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New Weight Distribution Hitch Installed!

Started by veryolddog, Jun 23, 2005, 07:52 AM

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Hello folks:

I just finished installing a new weight distribution hitch on my pop up. My pop up is fairly light in weight compared to many on the market and weight was an issue for us when we made our purchase in March of this year. I tow my pop up either with a 2004 Honda Element or a 2005 Honda Odyssey. Both vehicles have a class III hitch installed and a transmission oil cooler. I prefer to tow with the Element because it has higher ground clearance and a rubber interior instead of carpet. So when we are camping, we really just don't care about dirt in this vehicle. Just vacuum and wash it out. Well, on our way to Great Smokey Mountain National Park, we really loaded up the Element and the pop up for the 3 day holiday. I immediately noticed the "V" sag in the hitch. Upon my return, I began investigating replacement shocks, air bags or replacement springs for the element. My investigation showed no appreciable results to obtain a solution. So, I began studying the WD hitch market and found a WD hitch by Reese designed for pop ups which is model 66024. With hitch successfully installed the tow vehicle and pop up are level and that is with one of my rather hefty senior friends standing on the A frame being towed to simulate additonal weight when going camping. I was impressed that it worked so well and it was a very reasonably priced solution. Thought that you might be interested.

Just a note for you tow police out there, that Element may be ugly, but it sure has plenty of power to take that trailer up some pretty steep hills in the Smokey Mountains and still get 21 mpg.

Later. The Very Old Dog.


Quote from: veryolddog......
Just a note for you tow police out there, that Element may be ugly, but it sure has plenty of power to take that trailer up some pretty steep hills in the Smokey Mountains and still get 21 mpg.

Later. The Very Old Dog.

Your'e right, it's really ugly!  It was designed by hungover engineers on a Monday morning! :eyecrazy:

The Element has a 1500 lb towing capacity.  How much does your PU weigh fully loaded?

Be careful!


With the information on Viking's website you could excede your rated towing capacity very quickly. You should weigh the loaded PU at a truck scale to be on the safe side.


Good for you Olddog! I personally like the element, even though I don't own one. Good to hear your getting that 21 mpg! And, I see that you have woken up two of the safety tow police now,, "ohhhh toooo much wieght"!! "beeeeeee carefullll",,, heheheee,,,but i bet they are not getting anywhere near the mileage that you are... I have no problems pulling the bayside, loaded with my mini van.. infact, i have to be careful and watch the speed... it'll creep up to 85 real quick!  Pulled trailers for 30+ years.. even pulled them with a vw beetle,, never had a problem.... Good Luck and have fun! Walt


Hello Walt,

Thanks for your reply. I do appreciate that.

I also tow with a Honda Odyssey 2005 which is just fine as well. But what most people do not realize is that when you are retired military and over 62, they just ain't rolling up to the door with a wheel barrel full of money every month like they are for the young ones. I drive the Element after driving a big pick up truck for most of my days. The Element gets 28 mpg at $2.01 per gallon here in East Tennessee. I drive without towing, probably 98 per cent of the time. For the less than 1 per cent or possibly 2 percent when we drive out West evey year, we tow. When we camp and arrive at our destination, we do not tow.

I personally like the Element for more than it's economy. It has a large door from which a man who recovered from a stroke can easily move the left side of his body out the door or get in. It also has a huge cargo space once the seats are folded out of the way. And, most important, it is a Honda which will last longer than I will.

The vehicle is rated to tow 1500lbs in the U.S. and 2500 lbs. in Australia. Tell me why? Go figure. I would think that Australia is tougher to drive in than this place having been there a couple of times.

I think if you drive with common sense, there will be no problems. I have seen YO YO Bozo's driving down the highway with trailers and pop ups attached to 1/2 ton trucks totally out of control.

I think that if someone can jump out of a perfectly good airplane over 35 times in his life into cesspools of the world with all the risks attached, he surely can drive a Honda Element with an 1800 lb pop up attached with the proper gear.

Again, Walt, thanks for your inspiration.

Regards and later. The Very Old Dog. (USMC 1967 - 1990 RECON) Oorah!


Old Dog,
    Thank you for your service to keep our country safe! I appreciate it! On towing, yes you can be safe, or u can be stupid with a 1 ton pulling a pup or small trailer, seen that many times,, the "pick up truck attitude".. Yes I wouldn't mind having a pickup, there is one or two that I think are really cool,,, but the van fits my needs better, and I am getting close to retirement too, so no new vehicles in the plans anytime soon for me!
   On pulling/towing, just think,  way back when chrysler first came out with that little ol' mini van, you know, the very first  ones that helped save the compnay, guess what the tow rating was?? I do believe it was 3500lbs! and now today, with LOTS more hp and much better built products we are still setting at basically for mini vans,,yup u guessed it, 3500lbs.. doesn't really make much sense when you think about it, but oh well lots of debate there.. The Quest pulls the bayside with authority, and I think the base weight on the bayside is about 2800? 2900,, and then loaded? hummm... I have also test pulled two hybrids with no problems, a 21ftss roo, and a 24' starcraft.. but oh well, still like the bayside, its prettty easy to deal with.. Good Luck, happy camping!!! Maybe with luck one day, we'll meet up at the campground!!!  Walt