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They stole my @&%ing cooler

Started by skoper, Aug 26, 2008, 11:09 AM

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I Was at Algonac State Park this weekend.

I went to bed around 12:30, woke up @ 4am to "water" a tree, and noticed my cooler was gone.
I was so mad.... There was no going back to sleep.  
I got dressed, and walked the entire campground looking for my cooler.....No Luck.

Anyway I go into town early in the morning to get a new cooler, and some juice, and water for my kids.
After showering I report to the DNR, and they inform me they have my cooler.  They caught the kids stealing my cooler, and another.

It was a group of 16 year olds, that lived in the area.

Anyway heads up if you will be camping there.
I guess this has been happening all summer.  I was talking to a co worker today, and he told me that they stole his cooler, and all his camp chairs 3 weeks ago


Camped at Doheny last month and the group next to us informed us that someone had gone through the campsites next to the beach and took all the coolers out to the beach, and emptied them out.  Left the coolers, but took all the food.  They also stole 6 bikes.  Some people...


Skoper sorry about your cooler.  Glad you got it back.  Did they charge the kids with theft?  What state is the campground in?


Quote from: dkutzCamped at Doheny last month and the group next to us informed us that someone had gone through the campsites next to the beach and took all the coolers out to the beach, and emptied them out.  Left the coolers, but took all the food.  They also stole 6 bikes.  Some people...

That's common at both Doheny and Carlsbad.  It's the local teenagers that live within walking distance of the campgrounds.  Every year a new crop of kids repeats what the previous crop did, or attempts to outdo them, since the 60's.

Every local adult, ranger, and LEO is aware of it...... and probably participated in a similar activity if they grew up in the area.

It's considered an ongoing challenge during the day for local surfers to "borrow" bicycles as they pass through the campgrounds on the way to the beach.  You will normally find the bicycles at the sand.  There are signs posted by the rangers to keep such things secured.



Whatever happened to the good 'ol days when a little harmless fun meant moving Bob's Big Boy in the middle of the night and leaving him at our arch rival high school's campus...
Glad you got your cooler back!


Quote from: dkutzCamped at Doheny last month and the group next to us informed us that someone had gone through the campsites next to the beach and took all the coolers out to the beach, and emptied them out. Left the coolers, but took all the food. They also stole 6 bikes. Some people...
So I guess this would be the one good thing about never being able to snag one of those beachfront sites through ReserveAmerica :rolleyes:
We'll definitely have to keep this in mind when we are at Doheny in November.


Yet another reason to stay up late and swill Cactus Coolers


Quote from: TheVikingYet another reason to stay up late and swill Cactus Coolers



Quote from: Dee4jABSOLUTELY!!! :!

I believe you mean; ABSO-Friggin'-LUTELY :yikes:

Sounds like the perfect chance to set up a nice booby-trap and watch some surf monkeys get fragged. :-()


Wow!  I assume they were trying to steal the coolers for alcohol.  Or maybe they just love juice?  Here in California the Park Rangers will steal the coolers if they aren't in a bear proof locker.


We had our small cooler stolen from right outside our door at Carpinteria SB beachfront row. It was empty and I set it out to dry for a few moments. Within a 1/2 an hour it was gone. We were directly across from the campground host. Funny thing is someone left 2 towels and flip flops at our site. We learned our lesson not to leave anything outside our PUP.

Mary Romeo


oh geez, well that sucks!  I always leave our coolers and food bins outside under the food tent.  
I'm so glad you got your  cooler back though!


Accually, this has been an on going topic here on PUT for years. There was a rash of cooler thiefts being posted the camping season of the first year I had my present PU (2000). Seemed the target was for the beer that just might be stored in the coolers.
