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RE: " WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER" in a special way

Started by CajunCamper, Sep 10, 2003, 11:27 AM

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 In one day, the USA and the World will come upon the second anniversary of the tragedy of 9-11.  We remember the days that followed and that one evening when we all lit candles by our front doors, on our front lawns, our porches and our decks.  
 This year, let us join together to show that we will not forget those innocent people that lost their lives that morning. The passengers, the pilots, the people that were working at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Let us join together to show our appreciation for the brave firefighters, police officers and EMT personnel that ran to help others. To show our remembrance, our strength, our resolve and our love of our country, let s join together again.
 On the evening of September 11th, rain or shine, light up the front of your home, your yard, your street, your walkway, your porch, your front steps.  
 Take time and remember the events of 9-11, how deeply you were moved, scared, touched.  Pray that our nation continues the fight on terrorism so that events such as this do not happen again on our soil or any where else in the world.
 Pass this along and hopefully by 9-11 it will have reached many throughout the USA and the world.  What a statement to the world, our nation, our neighbors and especially to those lost on that tragic day. May sanity reign while we remember.
                          WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN !!![/color]


 angelsmom10That is awesome, I am going to email this to everyone on my list and also run copies to put on my neighbors doors. Thanks


 angelsmom10I work for a government office in Arlington VA close to the Pentagon.  Arlington is putting up HUGE flags on many of the buildings as I type this.  They are beautiful and remind us all of that terrifying day.   People around the office are looking at those flags as they go up and remembering and talking about what they were doing or where they were when they came in and told us to get out of the buildings.     I remember how proud it would make me to see those flags everywhere....the lighted road signs over the interstate here that normally flashed traffic news flashing the words " God Bless America" .....      


 angelsmom10Our local PBS station did a special last night - I wish I had taped it.  It was about several people who survived and what they were doing and how they got out.  What little I did see, it was fantastic.
 It was titled " 9/11: A Tale of Two Towers"   it was in 2 parts the second one will be aired tonight at 9pm EST.  You may want to check you local listing to see if it is being aired in your area.
Quote9/11: A Tale of Two Towers
 Wednesday, September 10, 9:00pm
 The experiences of employees working in two offices in the World Trade Center during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001
 Part 2 of 2 In Stereo (CC)