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RE: Free PUT subscription

Started by ShirleyT, Mar 04, 2003, 12:19 PM

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 NightOwlOhhhhhhh!  Everyone is so nice.  I didn t know I was going to be missed all this much.  It gives me a fat head, but it s better to be a little bit fat in the head (sometimes) than for the fat to be elsewhere on one s body.[:D]  What really worries me is the part about " enRICH our lives."   I wouldn t want to get kicked out of here on my first few days back.  
 I have missed being on the board.  Many changes have taken place in my life and I may not be able to get on here as much as I would really like but I am looking forward to being on here as much as possible.


 I m glad you re back!![:D]  I love it when I see a previous member return to the board.  It makes me feel all that much better that I decided to stay here.
 Its starting to look like I didn t loose as many friends as I thought I was going to when PUT s went to a pay site.
 I m thrilled and fired up that your back!!!![:D][:D]


 HorscamprI just hope I can get caught up reading and that I can spend a little more time with friends here on the board.  I do really appreciate the welcome back.
 At this time, I am looking into getting a later model popup, hybrid or Trailmanor.  It seems the old bones just don t like all work it takes with an old popup.   A hybrid or Trailmanor may be right for me.


 B-flatNow I understand, Some of the old members are new members. Welcome Home!