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Other Insect Deterent Ideas?

Started by kyoutdoors, May 04, 2005, 12:21 PM

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Like the Bounce thread, just wanted to see if you guys had any other insect deterent ideas?

I read once that if you take a B1 vitamin every day from spring through fall you will not get bitten by a misquito.  My husband and I are testing this one now - although we are only on day 2 of taking the B1.  I'll keep you posted if it works.

I've also seen the zip-lock bags filled with water and hung around the campsites to keep flies away.  That seems to work well too.

I believe in skin-so-soft original lotion to ward of misquitos.  I used it on my horses faces to help keep the flies and misquitos at bay, also.

I don't mind using bug spray, but if there is a more user friendly way to avoid pesky bugs, I'd like to know!



DH say the very best way to avoid mosquitoes is to take ME along.   I'm one of those who gets bit many, many times if they are out anywhere close.  I have to use the strongest % Deet I can find or get eaten alive...but if I miss a single spot when I spray it on they'll find it.  I've tried everything and  I  take a heavy duty Vitamin B every day and have for a couple of does nothing to keep the mosquitoes from biting....just gives the little suckers an energy boost to bite more!   ;>


If you know where to get spring water with sulphur in it then drink all you can! I know it stinks but I swear it works. I guess something about the sulphur coming out of your pores deters mosquitos. We had fresh well water when I was a kid and it had a natural sulphur vein. Of course we drank our water and the smell wasn't really that bad (or maybe we just got use to it) and we didn't get bit. When we would have company they would always end up with bites if we sat outside during warm evenings. I myself have been looking for sulphur powder to add to my fridge water to see if it works. So far I haven't been able to find it.


I'm a avon skin so soft user and now they have a mosquito repelant out with the skin so soft in it..I heard of the B vitmin thing also. I have friends that have used those braclets and they said they seem to work


Since we camped in not only mosquito area but also get black flies, repellants have always been a subject that perks my senses.
JMHO, but since Avon "discovered" that their "Skin so Soft" was being used as a black fly repellant by lot's of folks and they changed the formular it's stopped working for me.
Like IIRC Vicky I'm also one of the biting bug magnets and 100% DEET user. I've tried the B vitamins (seemed to give a little bit of relief, but that could have been my wishful thinking), Garlic extracts, both ones that advertise no garlic odor and one that give you a garlic odor in your sweat, Bounce sheets on your shoes, in a hat, everywhere but up my Butt LOL and the DEET is the only thing (besides a head net and taped up wrists and ankles) that gives me any relief when the biting bugs come out.