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RE: Michigan Conformations

Started by jpreiser, Jul 18, 2003, 11:10 PM

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 I just got my conformations for one night July 27th at Hartwick Pines State Park and 28th,29th and 30th at Tahquamenon Falls State Park in the UP of Michigan. We are coming back through Wisconsin. We do not have any reservations in Wisconsin because we do not know exactly where we are going. My wife wants to go to Herrschners in Stevens Point. We are taking two greatgrandsons with us. Does anyone know the bicycle helmet laws in Michigan and Wisconsin? Do you have to wear them or not?


 gr8grandpaDont know if it s a law but more likely just common sense........Better to wear a helmet and be safe then not to and be sorry,.....

Starcraft Dad

 gr8grandpaI do know that some of the state parks require helmets.  Not sure about all of them but being a state park, my guess they would have them.  BUT, when we were at Taquamanon Falls last year we did see some kids riding without them.
 I just did a search and Michigan has no helmet laws.  A few cities and Kensington Metro Park has the helmet law.  Kensington Metro Park put the law on after a man was killed two years ago from a fall on his bike.
 Just to be safe though, always have the kids wear them.  My two sons never ride without a helmet and they have come in handy more than once.  My youngest fell and hit his head (with a helmet on) hard enough that it cracked his helmet.  Without it, he may not be here today.


 gr8grandpaWhen I was 18, One day I was biking really fast, no helmet. I was looking at two beautiful girls in a balcony, they wave at me, I wave back, I am not looking in front of me. I try to slow down, use the front brakes. Big mistake ! I had just oiled the tube the brake steel thingie goes thru, it used to barely slow down the bike, habit I guess. The well kaintained brakes lock the front wheel. here I am waving at the girls, front wheel locked. When I looked front, I was in the air, flying towards the curb like a missile (Did I say I was riding real fast). I started to descend (I am not kidding I climbed in the air for a while or felt like it) I saw myself descending towards the curb. My head landed (well no landing gears) only a feet or so away from the curb. Full body impact, knees elbows, hands, wrists all gone, but I thanked God that my head didn t hit the curb. As I saw myself getting/falling closer and closer to the curb, I kept saying, I am going to die ......
 Well I did not die. But Got badly bruised and a very hurt ego as those girls were laughing at me [:@]
 People rushed  from a nearby Cafe, asked me if I was ok, offered to call an ambulance etc. As I was only 30 seconds away from home, I hopped back on my bike and rode home with my head hanging low.
 Shortly after that, I joined the univercitie s bike team and never rode without a protective helmet ever again.
 So, please make them wear helmets, pleease ? Always ?


 gr8grandpaThanks for the replys.


 gr8grandpaFWIW I and my DW and children ALWAYS ride with helmets. We have a girl at church that had been in a coma for almost 20 years(came out about 7 years ago) she was riding her bike in the neighborhood, came home, kind of missed the edge of the driveway and fell against the curb. At the time she was about 14 years old. She will never fully recover. My children also were/are required to were helemets while rollerblading too. My daughter lost use of both bike and rollerblades for 10 days because I caught her riding with out a helmet.
 I have been riding for over 35 years, didn t start wearing a helmet until about 25 years ago but won t ride without one now.


 gr8grandpaIf I take kids camping with me they always wear helmets.  I wear one too.  I worked in a hospital years ago and they had a head trauma unit.  I saw some sad cases.


QuoteORIGINAL:  tlhdoc
 If I take kids camping with me they always wear helmets.  I wear one too.  I worked in a hospital years ago and they had a head trauma unit.  I saw some sad cases.