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first trip out with the hybrid

Started by campingcop, Jun 29, 2004, 11:33 AM

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At last!  

We were able to take our first trip with the new hybrid this weekend. We camped at Sleeper State Park in MI. It is at the tip of the thump of Mi. We had no propblems and all the extra space was great.(still finding places to put stuff)

The camp ground were fine,they had just opened a new section and the sites were large and the new bathroom was very clean(cleanest I've seen in a state park)  

Weather was fine 70's in the day and dropping down to the 50's at night.
Only rain was on the day we left(monday) just sprinkles but enough to get things wet.  Only rained in the morning.but had to close up with bunk ends tamp.

Can't wait to go again which will be the eastern rally.

ps. the sites in the old section a very small and close to gether :mad:


So you have the shake down trip done and it sounds like it went well.  Looking forward to seeing you guys at the rally. :)

Old Goat

Campingcop, Good luck with your new hybrid... What make and model do you have?  Are the bunks large enough so you can sleep fore and aft,that is long ways, or do you have to sleep crossways in the trailer?... DW and I like the kingsize bunks in our Niagara because we can sleep long ways,thus not having to crawl over one another to answer a midnight call....Last Sept., we were in Shipshewana, Indiana and one afternoon we went down to Warsaw, Ind. to take the tour through the Trail Lite factory... Before retiring, I spent a lot of years with design and building in the marine field and I was very impressed with the construction of their hybrids..If we ever deside to move on to a hybrid I think we might  get a Trail  Lite......I'd like to hear the pros and cons of your new trailer, what ever they may be.....


We have a Hybrid to and love it just got it this year.  I had a coleman utah loved that to but I like the fact that you don't have to stuff things in when you close the camper and it is so much easier to store food in the frig before you leave so it saves room and time packing in the coolers.  I have a Flagstaff Shamrock.  It has three fold out beds and lots of room now the kids don't have to fight over who gets the beds. We have gone on two trips with it already.  We went to Disney in may and just got back from a weekend at the ocean in Niantic CT.  Have fun camping!!!


Hey Harvey,
Glad you are enjoying the hybrid. We got ours in December but the maiden voyage was two weeks to FL. It is amazing how much storage you have with the hybrid. The bunkends are a little smaller than the popup so I can reach the top of them to wipe them down after rain.

Have fun with the hybrid!!!! :yikes:  :usflag:


Hey Harvey,

 Bring Those Silver Tarps With You, For The Bunkends, Keeps The Sun Out/heat, And If It Rains It Keeps The Ends Drier, I'll Show You Some Tricks When I See You In Gettysburg!