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where to buy storage shelf for pop up?

Started by Wingdreamer, Jun 28, 2008, 09:07 AM

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I have seen them in pics, but cant find them... These are mesh/netting type units that attach to the inside ceiling of the pop up. They are collapsible, have shelves in them that you can store paper plates, plastic cups etc, and might be 2 feet long by 10'' to a foot deep?? They look pretty light duty, as you wouldn't want to put glass dishes or anything very heavy on them.. I want to buy one but cant find them anywhere. Any ideas? Thanks, Alan

He Ruide

Quote from: WingdreamerI have seen them in pics, but cant find them... These are mesh/netting type units that attach to the inside ceiling of the pop up. They are collapsible, have shelves in them that you can store paper plates, plastic cups etc, and might be 2 feet long by 10'' to a foot deep?? They look pretty light duty, as you wouldn't want to put glass dishes or anything very heavy on them.. I want to buy one but cant find them anywhere. Any ideas? Thanks, Alan

Alan,  Exactly a month ago I answered your question on this storage unit. However since you never responed I'm not sure you even read my response and whether it was the unit you were looking for.  Click here for that thread.  Again I would check with a Forest River (Rockwood or Flagstaff) dealer and see if they can get one for you.  Here is a web site where it is listed as an overhead kitchen panty


Old Starcraft


Thanks for the re-post :U . I'm now working on storage issues in between camping. The links and pics are just wanted I needed. This is my first season in a 32 YO camper and storage has been my 2nd biggest problem, right behind my FORD problem (F ix O r R epair D aily).

Thanks for all of your help..err..well..helping Alan.



How do these attach to the ceiling?  Do you have to take them off the ceiling each time you fold up?  Could you post a picture of them?  Can you buy them from Rockwood, or can you get them from an aftermarket place like Camper worlds etc.?  Lots of questions, but I like the idea.


Yes you have to take them down each time you close up.
As for the mounting; normal mounting is with eye straps secured by special expanding pop rivets that any RV dealer will have in stock.

He Ruide

Old Starcraft, You are welcome and I'm glad the links and pictures were helpful to you.

McCampers, Click on these links for pictures of the unit hanging from the ceiling and folded up.   As far as obtaining them I suggest you use this link to locate a dealer near to you and give them a call.

Take care.



Ruide, thanks for your reply. Yes I did see your reply, but this unit looks heavier and different from what I had previously seen (somewhere.....???) However, I will look into this Rockwood unit. Thanks for putting a name to this unit, that sure helps on a Google search!!  Alan


I read too many of these forums and forget where I found this info in a thread.:)  Here is something from Ikea for clothing, don't know if you also saw this on one of the forums and were looking for it.

He Ruide

Quote from: WingdreamerRuide, thanks for your reply. Yes I did see your reply, but this unit looks heavier and different from what I had previously seen (somewhere.....???) However, I will look into this Rockwood unit. Thanks for putting a name to this unit, that sure helps on a Google search!!  Alan

Alan, you are welcome.  As  far as I know (and someone please correct me if there are others) there are only three storage/shelving units that are options for a PUP.  
All the other units you might have seen would be third party storage units that someone has modified for a PUP.



We use one of the closet organizers the small one will fold down also very small hardly takes up any space at all.. great for plates napkins chips bread etc....lite weight things that are just laying around.. we hang it from our towel bar...


When we had our PUP (Starcraft 2407 with dinette slid) I used one of those 3 drawer plastic shelving units that you can get at Wal-Mart.  With the dinette slid we didn't have much room for storage when the dinette was closed.  Using one of these shelving units I didn't have to unpack when we closed up.  I put my pots and pans in the bottom drawer, dishes and towels, etc in the middle drawer, and cooking utensils and spices in the top drawer.  This worked out very handy and when we closed up all I had to do was seperate the top drawer from the bottom 2 drawers and put it on the floor between the slide and the bunk end.  When the PUP was open, I had it on the counter top above the frig.  This worked out for us very well.
