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Flu vaccine anyone??!!

Started by Camperroo, Oct 12, 2004, 03:06 PM

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It was just mid last week that the "British regulators unexpectedly shut down a major U.S. vaccine supplier, Chiron Corp., last week, freezing shipment of up to 48 million expected flu shots."  "That left Aventis as this year's sole supplier of injectible flu vaccine, a total of 55.4 million doses. More than  half already has been sold and shipped, mostly to private distributors""Also yesterday, two other companies revealed they had offered the government flu vaccine originally intended for sale abroad.  GlaxoSmithKline has 500,000 doses manufactured in Germany;ID Biomedical of offering 1 million to 1.5 million doses made in Canada.  The Food and Drug Administration hasn't approved either vaccine brand for sale in this country."       AP Press
I had heard prior to last week that there would be plenty of flu vaccine this year.  Not any more.:(   It is like last year all over again.


Here in NJ, we were hearing the same as you in PA - that it would be readily available. All the major NY stations were promoting it - that EVERYONE in the country should get the shot if possible - because getting the flu can be so dangerous.

From the CDC site:

"Vaccine Supply

Updated Oct 7, 2004

Why is there a shortfall in flu vaccine for this season?

On October 5, 2004 , CDC was notified by Chiron Corporation that none of its influenza vaccine (Fluvirin


Oh Diane, I hope that you can find a prefilled vaccine for your DS, he needs it. It will just require some searching.:( DH got his vaccine on Monday, the hospital closed all of the flu clinics to the general public and they are really tight with the vaccine now.
I got the flu shot last year, but still got the flu, and yes, it was a real drag. I think that I probably won't get it again this year as I will be protected from last years vaccine. There were three strains of flu last year, but only two in the flu vaccines...of course I get the off strain. They say that this year, the flu that I got last year,will probably be the one that will hit. I hope it will be a short flu season. Good luck in your search.


Local health departments, clinics, hospitals, state health departments all take this shortage VERY SERIOUSLY.  It's not a time to panic about the vaccine, but to cooperate as best you can and help the process.  The health department I work for has not yet announced our strategy to the public, but will do so soon.  Every effort will be made to get the vaccine to those who need it the most.  Local agencies and docs and clinics etc will be working together on this in our community, and I assume in your community as well.  CDC is making almost daily announcements about this and all the agencies I noted above are trying to work together to make the best of a bad public health situation.  I'm not worried about it as I know the people who are setting up the strategy and making public health committments.  And no, I don't expect to be given a vaccine this year because I don't work directly with patients, and don't have immune compromised family members etc.  And I'm ok with that.

What REALLY burns me up are the reports of vaccine price gouging by middleman distributors.  I hope the government goes after EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!  :swear:  Excuse me for shouting.  I'm done now.


I work at a large chemical manufacturing facility... large enough to have it's own EMT squad that's on call for the plant and the neighboring community as well. This week we were told that the vaccine was not available to us (as well as the full timers), only to find that Medac (a local urgent care facility) had 500 doses available on a first come, first serve basis. Bring money, get a shot.


I heard on the radio yesterday that anyone who was caught giving the flu vaccine to non qualifying persons, would be facing a very Large fine and all of their flu vaccines taken away.


Here in MI it was decided that the shortage was so critical that a bill was passed making it a crime, with fines and jail time imposed, for anyone who gives or gets a flu shot if not considered at risk.   I spoke to a woman lst night, who's daughter is in the health care field, and a few days ago, the physicians office that she works for had offered to give the vaccine to anyone who wanted to take it home and administer it to their families.   This woman says that since the rule was made after they were given the vaccine, it doesn't apply to them, and the family is going to get their shots tonight.   I'm so tempted.....well, you know.



Looks like the flu season is under way here in MI. 1 School has been closed due to flu outbreak , for decontamination. Our state supplies have been reportedly cut in half. The sad part is there isn't enough for the ones who really need it. I've never gotten a flu shot,  and luckily have only had the flu  less than a handful of times in my life.  


