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Introducing Winkie!!!

Started by MommaMia, Dec 24, 2003, 05:08 PM

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We stopped at the pet store yesterday to pick up some supplies and to pet some of the little fuzzies. It is called Pet Supermarket.  They don't have many animals, it's mostly supplies they carry.  Spotlessly clean,
even in back.  The doors to the back store room are open so customers can
see in there easily.

While petting the fuzzies,  Zoe pointed out a hamster that had only one eye.
Then we saw another with a wound just below his eye.  Hamsters can be very
territorial, I'm told and these two had likely been fighting.  The one-eyed
one looked like the wound was old... all healed with no scabs or infection
apparent.  He just looked like he had a permanent wink.  Well the pet store
worker took the wounded one to the back to give him some ointment and also
took the one-eyed one.
 I asked what they do with animals like one-eye and
was told "oh, we don't kill 'em ... we just keep them back here as long as
they live, I guess" (like he didn't really know....)I asked if they heal
them and then offer them for sale.  He told me they don't sell them unless
someone asks for them, which gets me to thinking that they sell to snake
Well, I was awake most of the night thinking that I doomed the poor little thing to be a snake snack.  First thing this am I rushed off the pet store to see if the little guy was still there.  
I went in and asked the manager if the little one-eyed hamster was still there, that I wanted to but it.  He said that they don't sell the injured ones but that I could have him for free!  They do that with all their animals that are "undesirables"
So now we have Winkie!  In the picture, the fur around her eye is all wet, because I put some antibiotic ointment on it  It doesn't look infected... no redness or swelling. I just wanted to be on the safe side.

So if anyone is thinking of getting a pet, please check to see if they have any "undesirables" in back that could really use a home!


Adorable and I think you picked the very best.  You will be amazed at what this one can do.


What a great Christmas present for both you and Winkie!  I'm so glad you took him!


Cute, but I got bit by a hamster when I was younger, and haven't been a big fan since.



That was a very nice thing you did.


Quote from: brainpauseCute, but I got bit by a hamster when I was younger, and haven't been a big fan since.


LOL!!! I decided that I was going to give Winkie some erythromyacin eye ointment , even though her old missing eye wasn't looking infected.  Well hamster don't know how to hold still so I gripped her by the scruff of the neck to keep her in check so I could put the goo in what used to be her eye.  She sat still for a moment, but it was a half moment to short for me to hit the target so when I took too long she chomped down on the fleshy palm side of my left pinky....

I gave out a little "OOCH!", but didn't let go.

Well, Winkie apparently thought I didn't get her message "Loud and Clear" so she chomped doing again, meaning business.  She went for blood!  I yelped and promptly let her go.  Lea, DD #2 saw the blood quickly exist the neat slit in my pinky and screamed bloody murder!  She turned 3 shades of white (is that possible?!?!) and nearly fell of her chair.

Ok... so hamsters can bite.... HARD!!!! But I won't hold that against Winkie.  She gave me a warning, to which I didn't listen.  My fault, sorry Winkie.

It's not the first time I have been bitten...We currently have:

a Chinese Crested Powderpuff (dog)
a seal point snowshoe siamese
a cockatiel
2 Budgies
2 rats
a baby blue-tongued skink
and many, many fish.

So I am used to animal confrontation!  

Winkie has turned out to be a sweetie.  She likes Lays potato chips, turned up her nose at watermellon and loves macadamia nuts (a girl after my own heart!).  I think she's goint to fit in just fine in our little menagerie!


Cindy, you sound like us (well, me at least) our forhead just reads "SUCKER!!!" -  just have an animal look at us with [itty eyes, and I want to take them home.  The kids, just steer me clear of pet stores and any stray animals.  They even go get out dog food, as they don't want me near the store.

One thing I do have to say, is that any one who has 1 pet, should definitely get a second one to keep 'em company.  There is even more joy having pets interact and the companionship for yourself and the pet is "priceless".