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Porta Potti

Started by tsnk4040, Mar 16, 2007, 09:28 PM

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Does everyone have a porta potti in their PU? If so, are they easy and do they give off any odors in the PU?


Quote from: tsnk4040Does everyone have a porta potti in their PU? If so, are they easy and do they give off any odors in the PU?

we have one in our bayside that stores under the bench next to one of the bunks.  to use it, you fill a fresh water tank and pour some water and deodorizer in the holding tank.  after use, pump the fresh water a few times to rinse and dump waste into holding tank.  takes about 5 secs after use to rinse and dump.  On the model I have, the holding tank separates from the rest of the unit for easy dumping.  we have never had a problem with odor, but we only use the porta potty for number 1 only.  We did have a toilet in a travel trailer that occaisionally got more that number 1 and we never had a problem there with odor.  the key is using a good deodorizer and following the directions.  Also, thorough cleaning after each trip.  if you camp with ladies, its a great addition or even a necessity depending on the lady (it was mandatory for my wife).  ours is also small enough and light enough that we can empty it every day because of use, not because of smell.



Hi, yes we do keep a small potti inside.  The girls are more comfortable late with it than walking to a restroom.  We only use it for #1.  Be sure to keep some deodorizer in it and take it out of the PU as soon as you get home.


Not everyone has a porta potty in their camper.  I wouldn't want to camp without a toilet in my camper.  No more going out in the middle of the night, in the rain or snow (like last night).  They are easy to use and to dump.  There are several different sizes.  If you are going to put it in a cupboard make sure it will fit.  Taller units are more comfortable for adults.  I have a built in toilet called a cassette potty.  :)


We have a portable one we keep under the couch . We set it up outside in a "privy tent" we got at Walmart for 40 bucks. It beats walking down to the restrooms at 2am. Before we got the privy tent, we used it in the camper for "emergencies only" as there was ever so slightly a lingering odor. The privy tent is 3' by 3' and about 6'tall and takes 2 minutes to set up. I even drew a crecent moon on the doorflap!LOL


Quote from: tsnk4040Does everyone have a porta potti in their PU? If so, are they easy and do they give off any odors in the PU?

We used to camp with my parents, who had a small motorhome. When my wife became pregnant, our parents bought us a porta potti for the pop-up. It was one of the greatests gifts my wife had ever received to that point. Several years and two sons later, we wouldn't camp without it. Like most others, we usually only use it for #1, but have gone a full 3-day weekend without needing to empty. Doesn't take up much space, and if maintained properly, is very easy to manage/maintain with no odor. If your camper doesn't have a built-in one, I highly recommend them, unless you ONLY camp with adult males (and what fun would that be?)


We have the Cassette, but it's basicaly a glorified Porta Potti.
We use it for everything! :yikes:  No number 1 only rules in my pot!
The only stink we get is from DH (we all know my poop don't stink ;)  )
but that goes away fast.

Emptying is the same regardless of what it's used for. I figure we did not spend the extra $$$ for it to be used for emergency only.  Thats like using your $$ fridge for first aid ice and no makes no sense to me.

I'd never get another camper without one.


Quote from: ForestCreatureWe use it for everything! :yikes: No number 1 only rules in my pot!
I figure we did not spend the extra $$$ for it to be used for emergency only. Thats like using your $$ fridge for first aid ice and no makes no sense to me.
I'd never get another camper without one.
I agree!:)


Quote from: tlhdocI agree!:)

  When done using porta potti is there any problems with clean out? Do you need to rinse down like big rigs and perm. pottti's? Where do you dump? In nearest toilet or dump station?
  Need to know as we have our 4 year old just starting to go #2 :book:  on potti in house. So we will be using our porti potty this season! :p


You can dump at a dump station or into a regular toilet.  The dump station is easier, because there is water to rinse the tank out.  Today I dumped my toilet into the sewer hookup at my campsite.  Then I put some fresh water into it to rinse it and dumped it again.  That is all there is too it.  I use the blue toilet chemical in the tank to break down the waste/paper and keep the odors away.:)


Cleanup is fairly easy. They have a built in flush system.
To help avoid any messy skid marks we cross 2 short lengths of TP in the bowl, when the trap opens it all slides down neat and tidy.

Like Tracy, we sometimes dump at home and the dump stations.


We had one. No odors. Get one. Great for midnight trips.



Thanks for all the great advise. Purchased the Thetford model 135 today.

Thanks Again!


Ditto what they said...we have the same "privy tent" from walmart for our porta potti...It's a godsend with 4 young kids, especially at night!  No more 2am wake ups to walk them to the bathroom.....and the privy tent doubles as a outside shower or changing room if needed...
Quote from: wernstriumphWe have a portable one we keep under the couch . We set it up outside in a "privy tent" we got at Walmart for 40 bucks. It beats walking down to the restrooms at 2am. Before we got the privy tent, we used it in the camper for "emergencies only" as there was ever so slightly a lingering odor. The privy tent is 3' by 3' and about 6'tall and takes 2 minutes to set up. I even drew a crecent moon on the doorflap!LOL


Great info!  Just bought the Thetford 155S, so now I better swing by Walmart and pick up the portable outhouse!