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Tiki tourches

Started by AZsix, Sep 23, 2007, 09:58 AM

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Being that I am new to all of this I have kind of a dumb question. Are tiki tourches allowed in CG's. My thought woud be no since there is the danger of them tipping over and starting a fire.


Probably would be included in a fire ban if one was in effect at a campground.  We use the little metal stakes that clamp on to the torches.  The wooden ends of the bamboo would not last long if they were constantly pounded into the ground.  Using the stakes, I cannot imagine them tipping over unless they are in sand or very loose soil.


We've used our torches at will.  No campground has expressed a problem with them.


I have seen them in many campgrounds and have not heard of there being a problem having them.:)


Quote from: AZsixBeing that I am new to all of this I have kind of a dumb question. Are tiki tourches allowed in CG's. My thought woud be no since there is the danger of them tipping over and starting a fire.

Just returned today from a campout in the mountains (CA) where fire danger WAS high. (day and a half of rain)  It was posted right on the guard shack- No Candles or Tiki Torches.  First time we've ever seen that.


We take Tiki's with us all the time. Have been to Fort Wilderness (Florida) several times and have used them. Our last trip there we were asked to put them away and told that Tiki's were not allowed. Several other sites had them and all was fine with them. I guess it depends on the individual CG.

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NEver thought about the tiki's - but I have been to quite a few campgrounds - usually private ones - that don't allow clotheslines (or anything else, like hammocks, swings, etc) on trees.  Mostly private campgrounds where they don't have loads of large, mature trees - because people tend to put too much on the lines, damage the bark or branches, or kids hang on the branches and play on them.

also, people have a tendancy to leave their clotheslines behind sometimes - which leaves a rope at neck level to choke some unsuspecting walker....   :yikes:  Though it would tend to keep strangers from cutting thru your campsite...... :D

I prefer the state parks in WI and IL  - and haven't noticed bans on either item there.




I went to one this past summer that banned all open flame fires exept charcoal to cook with.But oil lamps is not an open flame,and citronella oil works great in them.


Here is a pic of our Tikki torches at our Hunting Island campsite last week. We love them. With the soft light it adds to the evening without the need to use a lantern at night, we don't go without them.

Hunting Island, SC Tikki Torches


I have to concur; we don


I love Tiki tourches kinda makes your campsite look like you're on safari. Remember those old movies? While camping in Florida this past summer they had a ban on Tiki tourches, candles and fires in the fire ring.



Quote from: harleywolfI have to concur; we don