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Pop UP Times Magazine

Started by Used 2B PopUPTimes, Nov 26, 2006, 01:37 PM

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Used 2B PopUPTimes

RV Enthusiast just didn't do it for me. I've heard from a lot of readers and a few publishers and resellers who advised me to quit.

I still camp in a pop up and don't see that changing anytime soon. So, I'm going to re-introduce Pop UP Times magazine in December. I'll be editing along with Terry Hanley and hope to recapture your loyalty.

I am very open to your suggestions, your articles, your tips and almost anything you'd like to share with reader who might not be following this forum.

I am available via email or you try to catch me in the office at 703-641-2800.




Sorry to hear that you "buried" the new magazine.  I will be looking forward to PUTs coming back.:)


I haven't even received a RV Enthusiast.  I want to make sure I still have subscription.....if not, how do I re-new.  Especially if you are bringing back Pop Up Times



I would like to subscribe to PU times mag. If I subscribe now would I be early enough to catch the first issue in december.


I don't have a PU anymore but still enjoyed PUT magazine I also liked RV Enthusiast but It didn't seem to be as.... fun??

I hope my subscription is current

If you mail it..........I will read it :U


I've only really seen RV enthusiast so can't really comment on the differences between the 2. My only comment about RVE was that it was too short  :book:

Articles I'd like to see are things like mods and fixits to the PUP. How to do preventative maintenance.

Tow vehicles - talk about basic requirements for a TV. What makes a good tow vehicle. What do all the numbers really mean. Towing challenges in the mountains between towing on the flat. Brake controllers, sway bars, WDH etc

Camp grounds - Pick 2 campgrounds from a featured state. Perhaps one state park and one private and review them. And just go around the country. Maybe have a list of recommended pup friendly campgrounds in each state.

Off the beaten track....weird, wacky or interesting things/places to visit on the way to popular destinations.
Dutch oven or camp cooking guides, recipes. From the basics to the elaborate. Recipes kids can safely cook and prepare. An article on those preparing and eating a full Thanksgiving dinner in a PUP would have been fun.

Detailed reviews in the positive and negative of new pups and products. What works and doesn't work.  

Maybe a feature on the various pup rallys/clubs that get together. When they meet, what they get upto etc.


I didn't subscribe to RVE because of the bad reviews on this forum.  Would like to receive PUP Times (lots of good reviews) but don't want to subscribe until I look at one.  Is there a way to put a couple pages or articles on this website as an example of PUP Times Mag?  The articles you have on the site now seems to be very old.  Also, the home page of the site hasn't changed since I joined in early Sept.  Maybe a brief description of what to expect in that month's issue of the mag should go on the home page (like what's new in the mag for Dec).  It's important to keep your homepage fresh and up-to-date.  

Good luck on your new (old) venture.  Might subscribe after the holidays.  If I do subscribe can I get any back issues (like Dec)?


One more thing:  if you need a correspondent/photog for the Colorado area I'll be glad to help.  Maybe I can pick a campground per month and write a brief description with a pic for your mag.  The Rockies (and surrounding prairie) are bountiful with CG's.


Think Peter has hit it dead on. I would like to see many of the same things highlighted, modifications, dutch oven cooking, etc Great thoughts!