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Started by wiininkwe, Jan 12, 2004, 08:01 AM

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Okay, this is just about the time we are usually packing up to head south for about a month every winter.   But, so far, it doesn't look like we'll be making the trip this year.  
Lots of reasons for this, my bad health over the past year, the bad economy, the 'bad' bonus that DH received this December (No, i'm not really complaining, he was lucky to get any bonus, just that we usually use the bonus for traveling expenses, and this time it isn't enough for even that), and also the bad dog that we have right now.
 Well, she isn't always bad, just that she's young, energetic, very large.   We always had someone in the family who was willing to have Ole Sparky come and stay for a time with them because he was so mellow.   Lil Spanky is very lovable, and sweet, but is just a spaz, needs lots of time and attention.   (she's a 10 month old Lab and Brittany mix)  I can't see leaving her in a kennel (and don't think we can afford it anyway).  
 So, for now, the idea of traveling and camping this winter seems to be a dream.   I've been coming to the board, ready to post about whatever anyone wants to talk about, but when I get here I get jealous of those who are camping, haven't got any camping stories to share, and no camper problems or fix it questions to ask.  
This is most disconcerting!   I've never gone so long without posting on the board before, unless it was because I was out camping.   I feel lost!  Out of sorts!   Discombobulated!   Is there anyone else having this problem?    Shall we try to think of our favorite camping trips and post about them?   Shall we ask Austin to start a camping story that we can all add our own two cents worth to?   Shall we go on one of our cyber campouts?   Or, shall we start a camping support group for those of us not able to camp right now?  ("Hello, my name is Toni, and I'm a campaholic.")   sigh


Sorry to hear that you won't be able to make your annual trip.  I know how you really enjoyed it every year.  Maybe you'll be able to go for a while in the spring.
Hope your doing better, haven't heard any updates lately.


Sorry to hear you won't make it this year but just hearing about your trip(s) in the past made me smile and yes, feel envious. The thought of picking up in winter (yes we have snow here) and taking off to camp down south is such a great idea. We just spent 2 weeks in FL, only to return to zero temps. A little dusting last night and snow expected on Thurs. Of course, our snow blower is down for the count so it's a good thing my DH is home ;)  Toni, even if you're only talking about camping, it still conjures up wonderful images. I was trying to think of a craft project along those lines but can't get moving. Too many chores more important but... anyone with an outdoorsy (camping related) cross stitch pattern? I thought about doing a quilt but feel guilty that I haven't finished my youngest's bed quilt yet so I'd catch h!!! if I started a camping one.

To pass the noncamping time, I've been looking at lots of camping catalogs & websites (oh, and also reading about everyone else's plans). Even though I probably won't make the '04 rally, I keep up on all the talk. What the heck, it's new campgrounds to consider. I also enjoy when members post about their trips and top it off with photos from the campground and area. I almost feel like I'm there with them. So thanks everyone. Maybe this winter I can figure out how to use a digital camera and post photos. Tracy, maybe you can teach me  :D .


Well, another bad thing about what Toni writes is that Billy and I will miss having her and Rick stop by during their winter trek South.  We have come to look forward to that.  Hang in there, dear  SS, and before you know it, you will be able  to go up to your property and enjoy  being out in nature  (maybe I should say "Nature" with a big N) and spending time camping with The New Knee!

But I sure do share some of your frustrations.  We are not "camping" at our house lately either.  But we have just had an access road put in on our 75 acre mountain property about ten miles from the house and  will be using that for a semi-permanent campsite since Billy's FibroMyalgia makes long trips difficult for him right now.

I'll miss the travel, but our place is pretty, and has a small waterfall and quite a bit of interesting wildlife, NO NEIGHBORS, and no annoying "people" noise, so planning what we will do to make the campsite fun will soon be taking up some time and provide us with some very pleasant anticipation.  We have a spring water source, and will bring in electricity this spring and Billy is talking about building  a deck and  a  firepit.  So this project provides us with nice "camping" things to think about in winter.

I'm planning to create some kind of  screened enclosure to go around/under/on top of our 8x14   awning to make a screenroom--a la some of the great ideas SuezeQue and others at PUT have come up with in the past.   As I write this, I'm going over my web  resources for netting and ripstop nylon and  then I'll put my serger and sewing machine to work and see what I can come up with.  (Right now I'm all involved in sewing some drapes and curtains so the screenroom will have to wait a bit)   It will probably be a long term project since we have that  nice screenroom I got last year on e-bay thanks to a bunch of the old gang.


So Nightowl when are you going to open your campground in the woods.  I can see it now.

New 75 acre campground, very private, has a water fall, wildlife and spring water.

Pop Up Campers Only

It sounds like a wonderful place to camp. :)


I am sure that site will be equipped with wonderfully seasoned dutch oven and those nice fry pan/skillets for cornbread.  When do we eat?:D


This past summer we were looking into buying a pay lake that was for sale in the area and with the owners were in the process of leveling a valley.  If they had accepted our offer, we were going to put in a small CG there; but it never came thru.  DH periodically watches for property that can be converted into a CG, but with him having no job, it is very difficult to get a loan.