Last Chance to subscribe to PopUp Times before I finalize the list

Started by dno, Sep 16, 2009, 11:30 PM

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The next issue of PUT is now in the hands of the printer, we have perhaps a couple days at most before I have to finalize the mailing list for them, so this is your last chance to get on this mailing. I will have a few extras that I can mail out after that, but when they are gone it will mean waiting for the December Issue.

For those that had to wait a long time, I think Dave's original schedule may have had the magazine going to the printer at the end of August, but with the change and all that was going on, I ended up setting my schedule so it would be done in September. I had a one week delay from my original target date and then another day due to a finicky file upload, so some of you may have waited a little longer than normal, for that I'm sorry. I hope you feel it was worth the wait. We still have at least a couple more weeks before it is in our hands as it still needs to work it's way through the print department and the mailing department.

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