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camping weekend

Started by WolfPack, Apr 20, 2008, 07:23 PM

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Well went camping with the kids and the two dogs this weekend, we a soft rain for the evening it was little cold but not bad. well we some little promblems we had to use back up heat in the camper the main heater would work and yes we had a full we were eating supper the one dog was not watching were his tail was and set it on fire well we got that took care of and went back to eating supper after supper we did the dishes and played a board came as we were playing the the other dog set here tail on fire to, both dogs are ok it took a few mints to get the smell out. so when your camping with pets or kids keep an eye on the MR  HEATER it does not take much with a open flame.


Glad you had a good trip and while singed, the dogs are a-okay!
