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Driving Habits

Started by Starcraft Dad, May 03, 2004, 11:56 AM

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Starcraft Dad

1. One hand on wheel, one hand on horn: CHICAGO

        2. One hand on wheel, one finger out window: NEW YORK

        3. One hand on wheel, one finger out window, cutting across all lanes of

            traffic: NEW JERSEY

        4. One hand on wheel, one hand on newspaper, foot solidly on

            accelerator: BOSTON

        5. One hand on wheel, one hand on nonfat double decaf cappuccino,

            cradling cell phone, brick on accelerator, gun in lap: LOS ANGELES

        6. Both hands on wheel, eyes shut, both feet on brake, quivering in

            terror: from OHIO, but driving in CALIFORNIA

        7. Waving at everyone that you pass, eating a moon pie, sipping an RC

            cola, smiling and chewing and talking to yourself: TENNESSEE

        8. One hand on 12 oz. Double shot Latte, one knee on wheel, cradling

            cell phone, foot on brake, mind on radio game, banging head on steering

            wheel while stuck in traffic: SEATTLE

        9. One hand on wheel, one hand on hunting rifle, alternating between

            both feet being on the accelerator and both feet on brake, throwing

            McDonald's bag out the window: TEXAS

        10. Four-wheel drive pick-up truck, shotgun mounted in rear window, beer

             cans on floor, squirrel tails attached to antenna: ALABAMA

        11. Two hands gripping wheel, blue hair barely visible above seat,

             driving 35 on the Interstate in the left lane with the left blinker on:


        12. Changing lanes without signaling, driving 90 MPH in 70 MPH limit,

              leaving no more than 6 inches from the car in front of you, avoiding

              potholes, blowing construction zones, presume red lights are ONLY a

              suggestion: MICHIGAN


"I take offense at that!" he said, as he took a sip of RC Co-Cola and Moon Pie.


Starcraft Dad

Funny thing is, when I First moved to Tenn (Centerville)  I didn't know about the hand waving.  Which is very true in Hickman County BTW.  Everyone waved to me and I wondered who the heck they were.  I figured it was someone who new my stepdad.  A few weeks later was when I found out it was the norm.  Everyone waves to everyone.  Boy did my arm get tired in Nashville...hehehe.


In NC, in the country, look for folks in pickup trucks with one hand at the top of the wheel.  The way they wave while driving is to throw up one finger to the person in the car they meet.  One time I remember riding with someone whose finger was bandaged up from a cut wound.  It looked like he was waving at everything that went by and everyone was waving back.  LOL!


In NC, in the country, look for folks in pickup trucks with one hand at the top of the wheel.  The way to wave while driving is to throw up one finger to the person in the car they meet.  One time I remember riding with someone whose finger was bandaged up from a cut wound.  It looked like he was waving at everything that went by and everyone was waving back.  LOL!


Quote from: Starcraft Dad.....
6. Both hands on wheel, eyes shut, both feet on brake, quivering in
terror: from OHIO, but driving in CALIFORNIA  
Is this the voice of experience?
I'll check with FSIL since he's there right now.  DD will be taking a trip in Aug hopefully there.  (if I play my cards right, maybe I'll be able to join her ther);)


Having lived in both Florida and Michigan, I can attest that #11 and #12 are unfortunately very true.  Our first apartment was near U.S."useless"-19 in Clearwater and we had to watch out for "blue-hairs" entering the highway, because so many of them would merge without checking to see if anyone else was in the lane first. As far as Michigan driving goes, just try to jump into traffic on I-75 southbound in Troy, or any of the main arteries for that matter during rush hour. If you're from out of town, I'd advise hiring a driver (hint: don't attempt this with a popup in tow  :eyecrazy: !)


No, No you got Boston all wrong..

One hand is holding cell phone to ear, One hand reading paper, Right knee steering car, Right foot with gas pedal to floor, screaming at idiot who just cut him off to guy on cell phone all the while trying to pass aforementioned driver just to cut him back off and put him in his place. All this being done wile traveling on Mass. Ave. thru Harvard Sqare on a Friday around 2:30..

Now THAT is what it is like to drive in Boston there are sections of the city and outlying areas that have virtually no two way streets, and the general mood of the native drivers is one part pit bull to three parts Jack Nicholson in

gsm x2

You can't even discribe what it's like to drive in Rhode Island.

Best attempt...Chicago drivers but not predictable..and with no reason to be in a hurry...heck if you drove 30 MPH for 30 minutes you'd cross a State line.
gsm x2

David Roder

Driving bumper to bumper at speeds of 35mph behind a VW bus being driven by a college kid who believes he's a real hippie, a brand new mercedes right on your a$$ driven by a kid talking on a cell phone who is also a hippie, and an old beat up farm truck on your left driven by a true blue cow-person who is intensely staring at you hoping you will start something so he can work off the 12 pack of bud he's already finished this morning and all the while you're just trying to get to work so you reach the end of the week only to go camping and see these same characters at the cg this weekend.  
-any town in colorado


Hmmm, you forgot Virginia...

One hand on the wheel, one hand covering the eyes, both feet on the gas pedal...and the light just turned RED!!!


Quote from: Gone-CampingHmmm, you forgot Virginia...
One hand on the wheel, one hand covering the eyes, both feet on the gas pedal...and the light just turned RED!!! about Northern Virginia....  ASLEEP or reading the paper, because you're certainly not moving on I 95!


What time of the day can I expect that in N. VA?  I have to travel through there next week on the way to DC to receive an award from my professional organization.


Quote from: B-flatWhat time of the day can I expect that in N. VA? I have to travel through there next week on the way to DC to receive an award from my professional organization.
Is it just you coming? And what time do you need to be there?  Traffic going North is a nightmare from...oh, say 5:30 in the morning until around 10 am or long as there isn't an accident.   Going's busy from about 3:00 - 7:00.  again...depending on accidents.  It always is much worse on Friday!!!  The reason I ask how many will be with you...there are HOV lanes you can use if there are at least three people in your car. They run from the Pentagon to Dumfries (north in the morning and south in the afternoon) and the difference is amazing!