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Traveling through and to Colorado

Started by Civil_War_Buff, Jun 13, 2006, 11:43 AM

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Hi, I am looking for some advice from those who live and/or travel Colorado or have experience driving through there...I will be heading from California to Colorado soon, and I am looking for route advice.  My plans for the trip to Colorado, are to take I-80 to Laramie, WY. , then to hop on 287 to Ft.Collins and over to I-25 to my destination (Colorado Springs).  For my return trip, I am wondering if I-70 is a doable route pulling my trailer?  I will be traveling to Park City Utah and I can retrace my route and take hwy 40, but  I was wondering if I-70 would offer any benefit to doing that?  This is my first trip to this area, so I am hoping someone can help with practical advice and or experiences.

Thank you,



I have driven Sacramento to Colorado several times.  I always take I-80 to Salt Lake City, then I hop onto US 40... but that is because my destination is Grand Lake and it would add many hours to go via Denver.

However, my brother lives in Denver, and drives to Salt Lake City a lot (his inlaws live there).  They always take I-25 to I-80.  They said after trying many routes, they liked the interstate the best - easiest & fastest drive.  This would definitely be my choice, towing a camper.  I am not sure if they cut off on 287 (a level of detail I never asked).


Quote from: Civil_War_BuffI am wondering if I-70 is a doable route pulling my trailer?

Short answer: I wouldn't take this route.  To get from I-70 to the SLC area, you have to drive a horribly, winding & slow canyon.  I did it once (towing a car on a dolly) and would never take the route again.

Highway 40, from the Denver area, would mean driving over 2 mountain passes - not a fun thing towing.  Berthoud Pass just off I-70 and Rabbit Ears Pass outside Steamboat.  Berthoud is very tight, steep, and winding, and 21 miles long (7 to the base, 7 up and 7 down).

The I-80 pass in Wyoming is downright tame compared to Hwy-40


How is I-70 between Denver and Grand Junction? My tentative plan for our Colorado vacation take us down that route, but now you've got me wondering.



I-70 is pretty good -- it is very scenic, but with 2 areas to know about:

Glenwood Canyon- but it is very well made and like 50mph, but not that winding.  I don't remember when, but they finally "interstated" the canyon in either the 70's or 80's... one of the last 2-lane sections of I-70.  Pretty amazing engineering feat, fitting the 2 roadways in the canyon.

I-70 photos

The only other gotcha is climbing up & down the long climb to the Eisenhower Tunnel - which cuts under Loveland Pass.  It is still 11,000+ feet high (ironically, the tunnel only cuts about 800 feet off height off of Loveland Pass - but the worst 800... hazardous trucks still have to take the pass).

You need power in your TV for this long climb.

There are a lot of things to see along I-70, if you have time, including:
St. Mary's Glacier (sadly, just a tiny fraction of the size it was in the 80's due to global warming)

Mount Evans (highest paved road in North America

The gold mines of Idaho Springs

If you like pizza, you cannot miss BeauJo's in Idaho Springs.  We used to drive there from Golden (when I was in college) just to eat.  Some pizzas were so heavy, the waitresses had to wheel them out on metal carts!  (The Challenge weighs like 12-14 lbs)

The Hot Springs at Glenwood Springs

And, of course, Red Rocks Park outside Denver.


Hey Zamboni,

Thanks so much!  I am not sure what we are going to do now :-)  I really appreciate the links that you included, it saved me a lot of research time.  Sometimes I regret being an analytical type.

I have heard that I-70 was very scenic, so that is why I even considered it.  My FIL was raised in Greely and he told me to avoid it and to take 287 out of Ft. Collins to I-80..... Then others say just stay on  I-25 to I-80...but I don't want to just do the easiest if there is no scenery.


I live just 30 miles east of Glenwood Canyon.  It is an amazing piece of Interstate.  It wasn't completed until 1994, I believe.  As far as pulling a trailer through it, no problem whatsoever.  

As Zamboni said, though, your TV will be put to the test driving up to the Eisenhower Tunnel.  But I see from your sig that you have a Tahoe, so I'm sure you'll be just fine.  I-70 is far more scenic that I-80 across Wyoming.  I-80 is mostly flat, mostly dreary, and mostly windy.  I drive I-70 constantly, so it's easy for me to get a bit jaded toward the scenery, but it really is fantastic.  If I were you, I would take I-70.


If you want scenery, take I-70.  Your TV will do it.  It is a beautiful drive.  If you want to get on US-40, go through the Eisenhower Tunnel, then take Hwy 9 north to US-40 at Kremmling.  It is faster and easier.

If you want to get there fast take I-80.  If you take I-80, it is faster to take it all the way to I-25.


Quote from: DoubleDIf you want scenery, take I-70.  QUOTE]

I want to thank EVERYONE that recommended I-70.  We took it on the trip back home (Westbound), and I am SO glad that we did... it was absolutely beautiful!  In the interest of time we took I-80 to Colorado, but on the advice of several great folks, we opted for the I-70 homeward, and the view alone made it all worthwhile.  My TV handled the Eisenhower tunnel easily, and I would not hesitate to do it again.

Have a great summer and see the USA while it still holds the beauty like on I-70.

Thank you everyone.