The sad part is there isn't enough for the ones who really need it.
And that is the really sad part of this whole story.  Getting the flu is not a big deal for healthy people, but it can mean life or death to some who are not all that healthy.  I hope that our communities will cooperate and allow the ones who need it, to get it.  But then there are those who only think of themselves.


Just found out my MIL's nursing home still hasn't received their promised vaccine and they keep getting put off...not happy about that one.  It is of course important that people who have health issues receive the vaccine, but the flu can  and does kill those who are deemed young and healthy.  The real tragedy here is that in our own country, so advanced and technologically savvy, that our own citizens, healthy or not, have been put at risk.  Our own govt. shouldn't have so heavily relied on receiving their dosages from England.  It gets right back to "Made in USA" should really mean something.  We should not have to rely on any country to provide us anything.  I'm furious that my family has been put at such risk.  My son has asthma, yet my pediatrician's whole supply was cancelled...she doesn't know if she will even be receiving any.  The option to get a flu shot is just that a medical option, but here in the US it should remain as such...not what it's become... being labeled as "qualified" in order to receive such an injection.   I also heard on the news today that any doctor who is found to give the injection to a non-qualified person can face a $50 per person fine and possible criminal charges.  Now that should enrage every citizen in this physician should have to draw the line as to whom they can give vaccinations to and deem qualified or not qualified with the potential of being fined or arrested.  Not a good scenario.


Chiron Corp., the company that got shut down, is an American company. It makes the vaccines in the UK. Here in PA many nursing home are too without the vaccine. It is really a shame.


Yes it is an American owned company, but operated in England where the regulatory commission is not the same as required by pharmaceutical companies here in the US.  My husband was a biopharmaceutical chemist for over ten years, and they couldn't blink in those labs without an inspector being present or visiting regularly.   England's inspection came a little to late for their American customers and at the potential expense of American lives.   Following is a report issued from Chiron about their failure to maintain regulatory guidelines in England.  Cheerfully they hope to have enough supply for the 05-06 season in case we have a pandemic spread of flu.  Comforting.


Did anybody else see this?


Quote from: KellyDid anybody else see this?

That's very sad.  Again, it is ridiculous that any of our citizens have been left in this position.  A country as powerful as ours and yet we cannot obtain a simple vaccination.  Unfortunately alot of people are use to getting the shot without being designated as qualified or unqualified, especially older folks, and they are almost panicked at the thought of not being able to get it.  

I helped out at the doctor's office I used to work for the other day, and almost every other phone call was from an upset patient calling about the flu shot.  Unfortunately, people are blaming the doctors and staff themselves and we're getting an earful about how it will be on our heads if so and so comes down sick and worse.  If I have to go through that again, I'm just going to give out the name and address of the President of Chiron and the phone number to the English manufacturing plant and tell patients to express their outrage at them!!  Even though I was working in a healthcare setting, my own doc didn't have the vaccine for his staff, so I told them I won't be coming back in to help unless I can get vaccinated.  I've gotten my shot every year because when you're dealing with patients, you get flooded with virus and flu problems as it is, people coughing and sneezing all around us and our desks, etc., but I'm not about to work with them unprotected myself!

One good reminder for everyone, if you're sick, please stay home from work and keep your sick kids home from school.   My son's school just sent home a warning letter on Friday to parents that any child displaying symptoms of fever, coughing, runny noses, etc., will be immediately sent home for a period of 5 days.  Unfortunately some parents send their kids to school sick and it's always the excuse they can't get someone to cover for them at work or they don't have anymore sick days, but my feeling is too bad, you had them, they're your responsibility and I'd appreciate your not intentionally wiping out the whole class.  Hire a babysitter, ask a neighbor, ask a friend, ask a relative, or just stay home with them yourself.  I've been on the receiving end of a grumpy, threatening boss when I had to call in when one of the kids was I simply to him at the time, I'd be happy to bring in a blanket and cot for my child to lie down in near me, but then I'd probably infect the rest of the office and I wasn't as fortunate as some who could have a nanny available (direct slam at him!!).  He was mad but left me alone after that and then I quit a couple of weeks later.  I'm not about to have someone tell me I can't take care of my sick child.