RE: OT : American troops are moving towards the IRAQ border in Turkey

Started by birol, Mar 06, 2003, 12:06 PM

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 Fresh News from Turkey : Remember those troops and vehicles which were in a port in Turkey, they are now being allowed to move towards the Iraqi border. A convoy of 1 miles of vehicles are reported to be moving.
 I hope that the good guys will not loose anybody in this war.


 birolObviously as part of an agreement to improve the bases and the ports in Turkey, USA has permission to set up additional bases to provide logistics support, and is allowed to transport all the military material (except tanks , artillary kind weapons) into Iraq thru Turkish soil.
 Same newspaper also states that there are specially modified tractor trailers waiting to also transport the artillery and tanks. (So much for consistency)
 Your personal CNN reporter from Turkey [:)]


 birolI spent some quality time at Incirlik Airbase (out plane broke down, then a special air mission ,the the pilot got food poisoning and that was the better part of my honeymoon).
 The people in the City of Adana were great, so were the prices. They did not speak English, nor we turkish, but the international lanuage of the calculator prevailed. Found out was real chai is and saw little kids working hard in the shops and on the streets selling bagle looking things.
 Yes, I hope the good guys win and the good people of Turkey also win economically. That is a poor area, or was back in 1987.


 SheBantamEastern part is still poor ...... One day one of the governments will learn that the country is really big and pay attention to all of it [>:]
 Last report (I do not see this info anywhere) : 29 Tractor Trailers full of military vehicles transported close to border, 25 soldiers and some classified stuff .....
 I think we are getting really close to war.


 birol[:D] shhhhh, birol, be vewwwy vewwwy quiet...{insert pic of elmer fudd here}...maybe we can sneak up on `em and bwast `em! [:D]


 birolBirol, Just curious where you are finding this information.  I have checked all the news services and nobody seems to be reporting it.


 birolUh oh, Trouble brewing [8D]
 If I told you I would have to kill you [;)]
 I am of Turkish origin, and Turkish newspapers are quick with pictures and stories of what is happening. Since I did not see these reported anywhere, I thought I would do so myself here in the board, as we have some families who have sons/duaghters in the force.
 I do some transslating of course, the news are all in Turkish.
 Pheww, saved your life eh :)
 P.S. Another Convoy of 3 miles of Turkish troops and military vehicles has arrived at the border. 300 tractor trailers full with military vehicles, 200 military trucks, and jeeps etc. All were from an armored vehicle base in Turkey and were waiting there for some time.


 birolThanks for the clearing that up for me.  I was beginning to think you had pyshic (or myabe pyshco) powers.  Please keep us informed.  You are certainly getting more information than we are.


 birolFresh news, they keep moving the equipment out from the port on a daily basis, and not on Tractor trailers anymore, driven by the American soldiers themselves at early hours of morning. The port is full with all the material and they can t unload anything anymore, so they are moving them out as much and as fast as they can.
 I think the decision by the parliament is sort of being ignored, maybe they won t have all the freedom they want, but , they are transferring what they need. I hope they get all the cooperation the need/should get, as without it , I see Turkey being harmed in long turn.
 P.S. Read some more on it, Tomorrows news for us, it is tomorow there already. One newspaper says, " there is no permission, but the equipment USA brought in doesn t fit into the ports we have" . And this , with the constant emptying of the equipment on a daily basis, Via being loaded on trains and being driven off. Don t ask me how I feel about that, I am Canadian [&:]



 birolTurkey is going to discuss the subject of allowing USA to use Turkey as a second front into IRAQ this coming Wednesday in the parliament.
 Personally, if it doesn t go thru this time, I will give away my tent ! Not really, but it will go thru .........
 The ports are busting with more equipment, 30 more ships waiting their turns to unload their stuff .....