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Suezyque is back with a new popup!

Started by Suezyque, Jul 19, 2005, 09:46 AM

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Welcome back, Suezyque:D
Good to hear from you. I hope everything is going well. And a belated thanks for bringing "Dear look! I think we NEED this" to our vocabulary. :yikes:


Welcome Back Suezyque,
I was a long time lurker on the old board too but read a lot of your posts.  So glad to see you back on the popup front.  



Welcome back, we missed you and the bargains. I am glad you are back.
Mary Romeo


Woo hoo! Welcome back! And I hope that your expression "the sun is shining again" means more than having a popup again!



Welcome Back!!

I was formerly known as tooslow...:eyecrazy:


Welcome back! Bet it's great to be back in the camping world.


I miss this board I just found out it was free again.Out of all the boards
I went to this has always been the most friendly
Just dont start any posts (towing with a mini-van)


Welcome back Suezyque!  Glad to see you back here and also glad to hear that you have a new to you popup to give your loving care to. Hope everything goes well with fixing it up to your liking. Start the bargains coming our way, we are ready for them.


Welcome back!  I am new since as of about 6 months ago but I love a BARGAIN, and will be watching for your suggestions.  Congrats on the new to you PU.


Hello Suezyque

Welcome back! It's strange but true,but I was just reading the posts about single mom's going camping and it reminded me of you when you were fixing up your camper,etc to take your kid(s) camping.(I honestly don't remember if you had one or more children,forgive me).
Are you still in upstate new york?I also remember something about a wood working shop.
BTW,everybody is talking about those bargains you always found. I still have the radio in my PUT that runs with A/C , D/C, solar and it has a crank, which cost next to nothing and YOU put me(and a lot of other folks) on to that deal.
I hope that we'll meet up camping someday and I am really glad that things are looking better four you.



Welcome back Suzanne! Your legacy, the "Bargain Hunters Emporium", hasn't been the same since you left.

Nice to see you back here.