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Ladder Golf

Started by PopUpMomma, Dec 28, 2004, 09:45 AM

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Looking for directions on how to make my own Ladder Golf Set.  Pre-made set is $$$.  It seems that I saw it in a thread but I can't seem to search it correctly.  Anyone make one?  CAn I have the instructions?


:D Here is a link to the complete instructions for building your own ladder golf set. I plan on building one this week for the kids. Let me know how yours turns out. I have not decided if I should use some glue like "goop" to glue the strings into the golf ball or to drill all the way through and tie them. If anyone out there has glued them, how are they holding out.

Thanks Matt in San Diego


I think the whole deal should cost you about $30 if you buy everything new, If you have some of the stuff already laying around the house it could be alot less.


I have never seen this game.  Are the rules posted somewhere?


Quote from: popupcopI have never seen this game.  Are the rules posted somewhere?



Thanks Matt
What part of SAn Diego are you in?
Quote from: gekko65:D Here is a link to the complete instructions for building your own ladder golf set. I plan on building one this week for the kids. Let me know how yours turns out. I have not decided if I should use some glue like "goop" to glue the strings into the golf ball or to drill all the way through and tie them. If anyone out there has glued them, how are they holding out.

Thanks Matt in San Diego


I think the whole deal should cost you about $30 if you buy everything new, If you have some of the stuff already laying around the house it could be alot less.


Try this site. Instructions and rules are under Mods.


Hi PopUpMomma,

  :p         I am in the Eastlake/Otay Lakes area of Chula Vista. It looks like we are close to each other. Let me know, maybe someday we can meet for coffee and chat about the PU's.... and mods we would like to have... I would also like to chat about campgrounds that you like and dislike in SoCal....

I hope to here from you soon....

Matt in San Diego


Made one myself and drilled holes thru the golf balls tied a knot at the end then used some glue on the knot.

Found instructions on GLPUG posted by campertime, sorry I do not have a link to the instructions.

Total cost for parts no including golf balls (had some old ones) was under $10.00


I built a set of ladder ball myself this spring using most of Campertime's plan from GLPUC. I drilled a little more than half way through the balls and bought a tube of epoxy that comes in a double tube syringe type container and just mixed some epoxy and rolled the ends of the strings in it and worked it into the balls. Then I took the string back out right away and rolled a little more epoxy onto it and put it back in the hole in the ball again. I used a egg carton to keep the string up on the balls until the epoxy cured. We used the set often through the summer and fall and had no problem with any of the strings coming out. I used 3/4" water pipe pvc to make the frame work out of. I believe Campertime mentioned using 1/2" but I wanted it to be a little more srurdy.
I just checked the GLPUC message board and the plans for ladder ball that Campertime posted are now on page 9 of The Campsite forum under outdoor games.


Here's a link to the plans I created. Glad you guys found them useful. Fun game!  :)

Since creating this page I have made new bolos using 6 orange balls and 6 yellow. I used the countersink method and sealed it all up with a hot glue gun. We must have 500 games played and all is holding up well. Sometime in the future I am going to prime and paint the ladder sections. Not sure which color yet  ;)


Seen one this summer with clear horizontal members with lights inside.

Looked like small christmas lights which he ran to a battery with a switch all of witch was mounted to the side.(playing in the dark)