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RE: Stabilizer jacks

Started by Tim5055, Jun 18, 2003, 08:05 PM

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 Was wondering if anyone puts anything underneath the stabilizer jacks when setting up their camper. Was considerind pieces of 1"  X 6"  under the stabilizer jacks.....but is it really necessary.  With all the rain we have had lately just thought it would be a little more solid with something under them.
    Just purchased a pop up and taking it out for the first time this weekend.


 vjm1639The only time I don t put something under them is when I am set up on a concrete pad.  I normally use individual Lynx Levelers under each one but have used woood in the past.


 vjm1639With water logged ground, I would stick a 1X6 under all of the stablizer jacks.  The more area you can spread out the weight the better.  At times I have stuck a couple of 2X6 under a jack depending on how unlevel the ground is.  I figure the shorter the distance that the jack is, the more stable the support will be, all within reason of course.  Happy camping this weekend!


 vjm1639We don t usually put anything under the stabilizer jacks unless the ground is really soft.  


 vjm1639Yes we use 1 foot square piece of ply wood, had the kids paint them to match the camper....


 vjm1639The only time we use anything is when the ground is soft, on sand, or need to build up so the stabilizer will reach, but then I use the 4 stabilizers plus two jack stands on the A frame. Don t want my wife getting motion sick when we ... well I don t want my wife getting motion sick.


 vjm1639Do you have sand pads installed? If not, you ll need to use some kind of base unless you re camped on a prepared surface.
 I have the pads, and until I lifted the camper that s all I ever used.  Now I need stacked 2X6 s just to reach the ground...[&:][&:][&:]


 vjm1639I usually stick a Lynx Leveler under each one (unless they re on concrete, asphalt, etc.). Just in case the ground is soft. My stabilizers do have the sand pads, but I stick one underneath anyway.


 vjm1639nope...we don t have the sand pads and really were more concerned because it s so WET!!  No lynx leverlers either as we re picking up the BAL today.  So..  wood it will be for now.   I can just see the camper slowing sinking into the mud.  [&:]  YUK..  isn t the sky about out of rain????  Everytime they predict a decent weekend, they change the forcast at the last minute to...RAIN!