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Who has dogs?

Started by David Roder, Apr 21, 2004, 03:47 PM

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Yep...we're dog lovers too..but this is the first dog in a long time that I've taken on all my camping trips. I use to have two Cairn Terriers who were very sweet dogs who loved everyone, however, they also were quite vocal...and I too, do not like listening to dogs barking constantly and they though they had to say Hello to everyone and everything that got within site of our campsite. We have been so lucky with this dog. He loves to camp, he loves people, he loves to hike, he loves..heck, I'm not sure there is anything he doesn't love.  He isn't afraid of a thing and nothing ever seems to bother him at all..... LOL He always seems to be smiling and he must have the strongest tail in the world from all the exercise it gets wagging. He doesn't bark-- at anything...not strangers, not anything...DH can occasionally get him to bark if they are playing and he keeps barking at the dog...   yeah, he's a watch dog alright...he watches everything that goes on to see if there might be a chance of someone that goes by possibly petting him! We've never been on a camping trip yet that people haven't come over to ask us how in the world we get him to behave so well. And as for "land mines".....he won't go on his cable when he's in the campsite....and his leash for his walks has a little pocket that holds little baggies. We never leave surprises for anyone. We are like Tim....if the dog isn't welcome at the campground, we don't go either.
Our precious ball of fur is a Golden Retriever / Cocker Spaniel mix. He looks like a small fluffy blonde Golden Retriever.


As you can see we love our dogs.

Bandit.... 10lbs (yorkie-poo)
Bailey....  40lbs (beagle)
Shadow... 55lbs (chow, cockerspaniel)
Ranger.... 110lbs (german shephard mix)
DArth..... 170lbs (rottweiler, great dane, blood hound...just a big ole' baby)
Unfortunately, we usually only take Bandit, used to take Bailey till we couldn't put up with her wining the whole trip to the CG... she gets excited in the TV.  If we ever found a CG that excepted more than 2 dogs, we may take the others.  
Hopefully at least 1 of the DD's will be around so they can still babysit so we can continue to camp.


Ours is a Chinese Crested Powderpuff.  While this isn't a shot of her in camping mode, it is one of my favorites!  Dibby does love camping!


We have a Collie and a Chihuahua who camp with us, and a Shepherd/Husky that stays home to keep the cats-who-think-they're-dogs company.  There are also fosters of some kind or another running around here - at the moment it's three Pyrenees/Golden Retriever mix puppies who will be heading to homes in California in about a week.


As you can see from our signature line, we have two pooches.  Freckles is a 10 year old springer spaniel something whom we got from the pound.  She's the sweetest dog alive!  She loves us and is happy 24/7.  Annie is an almost 1 year old schnauzer/terrier/poodle whom we got from the pound in January.  She's come A LONG WAY but she's still our wild child.  We finally got a gentle lead collar that has done wonders with her  leash manners.  She'll take her first every camping trip next weekend.  Could be interesting.  We're taking her crate for the ride to the cg and for night time.  I just hope she doesn't bark at absolutely everything -- she thinks she's a lot bigger than her 20 pounds!!



We have 2 dogs that go camping with us.


We have 2 dogs that camp with us.


We have Kato (9 yr old akita male) and Neka (4 yr old akita femal).  Kato was a cute "christmas puppy" who soon outgrew his family and came to us at 9 mo old.  Neka was a rescue pup who was mistreated by her original family and came to us at 6 mo. old.  Both love to camp, and go with us most of the time.  Akitas as a general rule don't bark much which is good when you are camping!  But Neka is still very wary around strangers, especially men and will bark when approached.  Kato likes to meet people, but is mainly interested in what snacks you've been eating recently!!