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Is there a general FAQ for new PopUps?

Started by zdaddy, Oct 08, 2006, 03:33 PM

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I have just tried searching the FAQ for information on choosing a new popup.  I have no experience and want to find out how to buy one.  The FAQ searches came up with zero hits, even for a search for the word "Coleman."  

Am I doing something wrong?  Is there a FAQ for those "what pop up should I buy?




I believe it was on this site that I bought a wonderful e-book called "ABC's of Pop-ups".  Fabulous resource.  Also look in the thread in this General Forum called "Looking for our first Pop-up".  Lots of good advice on how to choose a pop-up.  Make sure you ask your local dealer lots of questions - they are the experts.


Popups previously made by Coleman went by the name "Coleman by Fleetwood", now they are simply "Fleetwood"
That might help your search.
You might want to go to the RV sites, they have downlaodable brochures, virtual tours etc.
We have always gotten lots of information on different makes and models at our local RV show.  It is much more efficient then running from dealer to dealer.
Good luck!


First off, welcome!

Rather than simply posting a one-size-fits-all FAQ about purchasing a pop up, I think it's better to post a question and gets lots of advice.  For instance, start with your tow vehicle (often referred to as simply your TV).  What is it's towing capacity?  That will often narrow down your seach!

Other questions:  How many people will be sleeping in it typically?  What kind of amenities do you want/need?  A/C?  Furnace?  Potty?  Shower?  Are you looking for new or used?  Do you plan on boondocking (i.e., camping in undeveloped forest), dry camping (i.e., camping in state parks, national forests, and national parks, where there are no electrical hookups or water hookups).  Or will you stick with RV parks with full hookups?

Since you're in Colorado, unless you plan to do lots of camping in the south, A/C is probably not a necessity, but a furnace is (at least from my perspective and experience).  

The best way to decide is to look at lots of different makes and models, preferrably in person, rather than through on-line brochures.  Look at the floorplans.  Find one you like.  If you're looking at used, rather than new, try to find a similar model or at least floorplan.

Generally, most folks will tell you not to get too hung up on what brand is better than others.  All of us are convinced that the one we own is the best!  But truth be told, there's probably not a tremendous amount of difference, quality-wise.  In fact, most of us long-time popup owners will tell you that all popups are made pretty cheaply.  But they are lots of fun!

I've been camping in a popup for nearly 40 years, counting growing up.  As an adult, I've owned three of them over the past 14 years:  One Starcraft, one Coleman/Fleetwood, and now a Viking.  All had their good points.  All had their bad ones.  Floor plan trumps make and model!

Come up with some specific questions, and you'll get tons of answers from folks on this board (as well as other popup boards, esp.  Lurk for a while, and get a feel for what others have experienced.  Browse the RV showrooms (like Ketelsen).  Kick some tires.  

Hope this helps you a little.


If you perforn an Internet search you will find Wes Fujii's PopUp FAQ .  There is also a Part 2 floating in the old UseNet newsgroups.  These were last updated in 1999.  However, PopUps have not changed too much since then.