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Why cg owner's lose it

Started by GeneF, Jul 08, 2008, 07:19 PM

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Stopped by a cg that I have camped at over the years to say hi to the owners that we have been friendly with.

We asked them how things were going and they said they were having a great year and had had only on major problem over July 4.

The owner was making his late night rounds and he stopped at one site to tell the owner that it was past midnight and he would have to put out the fire.

The owner noticed that the guy had about a 30 foot tree across his campfire and was burning it in the middle.  The owner asked the guy where he got the tree.  He said that he had found the tree and dragged it to his site.

The owner wasn't buying it but he waited until daylight.  When he went back to the site, he saw not one but two freshly cut trees and the stumps on the site where they had been cut down.

He confronted the guy about the trees and the guy said "What's the problem, the trees are in a forest."  The owner told him that this was not a forest but his campground and those were his trees.  He then told the guy to pack up his tent and family and leave.

Guys parting remark was that he couldn't see the problem since he was sure the owner would make a bundle off of the two trees.

The owner and his wife are real nice hardworking people who have worked very hard to turn a run down cg into a very nice one.

My hat goes off to this couple and other campground owners who put up with this kind of stuff.


wow what a tool, i agree with the CG owner  AzRon


I would have had him arrested for destruction of private property, in the least. And maybe sent him a bill for the trees.....lets see, seed, water....more water....some time, more water...some more time, more water....$9,000.00/ea
Sounds fair to me....That might get the point wait, maybe not...morons stop thinking at birth. Just my 2 cents...


OMG!! what a ma-roon!! besides cutting down the tree it doesn't sound like he was very safe about the campfire he had going....

shoot if he wants fire..I could give him fire..I'd light his butt up with my fire starter...

Some people are just complete idiots..


Really no different than when you rent a house or apartments. You think you've seen just about everything and inspite of screening tenants about the best you can, the surprises still keep coming.

Some people simply do not understand (or care) about the facilities they are using, be it your property or the public's. And they be the one's who will howl loud and long about how they've been abused when you make a move against them.



Yeppers - some people are born stupid, others have to practice!


S. O. S. stuck on stupid seems to fit this situation.:)