Bellefonte / State College KOA

Started by tlhdoc, Jun 11, 2006, 08:39 PM

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Well, at least with your son it won't be a mountain of empty beer cans that he accumulates (like some kids). Hope he enjoys his summer session as much as my son has these past two yrs. J leaves the day we get back from NY for a 4 week Gov. School (here in NJ). He's anxious to go; I'm sad to see him leave. They grow up so fast.


Quote from: HersheyGirlWow! This is the very first thread that I have hijacked. Paula, he actually doesn't have that much, we were able to put all of his stuff into the caravan with the back seats out. I had him but everything into plastic boxes or the mess popup bags that I got at the farmers market. We then piled all the boxes onto the handtruck and took it up to his room, but we did have to make 3 trips to get it done. I suspect that he will have more stuff come the fall. Any and all help would be appreciated. :D I guess we can say...We Are Penn State!
Lemme see, does that mean we should have two trips to Bellefonte...???


Michael came home this weekend.  He said that he probably will be able to leave his stuff at the dorm after the summer session.  The new dorm room is in the same building as he is in now, but up on the 7th floor, he is currently on the 3rd floor.  He can get a 2-hour key and move all of his stuff up and leave it there.  So thanks to all of his aunties and uncles who were so willing to help him move, but it won't be necessary now.  :)