Well, it s always on 30.  Click it to 90 and it comes back 30.  What this means is that in the midwest section it shows there have been something like 51 reviews posted but all you can see and read is like 6 or 7 which have been posted in the last 30 days.
 Have brought this to the attention of the webmaster and it was corrected for about 1 day and then back to being locked on 30 days only.


 abbearstrange...I can get all the forums to go back to January 1 on my machine...


 abbearI forget to post there, but then again, we usually don t go to a lot of different CG s.  
 However, if someone asks about an area or a specific CG, I ll respond with my opinions.  I do hesitate to post because what I like, some people don t like.  
 ie... there is a local CG that we go to on a regular basis and like, and someone else we know, doesn t like it.  I sure hate to have someone go to a CG that I recommended and they ended up not liking it.[:o][:o][:o]

Turn Key

 You may want to try again or there may be something wrong with your system.  I am able to get back to January 1st. with no problem.  Unfortunatly, we ve lost everything before that and there was a real wealth of information there.  Oh, well.  I enjoy writing reviews anyway.


 abbearI ve been really slack about writing reviews too. But..maybe if we not only give our thoughts on the campground, but more details on the setup of the campgound, the cleanliness, the things to do, the size of spaces and why WE did or didn t like it, folks would get a better idea. I know I ve heard people say they didn t like a campground because there was  nothing much to do except fish or sit around and it was too shady. They wanted all the ammenities for their children and they preferred open spaces.  But because they described the place so well and said it was really clean, I pretty much knew it would be the kind of place I d enjoy.  We ve started trying to hit a lot of the campgrounds in our area on the weekends we aren t actually camping somewhere and try to actually take pictures of places. ...I mean when you can actually see that the one shower in a campground has mold and mildew about half an inch thick growing all over pretty much know that s NOT the place you want to go!  [: (]    Now...I just gotta get some time and try to figure out where and how to put these somewhere I could link to....some snowy weekend when I can t camp perhaps....


QuoteORIGINAL:  jpreiser   If you can t find what your looking for on pop up times try this site....

 I like this site -- very informative.


 abbearOkay.  I tried getting on the forum with Internet Explorer and there I could get posts back to the first of the year.  So, experimenting,  on Netscape 7, which I usually use and prefer,  I can only get 30 days of posts but nothing longer than that.  Everything else works fine.  On Netcape 4 can get posts back to the first of the year but lots of other stuff on the forum don t work (colors different, etc.).  On IE I get posts back to 1st of year but have to put up with all kinds of popups, etc, and am having trouble with the html code on IE.
 Oh, s an imperfect world.  [8D]


 Turn Key
QuoteORIGINAL:  Turn Key
 You may want to try again or there may be something wrong with your system.  I am able to get back to January 1st. with no problem.  Unfortunatly, we ve lost everything before that and there was a real wealth of information there.  Oh, well.  I enjoy writing reviews anyway.

 I don t have any problem getting everything either.


 abbearvjm, Tracy:
 What browser are you guys using - IE, Netscape...what?  Obviously every browser has different characteristics and not all work the same in different situations.  Weird!
 [font=" Script MT Bold" ]Wayfarer[/font][/size]


 abbearHi Wayfarer...I use Internet Explorer..6.0.. Strictly personal preference when I m home and work s preference when I m here.  ;>