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Wedding-induced ADD...

Started by AustinBoston, Aug 31, 2005, 07:47 AM

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I have ADD.  My DD has much worse ADD.  (She's getting married on 9/23.)

DW has done her best to understand DD's difficulties, and has made lots of positive contributions to help her adapt over the past 18 years (since diagnosis).

Today, we diagnosed my DW with wedding-induced ADD.  Yesterday, both of us had extended conversations with her about wedding plans, and this morning she could not remember either conversation ever happening.

With just a little less than a month to go before the wedding, this is going to be quite a roller coaster ride.



stress.................................................................................................................nerves............................................................................that will do it!


Maybe you should encourage them to elope and avoid the wedding problems all together.:yikes:


More symptoms:

  • She has given the same instructions as many as 5 times. :confused:
  • She has asked the same question again and again, not remembering the answer. :eyecrazy:
  • DS and I cleared the table after dinner (she watched us while on the phone), then we all left the house. "oh no!  DID ANYONE PICK UP THE FOOD FROM SUPPER?!?!" :screwy:
We've started making a joke of it to help relieve the stress. :D



I truly sympathize with your wife and you all but I have a serious problem with my daughter and her wedding plans too. I think she has WPA!!!!!!

                  Wedding Plans Apathey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                           And it's driving me crazy!
She informed us last February that the wedding would be November the 5th of this year and that she and her fiance were doing all the planning, no if-s, and-s, or but-s! No problem we said.
It is now two months away and the dress has been purchased and a very nice ballroom that will provide the drink, food, and table decorations has been reserved with a very large deposit that is non-refundable. AND THAT IS ALL THAT HAS BEEN DONE!

This past weekend they informed us that with a new apartment and all the necessary expenses that they now have, they no longer can afford to pay for this wedding but can't afford to loose the deposit either. They expect us to come up with the rather large 4-digit-long balance that will be due two months from now. #%&^%#&*#)&%$#@&" There is no way that this will happen and I'm trying to NOT create a hostile atmosphere between my daughter (a life-long HARDHEAD) and myself.
Thank you all for letting me vent.............
And Austin and family, please enjoy every minute of every day because when she walks down the carpet on your arm you are going to be soooo proud and happy and yes, a little sad! Enjoy it all.



PJay does NOT have wedding-induced ADD!

We pointed out another incident, and she told us what she was going to do if we told her again.  So we immediately decided she does not have wedding-induced ADD.



Quote from: CherylI truly sympathize with your wife and you all but I have a serious problem with my daughter and her wedding plans too. I think she has WPA!!!!!!
Wedding Plans Apathey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it's driving me crazy!
She informed us last February that the wedding would be November the 5th of this year and that she and her fiance were doing all the planning, no if-s, and-s, or but-s! No problem we said.
It is now two months away and the dress has been purchased and a very nice ballroom that will provide the drink, food, and table decorations has been reserved with a very large deposit that is non-refundable. AND THAT IS ALL THAT HAS BEEN DONE!
This past weekend they informed us that with a new apartment and all the necessary expenses that they now have, they no longer can afford to pay for this wedding but can't afford to loose the deposit either. They expect us to come up with the rather large 4-digit-long balance that will be due two months from now. #%&^%#&*#)&%$#@&" There is no way that this will happen and I'm trying to NOT create a hostile atmosphere between my daughter (a life-long HARDHEAD) and myself.
Thank you all for letting me vent.............
And Austin and family, please enjoy every minute of every day because when she walks down the carpet on your arm you are going to be soooo proud and happy and yes, a little sad! Enjoy it all.
Wow Cheryl.  I hope they can understand that they brought this on themselves.  It looks like they will loose their deposit.  It may teach them that they need to consider the long range cost of things when making plans.


Another incident of wedding-induced non-ADD this morning.

After a few emotional moments this AM (PJay can now cry at anything for any reason - it's her first baby getting married, after all), we planned for me and DS to pick up our TUX's after work.

"The receipts are on the calendar."
"OK, I'll get them when I pick up Ben."

A few minutes later, as I am backing out of the driveway, she comes running down the driveway with the receipts that I "forgot."



I agree wholeheartedly with the elope thing.  My (now) DW and I met a bunch of our friends in Vegas the weekend of the Roy Jones/John Ruiz fight (she is a boxing nut) and were married then.  Much cheaper than a traditional wedding, and we are the only ones we know who had nothing but fun at their wedding.

btw: Vegas is a great town to run around in a kilt in
btw#2: In all seriousness- congrats to the happy couple.  The families of all our service people are in our prayers.